  • 其中声名卓著者,略举数例,便有升阳微系统的创始人之一文诺·斯拉、雅虎的创始人杨致远,以及新加坡的沈望傅。
    Prominent among them are Indians and Chinese, and not a few Singaporeans. They include such illustrious names as Vinod Khosla who co-founded Sun Microsystems, Jerry Yang of Yahoo fame and Singaporean Sim Wong Hoo, to name a few.
  • 听他那没完没了的连篇空话对我的耐心真是一大验。
    Listening to his continuous stream of empty chatter really tested my patience.
  • 唠叨,喋喋不休缺少虑地或冗长地说话
    To chatter thoughtlessly or at length.
  • 一次试完毕后,许多学生在场交头接耳,大声喧哗。
    After an examination, many students were chatting away merrily and turning the examination hall into a market.
  • 他考试从不作弊。
    He never cheats to pass examination.
  • 我宁愿不及格,也不愿意试作弊。
    I would rather fail than cheat in the examination.
  • 我经过仔细虑,认为他是个说谎的家伙,又是个骗子。
    It's my considered opinion that he is a liar and a cheat.
  • 他不敢考试作弊。
    He dare not cheat on the test.
  • 试作弊是不道德的。
    It's immoral to cheat in a test.
  • 试时从来没作过弊吧?
    You never cheat during examinations , do you?
  • 那男孩经常试时作弊
    The boy has made a practice of cheat at examination
  • 不,我不应该在试中作弊。
    No, I oughtn't to cheat in the exam.
  • 试不要作弊,否则别人会瞧不起你。
    Don't cheat at exams or others will despise you.
  • 任何事情都不能成为你试作弊的理由。
    Nothing can justify your cheating on an exam.
  • 这个男生惯于试作弊。
    This boy makes a practice of cheating at examinations.
  • 吉姆在物理试中作弊却逃避了惩罚, 麦克则受到责备。
    Jim got away with cheating in the physics test, while Mike was scolded.
  • 该学校不容许在试中有作弊现象。
    The school cannot tolerate cheating on exams.
  • 试作弊被抓住了。
    He was caught out cheating in the exam.
  • 试作弊被抓住了。
    Joe was caught out cheating in the exam.
  • 试作弊是不诚实的行为。
    Cheating in a test is not playing the game.
  • 他的老师说他试作弊。
    His teacher accused him of cheating in the examination.
  • 那个男孩被控试作弊。
    The boy was charged with cheating on the examination.
  • 王平:你在考我吗?
    Wang Ping: Are you checking me?
  • 为应付化学试而临时抱佛脚
    Cram for a chemistry test
  • 约翰被允许补化学。
    John was conditioned in chemistry.
  • 对你的建议我想仔细虑几天再给你回音。
    I'll chew your proposal over for a few days and then let you have my answer.
  • 仔细思考问题
    Chew a problem over.
  • 我给你一天时间虑这问题.
    I'll give you till tomorrow to,chew it `over.
  • 他对这个问题详细虑了好多天才作出决定。
    He chew over the problem for several day before make his decision.
  • 我在作出决定之前有许多情况要加以虑。
    I have many facts to chew upon before I make up my mind.
  • 这件事我要仔细虑几天,然后告诉你我的看法。
    I will chew it over for a few days and let you know my opinion.
  • 请认真虑我的建议,下周告诉我你是否感兴趣。
    Please chew over my offer and let me know next week whether you're interested.