| - 电话公司也对部署具有七号信令功能的接入交换机感兴趣,以提供新的服务和把因特网拨号通话从话音网络中解脱出来。
Telephone companies are interested in deploying SS7-capable access switches to offer new services and to off-load the Internet dial-up calls from the voice network. - 根据交易所每日公布的结算价格,张三每天的损益点数就如附表第4栏所示,每天的损益金额则列于第5栏。
This daily computation of profits and losses will be carried out until the position is squared off by an offsetting trade. In the table, Mr Tan's daily gains (or losses) are shown in Columns (4) and (5). - 根据交易所每日公布的结算价格,张三每天的损益点数就如附表第4栏所示,每天的损益金额则列于第5栏。
Then, his daily gain (or loss) will be determined by the settlement price at the end of each day. This daily computation of profits and losses will be carried out until the position is squared off by an offsetting trade. In the table, Mr Tan's daily gains (or losses) are shown in Columns (4) and (5). - 一家较大公司的分支
an offshoot of a larger company - 我听说贵公司准备就开发渤海石油进行投诉。
I heard that your company is prepared to call for a bid for offshore oil exploration in the Bohai Sea. - 他向办公室里所有有魅力的女孩暗送秋波。
He ogled at all the attractive girls in the office. - 他们所痛恨的恶魔是各类独裁者,包括一些专制的政党、大公司的总裁、执法官员和政客。
Their ogres are totalitari-ans of every stripe, including communists, presidents of major corporations, law officers, and politicians. - 请您航寄半码剪样给本公司总部,好吗?
Will you please send by air a half yard sample cut to my ohm office? - 请您航寄半码剪样给本公司总部,好吗?
Will you please send by air a half-yard sample cut to my ohm office? - 有效支援了当地经济发展,新疆克拉玛依、吐哈、塔里木等各大油田和泽普、独山子、乌鲁木齐、克拉玛依等各大石化企业,都充分发挥人才、资金、技术优势,扶持地方企业,投资搞建设,贯穿塔克拉玛干大沙漠南北的沙漠石油公路,就是由塔里木油田投资7.85亿元建设的。
Local economic development has been effectively supported. The large oilfields in Xinjiang, such as Karamay, Tuha and Tarim, and major petrochemical enterprises in Zepu, Dushanzi, Urumqi and Karamay, fully using their human resources and financial and technological advantages, have aided local enterprises and invested in local construction. The Desert Petroleum Highway, which runs from north to south across the Taklimakan Desert, was built with an investment of 785 million yuan from the Tarim Oilfield. - 我非常喜欢这次野餐,唯一扫兴的事是那位对我们大声叫嚷的粗鲁的公共汽车司机。
I enjoyed the picnic very much. The only fly in the ointment was the rude bus-driver who shouted at us. - 老干部现在大体上都是六十岁左右的人了,六十岁出头的恐怕还占多数,精力毕竟不够了,不然为什么有些同志在家里办公呢?
Most of them are around 60 years old now, or even older.Their energy is, after all, running out.Otherwise, why do some work at home? - 古代希腊在奥林匹亚山举行的纪念宙斯的庆祝;在公元前472年每四年举行一次。
the ancient Panhellenic celebration at Olympia in honor of Zeus; held every 4 years beginning in 472 BC. - ??公元前776年,第一届奥运会在古希腊举行。奥运会每四年在奥林匹亚山举行一次,用来纪念宙斯。
The first Olympic games were held in Ancient Greece in 776 B.C. The Olympics were held every 4 years at Olympia, in honor of the god Zeus. - 成立"数字奥运"工作办公室,与奥组委技术部紧密配合,推进"数字奥运"各项工程建设。
“Digital Olympics” Office will be established so as to work closely with the technology projects for “Digital Olympics”. - 是哪只晦气的公猫?”
Who’s that old bird of ill omen? - 申诉专员公署是依据《申诉专员条例》运作的独立法定机构。
The Ombudsman is an independent statutory authority operating in accordance with The Ombudsman Ordinance. - 申诉专员公署在一九八九年成立,是依据《申诉专员条例》运作的独立法定机构。
The Office of The Ombudsman is an independent statutory authority, set up in 1989, operating in accordance with The Ombudsman Ordinance. - 《申诉专员条例》也赋予申诉专员权力,对政府部门(包括香港警务处和廉政公署)违反《公开资料守则》的投诉展开调查。
The Ombudsman Ordinance also empowers The Ombudsman to investigate complaints of non-compliance with the Code on Access to Information against government departments, including the Hong Kong Police Force and the Independent Commission Against Corruption. - 基于类似理由,廉政公署亦不受专员管辖。
For similar reasons, the Independent Commission Against Corruption does not come within The Ombudsman's purview. - 如果政府部门未能按照守则的规定回应索取资料的要求,市民可向申诉专员公署投诉。
The public may complain to the Ombudsman about government departments which fail to respond to requests for information in accordance with the code. - 二零零一年十一月二十八日,当局制定《申诉专员(修订)条例》,以提高公署的运作效率,并巩固公众对该署独立地位的信心。
On November 28, The Ombudsman (Amendment) Ordinance was enacted to enhance the operational efficiency of the Office and to reinforce public confidence in its independence. - 官方的伊拉克机构对促进核查活动的做法进行批评,充满恶意地公开宣称,用他们的话说就是"任何要接受采访的人都不能离开伊拉克"。
The official Iraqi organization charged with facilitating inspections announced, announced publicly and announced ominously that, quote, ``Nobody is ready to leave Iraq to be interviewed. '' - 成立公署的目的是为市民提供申诉途径。假如市民对政府部门或公营机构的行政决定、行为、建议或不作为感到不满,便可由公署进行调查并作出报告。
It provides an avenue for reports and investigation of grievances arising from administrative decisions, acts, recommendations or omissions. - 事实一旦公开, 他就要受到惩罚。
If the facts once become known, he will be punished. - 收费高速公路上交通繁忙;中断迎面而来的车流让孩子们过街
Heavy traffic on the turnpike; stopped oncoming traffic to let the children cross. - 如果大汽车仍和小轿车一起并用,我们必须建筑两套公路,一套供快速大汽车使用,另一套供慢速小汽车使用。
If big cars are still used along with the small ones, we must build two sets of roads, one for the big, fast cars and the other for the small, slower ones. - 课程教材可从calcompus公司的在线库中下载或通过电子邮件接收。
Course materials can be downloaded from CalCampus' online library or received in e-mail. - 我的办公室面对着公园。
Our office looks onto the park. - 图书馆后面靠公园。
The library backs onto the park. - 渡江后除歼灭当面之敌外,应以一个兵团以最快速度迅速挺进至浙赣线衢州及其以西以北地区,确实控制浙赣铁路一段及屯溪南北公路,断敌退路。
Besides wiping out any enemy troops it might confront, one army is to press onward as swiftly as possible to Quzhou and areas to its north and west and bring a section of the Zhejiang-Jiangxi Railway and the highways south and north of Tunxi under complete control, in order to cut off the enemy's retreat. - 乔伯斯被apple公司慢耗损的螺线所吸引,他甚至为这家他帮助创立的电脑公付出了较大的努力。
Jobs arrested Apple's slow death spiral and even put some oomph back into the pioneering computer firm he helped found.