  • 台湾《远见》杂志曾以国际都市发展协会的200名会员为调查对象,新加坡在全球宜人城市上排名第六。该协会有千余名会员,他们是47个国家和地区的都市规划专业人士、建筑师、设计师和政府官员。
    Leading Taiwanese magazine Global Views once conducted a survey on the most livable city in the world and Singapore was ranked 6th.The monthly polled 200 members of The International Network For Urban Development, which has a membership of more than 1,000, comprising city planners, architects, designers and government officials from 47 countries and territories.
  • 有或受雇于马房的人
    A man who is employed in or keeps a livery stable.
  • 过于拥挤的居住区
    An overcrowded living area.
  • 丽兹,戴维是做了错事,也许你再也不会信任他了。但他毕竟是孩子们的父亲啊,你们共同有过那么多的岁月,不是吗?不值得再试一次吗?”
    Dave made a mistake Liz, maybe you will never be able to trust him again but he is the father of your children,you have so much history together, isn't that worth another try?"
  • 把精神病人关押起来也使国家挤的监狱和拘留所付出了很高的代价。
    Locking up the mentally ill also has high costs for the nation's crowded prisons and jails.
  • 她的职位理应有这些权利。
    Such rights lodge in her position.
  • 新中国成立以来,中国军队的后勤工作不断发展,已经由单一的陆军后勤发展为诸军兵种合成的军队后勤,由简陋落后的后勤装备发展为有现代技术和部分高技术支撑的多样化的后勤装备,由保障一般条件下的军事行动发展为保障现代技术特别是高技术条件下的军事行动。
    Since the founding of New China, the logistical work of the Chinese armed forces has been making progress constantly. Logistics for the Army alone has evolved into combined logistics for all the services and arms. Simple and backward logistical equipment has evolved into diversified equipment backed by modern technology and some high technology. Logistical support capability for military operations in ordinary conditions has evolved into that under modern, especially high-tech, conditions.
  • 领地封建社会中老爷所有的领地
    The territory belonging to a feudal lord.
  • 那个家族有一座气派的大厦。
    The family owns a lordly mansion.
  • 卡车停了下来,等候着的人就一而上。
    The lorry drew up and the waiting people piled on.
  • 公园里到处可见一对对情侣在草地上抱亲吻。
    The park was full of lovers making out on the grass.
  • 年青的情侣拥抱着。
    The young lovers embraced.
  • 他们亲密地抱在一起。
    They fell into each other's arms lovingly.
  • 当海水在他们周围打着旋上升时,母亲给孩子唱摇篮曲;老夫妇面对死亡彼此抱着躺在床上;音乐家们在船下沉时仍在甲板上演奏——这些情景简直就像是专为日本观众设计的。
    The mother singing a lullaby to her children as the water swirled up around them, the elderly couple hugging each other on their bed as they faced certain death, the musicians playing on the deck as the boat went down -- those scenes could have bee tailor-made for Japanese audiences.
  • 各自独立的、几乎只有同盟关系的、各有不同利益、不同法律、不同政府、不同关税的各个地区,现在已经结合为一个有统一的政府、统一的法律、统一的民族阶级利益和统一的关税的统一的民族。
    Independent, or but loosely connected provinces, with separate interests, laws, governments and systems of taxation, became lumped together into one nation, with one government, one code of laws, one national class-interest, one frontier and one customs-tariff.
  • 事实上,中国有保护知识产权和杰出发明的悠久历史。
    Actually China has a long history of protecting intellectual property rights and also of lustrous inventions.
  • 很奇怪,大凡为人在他们所有的天分中都混杂着一些疯狂的成分。   --莫里哀
    It is strange that all great men should have some little grain of madness mingled with whatever genius they possess.     -- Moliere
  • 马来西亚人材济济,并有丰富的天然资源。
    Malaysia is rich in human and natural resources.
  • (固定路线的)运输公司有或经营这种运输系统的公司
    A company owning or managing such a system.
  • 梅里马克美国新罕布什尔州南部一城镇,位于梅里马克河沿岸,曼彻斯特南部。它有多种轻工业。人口22,156
    A town of southern New Hampshire on the Merrimack River south of Manchester. It has varied light industries. Population,22, 156.
  • 命令的属于或有或具有训令特征的
    Of, having the nature of, or containing a mandate.
  • 但是,在合适的情况下,如果规定的任务现实,有充足的资源和国际社会的支持,并有各方的合作,维持和平行动的确可以有效地帮助解决冲突,维护和平。
    But in appropriate situations, with a realistic mandate, sufficient resources, international support and the cooperation of the parties, peacekeeping operations are indeed effective in helping resolve conflicts and maintain peace.
  • 他写道:“菲律宾有许多在国内和美国受教育的人才,它们的员工都能说英语,至少在马尼拉是如此。
    He writes: "This was a pity because they had so many able people, educated in the Philippines and the US. Their workers were English-speaking, at least in Manila.
  • 1个聪明的政治家知道如何利用他的护者。
    A clever politician knows how to manipulate his supporters.
  • 五角大楼设计的这种空间飞行器的版本,预计在2010年前后首次演示,军方希望到2014年能够有可操纵的无人驾驶飞行器。
    The first demonstration of the Pen tagon's version of this space plane is expected to occur around the end of the decade,and by 2014 the military hopes to have an operational,un-manned vehicle.
  • 尽管如此,你却想有你自己的电脑公司。过去几个月里,你每天晚上忙着设计空白表格程序,建立顾客名单;此外你还策划着新的投资机会。
    But you really want to own your own data-processing business, and for the past few months you've spent your evenings doing spreadsheets, developing customer lists, and otherwise mapping out the new venture.
  • 中国有辽阔的海域,海洋环境保护是中国环境保护工作的一个重要组成部分。
    Marine environmental protection is a major component of China's environmental protection efforts, as the country has a vast maritime territory.
  • 丹尼选择开计程车因为开车差不多是他有的唯一可以出售的技术。
    Danny chooses the taxicab because driving is about the only marketable skill he possessed.
  • 一般来讲,这些公司有称职的管理人员、适合市场的产品和服务、相对稳定的利润以及优良的财务状况。
    In general, such companies have competent management, marketable products and services, relative stable profits, and a strong financial condition.
  • 作为曾经炙手可热的广告执行官,并自称是上帝赐予女性的礼物的尼克·马歇尔,眼下却突然发觉自己有了另一项才能--可以倾听与他打交道的每位女士心灵最深处的声音。
    Now,Nick Marshall,hot shot advertising executive and self proclaimed God's gift to women,suddenly found that he had another gift when he discovered he could hear the inner most thoughts of every woman he came in contact with.
  • 玛莎·斯图尔特,一个有自己的杂志、已经发了财的电视名人告诉美国妇女如何熨床单、自己做沙拉、做干花花冠。
    Martha Stewart, a television personality with her own magazine, has earned a fortune telling American women how to iron their sheets, grow their own salads, and make dried flower wreaths.
  • 有一流珍本书籍的收藏
    Has a marvelous collection of rare books.