  • 不可辩驳的史实表明,蓝调乐的发展在其初期完全是由美洲黑人来完成的:他们在其中融合了非洲音乐中的旋律、节奏、曲式等元素与洲传统音乐的全音音阶、和声及其曲式系统。
    What remains indisputable is the historical fact that the blues was developed entirely by the Black American, who over the years incorporated African elements of melody, rhythm, and phrasing with the European inventions of diatonic harmony and form.
  • 米娅对洲一无所知,更不要说如何治理国家了,但女王却十分乐于指正她的举止和言语措辞,以及如何衣着得体……以便把她调教成一个真正的传统意义上的公主.
    Mia knows little about Europe, and nothing about the tricks of running a country, but the queen is willing to mold her manners, coach her diction, dictate her wardrobe, and do anything needed to make her a proper Old World princess.
  • 卡斯特罗,菲德尔生于1927古巴革命领导者,在1959年推翻了独裁者弗尔根西·巴蒂斯塔的腐败统治并建立了社会主义国家。他曾支持拉丁美洲和非洲一些其他解放运动,并和苏联保持着密切的联系
    Venezuelan soldier and politician who was president from1902 to1908, when he was suspended by the congress for his dictatorial policies.
  • 现代西方文化的形成和发展,是与消灭中世纪封建农奴制和政教合一的专制制度的近代洲资产阶级革命以及与之相伴随的宗教改革和思想文化领域的巨大变革分不开的。
    The formation and development of modern Western culture are inseparable from the modern European bourgeois revolution, in which the dictatorial system of feudal serfdom and theocracy in the Middle Ages was eliminated, along with the religious reforms and great changes in the ideological and cultural fields caused by it.
  • 它不是旧的、过了时的、美式的、资产阶级专政的所谓民主政治;同时,也还不是苏联式的、无产阶级专政的民主政治。
    Not the old outmoded, European-American type of so-called democracy which is bourgeois dictatorship, nor as yet the Soviet type of democracy which is the dictatorship of the proletariat.
  • 大型柴油车辆必须符合euroii废气标准,而小型柴油车辆则须符合euro第一期废气标准,这些均为盟正在实施的标准。
    Large diesel vehicles must meet Euro II standards and small ones Euro phase I standards, which are currently enforced in the European Union.
  • 洲经济共同体以外的国家须付高於成员国的差别关税.
    Non EEC countries pay a higher differential tariff.
  • 过去的一年,中全面伙伴关系取得了新的发展。
    The past year has seen new progress of China-EU all-dimensional partnership.
  • 2.由于洲各国货币间的矛盾不复存在,元区的经济对汇率波动将不再那么敏感。
    2. Owing to the disappearance of tensions between European currencies, the economic performance of the eurozone will be less sensitive to exchange rate fluctuations.
  • 他在接受采访时说:"的确,洲大会中的女性席位比洲议会中的女性席位要少,这一现象确实令人失望。"
    "It is disappointing to note that the share of women in the European Convention is smaller than the share of women in the European Parliament," he said in an interview.
  • 中欧裁军谈判
    Talks on Disarmament in Central Europe
  • 美国与洲共同体在农业政策沟通歧见方面,今天再度失败。全球贸易谈判可能不欢而散。
    The United States and the European Community failed again today to bridge their differences over farm policy, raising the possibility that global trade talks here would end in disarray.
  • 拥有黄色花芯和粉白色外围放射状花冠的亚低矮植物。
    low-growing Eurasian plant with yellow central disc flowers and pinkish-white outer ray flowers.
  • 作为美国多样性的隐喻,大融炉这个概念首先在第一次世界大战后遭到质疑,因为那时洲各国移民涌入美国城市后,并没有被融合,而是各起炉灶,自成一体。
    As a metaphor for American diversity, the melting pot was first discredited after World War I, when the European immigrants streaming into American cities formed distinct ethnic and national enclaves that didn't melt together.
  • 该事将在下次共体最高级会议上讨论。
    The matter will is discus at next week's summit of the ec leader.
