  • 卑尔根市中心有一个大园。整个园几乎被一个八角湖所覆盖,它周围聚集了市内主要的博物馆。
    There is a large park in the centre of Bergen which is taken up almost completely by an octagonal lake, around which, lie some of the principal museums in the city.
  • 随着香港多个主要共交通机构联合发行八达通聪明卡,轻铁于一九九七年九月实施新的收费计算方法。
    A new fare structure was introduced in September 1997 following the launch of the smart card Octopus by major public transport companies.
  • 一九九七年九月,多个主要共交通机构联合推出一个无须接触机器的储值车票系统──"八达通",利用聪明卡技术,令乘客缴付费用时更感方便。
    In September 1997, the major public transport operators launched a contact less card system, the Octopus, which uses smart card technology for fare payment.
  • 我们司由组织开发部,研究开发部及技术援助部三大部门所组成。
    Our company consists of three major organizations: they are OD, R&D and T&A.
  • 在条件差的地区工作,司多给酬金。
    The firm pays over the odds for working in unpopular areas.
  • 斯通曼·道格拉斯在诗句中赞美大沼泽地是"青草的河流",引起了人们对这个园的广泛关注。1947年,这里被正式辟为国家级保护区。
    Stoneman Douglas's poetic ode to the Everglades coined the term"river of grass"and helped to bring widespread attention to the park,which was dedicated as a national preserve in 1947.
  • 因为该报道的内容,所以众对政府的印象不佳。
    The government is in bad odour with the public because of the contents of the report.
  • 警察共关系科又制作一份双周刊《警声》,并密切注意传媒对警方及犯罪活动的报道。
    They also produce a fortnightly newspaper, OffBeat, monitor media coverage of police and criminal activities;
  • 被剥夺民权及财产在古代习惯法中,对重罪的宣判下来时犯罪者所陷入的状况
    In the ancient common law, the state into which an offender was placed when a sentence against him for a capital offense was handed down.
  • 第四十条 水土保持监督人员玩忽职守、滥用职权给共财产、国家和人民利益造成损失的,由其所在单位或者上级主管机关给予行政处分;
    Article 40 In case a person in charge of supervision over water and soil conservation derelicts his or her duty or abuses his or her power and thus brings losses to the public property or the interests of the state and the people, administrative sanctions shall be enforced by the unit to which the offender belongs or by the competent department at a higher level;
  • 他们让我们成为他们小汽车的独家代理;作为报答,我们使他们成为我们共汽车的独家代理。
    They offered us an exclusive agency for their car and we reciprocate with an offer of the agency for our buses.
  • 差不多就像银行和保险司向最好的客户提供特价一样,各个大学也向最优秀的学生提供最大优惠,就连立的四年制大学也开始提供学费打折。
    Much as banks and insurers offer special rates to their best customers, schools are giving the biggest breaks to their top students. Public four-year colleges, too, are offering discounts.
  • *回报承诺:基金推广司若承诺令人难以置信的诱人回报,它可能是做了个无法兑现的承诺。
    Offers - Any fund promoter that offers a deal to buy into their fund that promises returns that seem too good to be true is probably offering just that, i.e. returns that are too good to be true.
  • 你们的办公室在哪?
    Where is your office?
  • 她在办公室工作。
    She works in an office.
  • 我是通过办室的小道消息才听说你找到了新工作。
    I heard about your new job on / through the office grapevine.
  • 办公家具;办公楼
    Office furniture; office buildings.
  • 长江流域规划办公室
    Yangtze Valley Planning Office
  • 时间不要打电话。
    Do not telephone during office space or office hour.
  • 申请者挤满了办室。
    Applicants flooded the office.
  • 忽视了办室的工作规定
    Bypassed standard office procedures.
  • 到我办公室里来。
    Come into my office.
  • 这个办室已装上了窃听器.
    This office is bugged.
  • 咱们给他办室打个电话。
    Let's call his office.
  • 无党派人士,独立人士独立的人士,特指不属于任何一政治党派的选民、职人员或政治候选人
    One that is independent, especially a voter, an officeholder, or a political candidate who is not committed to a political party.
  • 她今天早晨收到了几封函。
    She received several official letters this morning.
  • 大众媒体要求布有关出售这块土地的全部正式文件。
    The mass media demanded that all the official documents concerning the sale of this land be made public.
  • 宣告,告正式地或通过官方使…为人所知
    To make known formally or officially.
  • 一种图章(尤其是用于标记共文档)。
    a seal (especially one used to mark documents officially).
  • 外国司已被中国官方明令禁止拥有中国的电信司。
    Foreigners have been officially prohibited from owning Chinese telecommunications companies.
  • 我们厌恶那些把我们支来支去的务员。
    We are tired of be push around by officious civil servant.
  • 我们厌恶那些把我们支来支去的务员。
    We is tired of is push around by officious civil servant.