  • 她的嘴唇因激怒而着。
    Her lips twitched in exasperation.
  • 那只猫动它的须毛。
    The cat twitched its whiskers.
  • 纤维性颤动个别肌肉纤维细微的、快速的搐,整块肌肉并没有或几乎没有运动
    Fine, rapid twitching of individual muscle fibers with little or no movement of the muscle as a whole.
  • 肌阵挛肌肉和部分肌肉的急速动,它没有任何节律或方式,存在于各种脑失调症
    A sudden twitching of muscles or parts of muscles, without any rhythm or pattern, occurring in various brain disorders.
  • 我抽支烟可以吗?
    Uh, will you mind if I smoke?
  • 我们写字台的屉里都是些废纸和未回复的信件,该把它清理一下了。
    We must do out our desk drawer; it's full of waste paper and unanswered letters.
  • 你必须把你的书桌屉收拾一下了,里面装满了废纸和没有答复的信件。
    You must do out your desk drawer, it's full of waste paper and unanswered letters.
  • 能够从磁盘驱动器中取的硬盘;可以防止非法应用。
    a hard disk that can be removed from the disk drive; removal prevents unauthorized use.
  • 我们不但否认象的绝对不变的政治标准,也否认象的绝对不变的艺术标准,各个阶级社会中的各个阶级都有不同的政治标准和不同的艺术标准。
    We deny not only that there is an abstract and absolutely unchangeable political criterion, but also that there is an abstract and absolutely unchangeable artistic criterion; each class in every class society has its own political and artistic criteria.
  • 妇女在大众面前烟并非不常见。
    It is not uncommon for women to smoke in public.
  • 对于中国政府出具的《最终用户和最终用途说明》,其它西方国家均予以承认并接受,只有美国仍持疑虑态度,要求中方对美国出口的所谓“受控商品”做这样那样的额外承诺,如提出对最终用户实施许可前检查及到货后核实的要求,对出口许可证附带各种苛刻条件,如24小时现场监控、随时样检验等,这些都是中国难以接受的。
    Other Western countries have accepted ``Elaboration on End Users and Final Use'' made by the Chinese Government. However, only the United States have indicated doubts, demanding China to come up with extra promise about US ``controlled export items.''For example, end users should accept pre-licensing inspection and double check after unloading of imported goods; and various unduly strict surveillance and free random check. All these are difficult for China to accept.
  • 对于中国政府出具的《最终用户和最终用途说明》,其它西方国家均予以承认并接受,只有美国仍持疑虑态度,要求中方对美国出口的所谓“受控商品”做这样那样的额外承诺,如提出对最终用户实施许可前检查及到货后核实的要求,对出口许可证附带各种苛刻条件,如24小时现场监控、随时样检验等,这些都是中国难以接受的。
    Other Western countries have accepted ``Elaboration on End Users and Final Use'' made by the Chinese Government. However, only the United States have indicated doubts, demanding China to come up with extra undertakings about US ``controlled export items.'' For example, end users should accept pre-licensing inspection and double check after unloading of imported goods; and various unduly strict conditions are attached to granting of licenses, such as around-the-clock spot surveil"ilance and free random check. All these are difficult for China to accept.
  • 令他吃惊和不安的是,屉果然是空的。
    To his surprise and uneasiness, the drawer prove to be empty.
  • 令他吃惊和不安的是,屉果然是空的。
    To his surprise and uneasiness, the drawer prove to is empty.
  • 我看见他进了房间,打开屉的锁,取出文件,照了相,然后又把它放回去。
    I saw him enter the room, unlock a drawer, take out a document, photograph it and put it back.
  • 他打开屉,把文件拿了出来。
    Unlocking the drawer , he took out the document.
  • 他打开屉的锁,把文件拿了出来。
    And unlocking a drawer, he took out the document.
  • 身为男子不烟不喝酒曾视为无男子气概.
    It was once thought unmanly not to drink and smoke.
  • 出一个长卷筒,打开了一张世界地图。
    Pulling up a long tube,she unrolled a map of the world.
  • 他突然把手了回来,不愿让他碰着。
    She whipped her hand away, unwilling to let him touch it.
  • 一言不发地,她从钱夹子里出一个松散地用红纸包的小盒子,上面还有一个用绿丝带系的蝴蝶结。
    Without speaking, she drew, from her purse a package loosely unwrapped in its red paper, a bow of green ribbon with it.
  • 经院哲学家所采用的烦琐而且传统的象推理方法。
    orthodoxy of a scholastic variety.
  • 这将解决通风问题,因为如果火车进入此隧道,它将进新鲜空气。
    This would solve the problem of ventilation, for if a train entered this tunnel, it would draw in fresh air behind it.
  • 他指出:“真正的理论在世界上只有一种,就是从客观实际出来又在客观实际中得到了证明的理论”。
    He declared that "there is only one kind of true theory in this world, theory that is drawn from objective reality and then verified by objective reality".
  • 教区牧师走到旅游者跟前,请他别在教堂内烟。
    The vicar want up to the tourist and ask him to restrain from smoking in the House of God.
  • 烟是我唯一的恶习。
    Smoking is my only vice.
  • 井被村民们抽干了。
    The well was drawn dry by the villagers.
  • 他的脸部开始剧烈的搐。
    His face began to work violently.
  • 中场队员在距球门30米处凌空射。
    The midfielder volleyed the ball 30 meters away from the goal.
  • 没有大衣柜,只有一个小小的屉柜,所以我得把我的一些衣服放在我的皮箱里。
    I have not get a wardrobe, just a small chest of drawer, so I shall have to keep some of my clothes in my trunk.
  • 没有大衣柜,只有一个小小的屉柜,所以我得把我的一些衣服放在我的皮箱里。
    I have not got a wardrobe, just a small chest of drawer, so I shall have to keep some of my clothes in my trunk.
  • 再过五到十年,当2000年大选同农奴制、美国内战、水门事件、鼓励世人烟、允许医疗保险公司制定医疗保障制度一起成为历史丑闻的时候,这次媒体没能履行职责也将成为这些丑闻的重要组成部分。
    In five years,in ten years when the Election 2000 is added to our little pile of historical horrors --i.e.slavery,the Civil War,Watergate,encouraging the world to smoke,allowing health insurance companies to regulate health care-- this failure of the press to act is going to be a significant part of the pile.