  • 粗汉用于对洲中部和东部来的人(尤指工人)的贬称
    Used as a disparaging term for a person from east-central Europe, especially a laborer.
  • (日本汽车被贬为“稻米火箭”或者“节俭盒子”,小型的洲汽车根本不允许上路,因为,人们认为这种车在高速路上容易出危险。)
    (Japanese cars are disparagingly referred to as 'rice rockets' or 'econoboxes'. Small European cars are not permitted on road at all because they are a hazard on the high-ways.)
  • 美惠三女神三位姐妹女神,在希腊神话中为阿格拉伊亚,佛洛绪涅和塔利亚,赐人魅力与美丽
    Three sister goddesses, known in Greek mythology as Aglaia, Euphrosyne, and Thalia, who dispense charm and beauty.
  • 洲各国领袖纷纷抵达法国尼斯高峰会,数百名抗议人士在场外丢掷石头、汽油弹和冲破议会外的路障,法国镇暴警察在昨日使用催泪瓦斯试图驱散抗议者。
    French riot police fired tear gas Thursday to disperse hundreds of protesters who threw stones and bottles and rushed barricades around a conference center where European leaders were arriving for a summit.
  • 与散布在各地的许多朋友有联系;一千一百万犹太人散布在洲各地。
    has ties with many widely dispersed friends; eleven million Jews are spread throughout Europe.
  • 总统的演说在一些洲国家首都引起很大不安。
    The president's speech cause considerable disquiet in some european capital.
  • 总统的演说在一些洲国家首都引起很大不安
    The president 's speech causes considerable disquiet in some european capitals
  • 总统的演说在一些洲国家首都引起很大不安。
    The president's speech caused considerable disquiet in some european capital.
  • 莳萝产于亚的一种芳香型草本植物(莳萝),长有纤细分裂的叶子和成伞形花序的小黄花簇
    An aromatic herb(Anethum graveolens) native to Eurasia, having finely dissected leaves and small yellow flowers clustered in umbels.
  • 蓍草一种菊科蓍属的植物,尤指蓍草,原产于亚大陆,有美丽的裂成数片的叶子和通常为白色花头的平头伞房花序
    Any of several plants of the genus Achillea of the composite family, especially A. millefolium, native to Eurasia, having finely dissected foliage and flat corymbs of usually white flower heads.
  • 经苦的野生洲酸樱桃的汁液发酵后蒸馏制成的酒。
    distilled from fermented juice of bitter wild marasca cherries.
  • 对贸易和劳务的人为障碍仍然存在,例如国家对特殊行业部门的补贴会损害整个洲的自由贸易。
    Artificial barriers to trade and labour movements still exist,as do national subsidies to particular industrial sectors which distort free trade across Europe.
  • 风格主义16世纪洲的一种艺术风格,特点是比例和透视因素的扭曲
    An artistic style of the late16th century characterized by distortion of elements such as scale and perspective.
  • 美洲和洲广泛分布的秋沙鸭。
    widely distributed merganser of America and Europe.
  • 一种白天出没的已灭绝的吃树叶和水果的低级灵长类动物;3千万至5千万年以前大量产于北美和洲;他们的后代可能包含狐猴。
    extinct small mostly diurnal lower primates that fed on leaves and fruit; abundant in North America and Europe 30 to 50 million years ago; their descendents probably include the lemurs; some authorities consider them ancestral to anthropoids but others consider them only cousins.
  • 备用零件的供给源能扩大到洲以外的供应商。
    The source of spare parts can be diversified to supplier outside Europe.
  • 投资者也可借这个途径投资于其他地区,如洲基金和亚太基金,或是投资于不同的资产,如包括股票基金、债券基金和货币基金的雨伞基金。
    Unit trusts may also enable investors to diversify across regions, e.g. a European fund or an Asia Pacific Fund, or between assets, e.g. investing under an umbrella fund in a stock fund, a bond fund and a money market fund.