  • 天文学中的被绕行天体最近的轨道上的点。
    (astronomy) the point in as orbit closest to the body being orbited.
  • 氧化还原反应一个原子或子的电子转移到另一个原子或子的一种化学反应
    A chemical reaction in which an atom or ion loses electrons to another atom or ion.
  • 在中心原子周围形成一个联合体的原子、分子、原子团或子。
    an atom or molecule or radical or ion that forms a complex around a central atom.
  • 有些电子,被称为自由电子,能在导体内自由地从一个原子游到另一个原子。
    Some electrons , called free electrons , are free to move from atom to atom within a conductor.
  • 第一位有机分子中特定碳原子最近的位置,在此位置上原子或自由基可以被取代
    The first position from a designated carbon atom in an organic molecule at which an atom or radical may be substituted.
  • 一个原子失掉一个电子来形成一个正子,另一个原子得到一个电子来形成一个负子的化学键。
    a chemical bond in which one atom loses an electron to form a positive ion and the other atom gains to electron to form a negative ion.
  • 原子和分子的电离
    ionization of atoms and molecules
  • 电价在原子间形成子键的过程中,由电子从一种元素的原子转移到另一种元素的原子所表示的价
    Valence characterized by the transfer of electrons from atoms of one element to atoms of another during the formation of an ionic bond between the atoms.
  • 从附件或连接中分开的行为。
    the act of releasing from an attachment or connection.
  • adsl的散多音行编码让电话公司在任何给出的噪声环境中以32k位/秒速率向客户提供最大的数据吞吐量。
    ADSL's Discrete Mulitone line code lets telephone companies provide customers with the maximum data throughput attainable to within 32K bit/sec in any given noise environment.
  • 她千方百计想离开。
    She made every attempt to go.
  • 一种类型的;非典型的
    Deviating from a type; atypical.
  • 他们开始三三两两地开了礼堂。
    They began to leave the auditorium by ones and twos.
  • 在一个现代化的剧院里将舞台与听众席隔开的墙。
    the wall that separates the stage from the auditorium in a modern theater.
  • 1996年两人正式婚以后,媒体仍旧继续关注戴安娜的一举一动,直到1997年8月31日,戴安娜在巴黎隧道的那场车祸中丧命。
    After the divorce became final, in 1996, the media continued to follow Diana's every move. And then, on Aug.31, 1997, came the car crash in a Paris tunnel that claimed her life.
  • 我的班机是在8月5日境。
    My plane leaves on August fifth.
  • 曾在远北大西洋海岸的多岩岛屿上大型不会飞行的海雀;已灭绝。
    large large flightless auk of rocky islands off North Atlantic coast; extinct.
  • 可怜的家伙! 他妻子上星期开了他.
    Poor bugger! His wife left him last week.
  • 为了足够快地向目标开火并击毁目标,将需要一定数量的系统。但真正全部实现自动化(像某些人说的人开指挥链)是不可能的。仍将需要地面上的人来提供那种集中指挥与控制的有效性。
    There will need to be a certain amount of that in order to get fire on target quick enough and to hit the target, and there's no way to really totally automate that -- to take the man out of the loop, as some people say, and still provide the kind of effectiveness that the people on the ground will need.
  • 使汽车离合器啮合
    Engage the automobile's clutch.
  • 目前汽车工程师正在想办法迎合买主。这些买主要他们的大车能在极短的距内起步和停住。
    Now automotive engineers are catering to buyers who also want their big cars to start and stop on a dime.
  • 附加体,游体某些细胞的遗传粒子,尤其是细菌细胞,能够自动存在于胞质中或成为染色体的一部分
    A genetic particle of certain cells, especially bacterial cells, that can exist either autonomously in the cytoplasm or as part of a chromosome.
  • 各民族自治地方都是中华人民共和国不可分的部分。
    in these areas organs of self- government are established for the exercise of the right of autonomy.
  • s&d廉价家具店的店东阿尔·罗德里格斯说,“我们倒霉到家了。”他的店被烧成焦炭的英堤坞大道irt地下车站的楼梯只有几步远……。
    "We've had everything here but the locusts," said Al Rodriguez, owner of S & D discount furniture, a few feet away from the steps of the charred Intervale Ave. IRT station…
  • 顺便问一下,第五大街这公园远吗?
    By the way, is Fifth Avenue far from the park?
  • 所以一个坚定的,一心向善的心智是能免死底痛苦的。但是,尤要者,请你相信,最甜美的歌就是在一个人已经达到了某种有价值的目的和希望后所唱的“如今请你让你底仆人去”。
    and therefore, a mind fixed, and bent upon somewhat that is good, doth avert me dolours of death: but above all, believe it, the sweetest canticle is, minc difmittis; when a man hath obtained worthy ends, and expectations.
  • 他坦白承认自己了婚。
    He avowed openly that he was divorced.
  • 扯掉,撕掉以撕脱的方式分、剪开或撕开
    To separate, cut, or tear off by avulsion.
  • 每年春天,人们向她致敬,庆祝冬天的去和大自然的复苏。
    Every spring people honored Eostre to celebrate the death of winter and the awakening of new life in nature.
  • 琼斯太太跟丈夫婚后,根据法院判决她每月可得到一千美元的赡养费。
    Mrs. Jones was awarded $1000.00 monthly alimony by the court when she was divorced from her husband.
  • 我希望一早就动身开。
    I hope to get away early in the morning.
  • 他住在这里三哩的地方。
    He lives 3 miles away from here.