  • 我不得不求上天为纪念朱利叶斯・恺撒而祝福,因为他曾大力崇胖子而又讨厌瘦个子。
    I cannot but bless the memory of July Caesar, for the great esteem he express for fat men and his aversion to lean one.
  • --积极动亚太地区空间技术与应用多边合作,利用空间技术促进区域经济发展以及环境和灾害监测。
    - Actively enhancing multilateral cooperation in space technology and applications in the Asian-Pacific region, and promoting regional economic growth and environmental and natural calamity monitoring with space technology.
  • 将原先分置的保管、陈列和研究三个部门进行改组,成立了古器物部、古书画部、宫廷部和展览宣教部。新组建了资料信息中心,专司进故宫博物院的信息化工作。
    Where previously there were three departments covering conservation, exhibition and research, these have now been split up into the department of antiquities; the department of paintings and calligraphy; the palace department;
  • 纽约布朗克斯动物园的雌非洲豹最近迷上了ck(calvinklein)出的一款名为"迷惑"的男士香水。
    Female cheetahs at the Bronx Zoo in New York just love Calvin Klein's Obsession for Men perfume.
  • 一项旨在出新产品的广告计划;一项候选人的政治计划
    An advertising campaign for a new product; a candidate's political campaign.
  • 没有持续完成的书本销活动
    A book promotion campaign with no follow-through.
  • 他不得不搬迁到另一条街上去,因为他住的大楼很快就要被倒。
    He cannot but move to another street, because his building has to be pulled down soon.
  • 无论我怎样竭力荐这本书,也不嫌过分。
    I cannot recommend the book too strongly.
  • 用来动轻舟或小船的没有桨架的短小的桨。
    a short light oar used without an oarlock to propel a canoe or small boat.
  • 九广铁路于一九一零年通车。八十年代初期,九广铁路铺设双轨,并行电气化服务。
    The Kowloon-Canton Railway started operation in 1910 and was double-tracked and electrified in the early 1980s.
  • 政府出的纾解民困措施,以及房屋委员会、房屋协会、九广铁路公司和地下铁路公司所冻结的租金和收费,总额达到二百亿港元。
    All these measures, together with the freeze on rental payments and tariffs agreed by the Housing Authority, Housing Society, Kowloon Canton Railway Corporation and the Mass Transit Railway Corporation, add up to a total of $20 billion foregone to relieve pressure on the public.
  • 我想尝一尝广东菜,你能为我们荐几道菜好吗?
    I think we shall try the Cantonese food. Can you recommend some dishes to us?
  • 这人是为生产厂家销产品的旅行销员,当时刚刚流行把这类人称作“皮包客。”
    Here was a type of the travelling canvasser for a manufacturing house--a class which at that time was first being dubbed by the slang of the day "drummers."
  • 他们(开比多尔唱片公司)只是把一扇已经打开的门开大点,问题不在于销,在于这四位歌手有特殊天赋。”
    They [Capitol] are just pushing in an already open door. It's not about marketing; it's about the particular genius of those four fellows."
  • 于是雪片一样地制造所谓“共产党捣乱”,“八路军、新四军游而不击,不听指挥”,“陕甘宁边区实行割据,向外扩展”,“共产党阴谋翻政府”,乃至“苏联阴谋侵略中国”等等的假消息、假报告、假文件、假决议,用以蒙蔽事实的真相,企图造成舆论,达其主和即投降之目的。
    For example, it has fabricated and released a spate of false news, false reports, false documents and false resolutions, such as: "the Communist Party engages in disruptive activities", "the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army are merely moving about without fighting and refuse to obey orders", "a separatist regime has been formed in the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region and is expanding beyond its confines", "the Communist Party is plotting to overthrow the government", and even, "the Soviet Union is plotting aggression against China". Its purpose is to make peace, or in other words to capitulate, by covering up the real facts and confusing public opinion.
  • 投诉警察课详细谘询投诉警方独立监察委员会后,行了一系列措施,进一步加强现行投诉制度的透明度,以示公正。
    In close consultation with the IPCC, CAPO introduced a range of measures to further enhance the transparency and fairness of the existing complaints system.
  •    (一)坚持以邓小平理论为指导,不断进理论创新。
    4. Adhere to the Four Cardinal Principles (*Note 1) and develop socialist democracy. The Four Cardinal Principles are the very foundation on which we build our country.
  • 每一张专辑的出--包括8张金专辑和7张白金专辑--都成为卡洛斯个人成长和发展的写照。
    Every new release -- including eight gold and seven Platinum albums -- became a reflection of Carlos' personal growth and evolution.
  • 今天我们特别介北京烤鸭、红烧猪肉和胭脂香鹅。
    We have the roast Beijing duck, the red-cooked pork and the carmine goose today.
  • 大声叫卖者在巡回演出时,站在入口处以大声叫喊或各种各样降价销招徕顾客的雇员
    An employee who stands before the entrance to a show, as at a carnival, and solicits customers with a loud, colorful sales spiel.
  • 为加强市民的健康生活意识并广健康生活,卫生署继续举办了多项宣传教育活动,包括与其他政府部门或非政府机构合办“普及健体运动”、“健康生活嘉年华”等。
    To enhance public awareness of and promote healthy living, the Department of Health has continued to organise a number of media and educational activities. These include programmes organised in collaboration with other government departments or non-governmental organisations such as the Healthy Exercise for All Campaign and the Active Living Carnival.
  • 她的哥哥嚷道:“这种恭维话可不能用在达西身上,珈罗琳,因为他并不能够大笔一挥而就,他还得在四个音节的字上面多多敲。
    "That will not do for a compliment to Darcy, Caroline," cried her brother -- "because he does not write with ease. He studies too much for words of four syllables.
  • 把某事物进到一个新阶段
    carry sth. to a new stage in its development
  • 车用手的轻便的四轮车
    A light cart pushed by hand.
  • 矮轮平车;小轮手
    A low-wheeled cart; a dolly.
  • 我怎么把行李车出来?
    How can I get this cart out?
  • 送产品可以分为两大类:时间预定的轮询送(marimba公司的castanet就属于这一类)和无时间预定的送。
    Push products can be split into two main groups: scheduled polled push -- included in this, Castanet from Marimba Inc. -- and unscheduled push.
  • 格林先生一直在为他的文章敲一个恰当的题目。
    Mr.Green has been casting around for an exact title for his article.
  • 测没有人进入过那座城堡。
    I gather nobody has enter that castle.
  • 测没有人进入过那座城堡。
    I gather nobody have enter that castle.
  • --联合国是行动的动力,动处理全球重大问题,如环境、非法毒品等问题,联合国是为处理这些问题动员和保持国际合作的最佳机制。
    The UN is a catalyst for action on major global issues, such as the environment and illicit drugs, and provides the best mechanism available to mobilize and sustain international cooperation to tackle these issues.
  • 下大力气拓宽服务消费领域,今年重点进“厨房工程”与“社区服务工程”,大力开发大众化餐饮服务市场,引导传统服务业向家庭服务、社区服务和团体单位服务延伸;
    Exerting great efforts to expand the service consumption area, this year's focus will be placed on pushing forward the "kitchen project" and the "community service project", vigorously developing popular catering service markets, guiding traditional service trades to extend toward family, community and organizational and departmental services;