  • 火车载着许多旅客。
    The train carries many passengers.
  • 本故事记述的那位旅客已踩在邮车踏板上,正要上车,另外两位乘客也已紧随在后,准备跟进去。
    The passenger booked by this history, was on the coach-step: getting in; the two other passengers were close behind him, and about to follow.
  • 乘客望着太阳说。
    said the passenger, looking at the sun.
  • (橄球的)传球队员在传完球之后应继续随手势完成随球动作。
    A football passer should follow through after he throws the ball.
  • 他开始跑开,并撞一位过路人。
    He started to run away and barged into a passer - by.
  • 马路上聚集混乱的过路人
    Street gangs hassling passersby.
  • 电流沿着导线输送。
    The electric current passes along the wire.
  • 她注视来往的车辆。
    She watched the passing cars.
  • 她站注视过路的行人。
    She stood watching people passing by.
  • 横放,横的延伸、放置或通过…的;横向的
    Extending, lying, or passing across; transverse.
  • 我带同样的激情渴求知识。
    With equal passion I have sought knowledge.
  • 他热烈地爱着她.
    He loved her passionately.
  • 母亲深情地紧紧抱婴儿。
    The mother clasped her baby passionately.
  • 我想要个妻,她对我的性生活需要心有灵犀,情意绵绵,热情似火,随我的心情,保证我满意。
    I want a wife who is sensitive to my sexual needs, a wife who makes love passionately and eagerly when I feel like it, a wife who makes sure that I am satisfied.
  • 一种正在执行中的程序,是一种活的实体,能引起事件的发生;而程序是被动的,处于静止状态。
    A program in execution, a process is an active entity, which can cause things to occur, as opposed to a program, which is a passive entity.
  • 讲师们不能像《圣经》故事里跳舞的萨洛米,把知识拱手传授给像希律一样,只是被动的坐在那里等的学生。
    Education, after all, is not lecturers dancing away like Salome to deliver knowledge on a platter while students wait passively like Herod to receive.
  • 不要都围我,我要挨个儿看你们的护照。
    Don’t all crowd in on me; I will see your passports one by one.
  • 他经营一个面食餐馆联号。
    He runs a chain of pasta restaurant.
  • 饺子一种环状馅饼,通常以肉或奶油作馅,通常用来作汤或和调料吃
    Small ring-shaped pasta stuffed usually with meat or cheese and served in soup or with a sauce.
  • 我知道他们每个人也都为我做了礼物:仔细剪裁、色,或已粘集成串的书签;
    And I knew they had each made something for me: bookmarks carefully cut, colored, and sometimes pasted together;
  • 在西藏的城镇和农牧区,大多数藏族群众都依然保持藏族服饰、饮食、住房的传统风格。
    In the cities, towns and agricultural and pastoral areas in Tibet, most Tibetans still retain their traditional clothing, diet and housing.
  • 阿卡迪亚古希腊的一区域,位于伯罗奔尼撒,其居民与其它著名文明世界相对隔绝,以过简朴和田园式的生活著称
    A region of ancient Greece in the Peloponnesus. Its inhabitants, relatively isolated from the rest of the known civilized world, proverbially lived a simple, pastoral life.
  • 雪花轻轻拍打窗户。
    Snowflakes were patting against the window.
  • 他说他摸得乔治的痛处,懂得如何对他施加压力。
    He said he knew where he could pat on the screws.
  • 她的裤子打补丁,她为此感到羞愧。
    Her trousers were patched up, and she was ashamed of them.
  • 残留冰雪的田地;身上有黑白斑点的牛。
    a field patched with ice and snow; a black-and-white spotted cow.
  • 名的颅相学家佩特师傅.
    Professor Pate, the famous phrenologist.
  • 沿这条路走, 否则你会迷路的。
    Keep to the path or you may lose your way.
  • 一条小径沿山谷蜿而上骀。
    A path wound up the valley.
  • 一个男人如果不能和女人维持正常的关系,如果过一种邪曲的道德生活,象王尔德(oscar wilde)那样,而依然在喊道:“男人不能和女人共同生活,也不能离女人而生活!”
    There is a certain pathos in a man who has not arrived at a proper relationship with woman and who has led a warped moral life, like Oscar Wilde, who still exclaims, "Man cannot live with a woman, nor can he live without her!
  • 他看不见他的那些狗了――它们正沿隐蔽的灌木丛中的几条小路跑散,但他能听到它们急促喘气的声音。
    He could not see his dogs;they were running along the small hidden paths of the bush, but he could hear the quick sound of their breathing.
  • 很久以前人们就注意到这些天体在空中按一定的轨道运转,一种叫引力的力使它们保持在它们的轨道上。
    People noticed long ago that these travelling bodies moved around in the sky in definite paths. It is a force called gravity that holds them in their paths.