  • 而将这些形式接在一起的是蓝调音乐的这一根基,以及依靠的是整个乐队成员的交互演奏和不可预知的即兴演奏。
    What tied it all together was a foundation in the blues, a reliance on group interplay and unpredictable improvisation.
  • 胸饰女衣裙上身胸围的一种装饰
    A trimming on the front of a bodice.
  • 女子穿的上下在一起的衣服;包括裙子和胸衣。
    a one-piece garment for a woman; has skirt and bodice.
  • 衫裤童装一种儿童穿的外套,直统裤腿的长裤和围裙似的上装在一起
    A child's garment consisting of straight-legged pants attached to a biblike bodice.
  • 车箱接处有开水炉。
    There's a boiler between each carriage.
  • 由蒸汽产生的汽笛声;通常着蒸汽锅炉。
    a whistle in which the sound is produced by steam; usually attached to a steam boiler.
  • 为活跃沿边地区的经济,富裕边民,促进与周边国家的经贸合作,1992年国家决定进一步开放内蒙古自治区的满洲里、二浩特,吉林省的珲春,新疆维吾尔自治区的伊宁、博乐、塔城,广西壮族自治区的凭祥、东兴等少数民族较为集中的内陆边境城市。
    To enliven economy in frontier areas, bring prosperity to frontier residents and promote economic and trade cooperation with adjacent countries, the state decided, in 1992, further to open a number of inland border cities with large minority populations, including Manzhouli and Erlianhot of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Hunchun of Jilin Province, Yining, Bole and Tacheng of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and Pingxiang and Dongxing of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.
  • 新闻发布会上那位发言人遭到了珠炮般的发问。
    The spokesman was bombarded with questions on the press conference.
  • 任何结或统一的结。
    any connection or unifying bond.
  • 结物结的东西;纽带
    Something that unites; a bond.
  • 联结物,纽带接的绳索或纽带
    A unifying or connecting tie or bond.
  • 结用绳子或象用绳子一样结起来
    To cohere with or as if with a bond.
  • 原子序,原子构造限定在如链条上的结环的空间构型里的一组原子
    A group of atoms bonded in a spatial configuration like links in a chain.
  • 股骨连着髋骨.
    The thigh bone is connected to the hip bone.
  • 队来说,学硬骨头六是对的,因为硬骨头六的作风不只是一个队的作风,所有的队以至各级干部都应该像他们那样勤学苦练,有他们那种政治思想。
    As for the companies, it is correct for them to learn from the Hard-Boned Sixth Company, because its style of work should not be confined to a single company. All other companies and even cadres at all levels should study and train as diligently as the Hard-Boned Sixth and be imbued with the same kind of political ideology.
  • 但是,单单学习硬骨头六还不够,还要努力学习现代化战争知识和其他许多必要的政治文化科技知识。
    But it is not enough for the troops to learn from the Hard-Boned Sixth. They must also assiduously study modern warfare and acquire a lot of other necessary knowledge, political, cultural, scientific and technical.
  • 关节两骨间固定的或可动的
    A fixed or movable joint between bones.
  • 甚至你们点燃篝火邻居都会抱怨的话,事情是有些麻烦了。
    Things have come to a pretty pass it you can't even light a bonfire without all the neighbours complaining.
  • 为鼓励更多青年团体和个别人士签署《青年约章》,委员会继续推行一串宣传计划,包括播放电视宣传短片、设立互联网网站和印制新设计的《青年约章》小册子。
    To encourage more youth organisations and individuals to subscribe to the charter, the commission continued to promote the charter through a series of publicity programmes including a television Announcement in the Public Interest, a home page on the Internet and a new booklet.
  • 仅当由逻辑运算符接的两个变量均为真时才给出真值的布尔运算符。
    The Boolean operator that gives a truth table value of true only when both of the variables connected by the logical operator are true.
  • 起重机一种用在活动架上的缆绳举起和移动重物的机器
    A machine for hoisting and moving heavy objects by means of cables attached to a movable boom.
  • 尖而响的声音隆隆作响且接不断的声音
    A booming, insistent voice.
  • 反映社会进步的一面是计算机的拥有者和互联网的接在飞速的发展。
    The upside is that computer ownership and Internet connectivity are booming.
  • 供应商与购买方之间的内扩网接通过改进供应链管理大大促进了电子商务的发展。
    Extranet links between suppliers and buyers can give electronic commerce a big boost by improving supply-chain management.
  • imdb支持交易处理,是设计在公司业务的同一层次中存储数据,来提升性能,也能起到磁盘上数据库的前端高速缓存的作用,它能够与任何可通过oledb或activex数据对象接的数据库进行交互或者从它们中存储数据。
    IMDB supports transactions, and is designed to store data on the same tier as a company's business logic, boosting performance, and can also serve as a front-end cache for on-disk databases.It can interact with, and store data from, any database that can be connected to via OLE DB or ActiveX Data Objects.
  • 接壤位于附近或直接相
    To lie close to or border directly on.
  • (河、池等的)边沿与水体毗的陆地的边缘
    The margin of land bordering a body of water.
  • 江苏中国东部省,毗着黄河。人口稠密,工业发达,在18世纪它成为一个独立的省份。南京是它的首府。人口62,130,000
    A province of eastern China bordering on the Yellow Sea. Densely populated and highly industrialized, it became a separate province in the18th century. Nanjing is the capital. Population,62, 130, 000.
  • 续几个小时大谈他的新房子,使我们大家都厌烦透了。
    He bored us all by talking for hours about his new house.
  • 宇航员会感到无聊和寂寞,有的宇航员可能不得不在飞船上一坐上几个月,而几乎没有什么可做,也无人可交换。
    Astronauts could be affected by boredom and Comeliness . Some of them might have to sit their spaceships for months with little to do and no one to talk to.
  • 他喜欢他的意大利听众,他们也和他心心。
    His Italian listeners were taken to his bosom, and their hearts beat with his.
  • 什么!他想要我替他斟酒?我不相信他在公司宴会上都要把我差来遣去。
    What? He expects me to serve him wine? I can not believe he 's bossing me around even at the company party.