  • 僚主義是小生産的産物,同社會化的大生産是根本不相容的。
    Our bureaucracy, which is a result of small-scale production, is utterly incompatible with large-scale production.
  • 經過這幾年,軍隊的各級機構又加大了,隨之僚主義現象也發展了起來。
    In the past few years, army organizations at various levels have again been expanded, leading to a revival of bureaucracy.
  • 此外,小生産的習慣勢力和僚主義的習慣勢力,還頑強地糾纏着我們。
    Moreover, we are still plagued by the force of habit of the small producer and by the habits of bureaucracy.
  • 當然,僚主義還有思想作風問題的一面,但是制度問題不解决,思想作風問題也解决不了。
    Of course, bureaucracy is also connected with ways of thinking, but these cannot be changed without first reforming the relevant systems.
  • 這次談話越來越不真實了;政府的僚機構是一個捕風捉影的虛幻的世界。
    this conversation is getting more and more unreal; the fantastically unreal world of government bureaucracy; the unreal world of advertising art.
  • 他是個有很大權力的僚。
    He is an omnipotent bureaucrat.
  • 同時,由於我們黨的執政黨的地位,我們的一些同志很容易沾染上主觀主義、僚主義和宗派主義的習氣。
    Meanwhile, since our Party is the party in power, some of our comrades are prone to be tainted with subjectivism, bureaucracy or sectarianism.
  • 我估計我的申請書不知道讓哪個無能的僚給弄丟了.
    I suppose my application has been lost by some incompetent bureaucrat.
  • 韋爾奇計劃打破公司的業務結構、僚制度,改變諸多傳統和慣例以及公司文化。
    Yet Welch proposed to blow up this paragon - its portfolio of businesses, its bureaucracy, many of its pratices and traditions, its very culture.
  • 我估計我的申請書不知道讓哪個無能的僚給弄丟了。
    I suppose my application have been lost by some incompetent bureaucrat.
  • 一個四至七歲的孩子所做的書面作業和任何一個僚所做的一樣多。
    A four-to-seven-year-old does as much paperwork as any bureaucrat.
  • 沒收官僚資本
    confiscation of bureaucrat capital
  • 員職位較高的政府員或
    A high government official or bureaucrat.
  • 任何一個高級政府員或僚主義者。
    any high government official or bureaucrat.
  • 我估計我的申請書不知道讓哪個無能的僚給弄丟了。
    I suppose my application have is lose by some incompetent bureaucrat.
  • 僚資本是指的四大傢族那個集團,不是僚加資本,不然縣長開個店也得沒收了。
    Bureaucrat-capital refers to that one clique--the four big families and doesn't mean bureaucrat plus capital. Otherwise, if a county magistrate opened a shop, we would have to confiscate it.
  • 在帝國主義、封建主義和後來發展起來的僚資本主義壓迫下,中國繼續貧窮下去。
    Under the oppression of imperialism, feudalism and the bureaucrat-capitalism that developed later, the country became poorer and poorer.
  • 我沒有做,犯不着挨駡,因此我也不想。
    I have never been a bureaucrat official and therefore deserve no such ridicule and hence have no intention to indulge in meat.
  • 在半殖民地半封建的舊中國,廣大人民長期處於帝國主義、封建主義和僚資本主義的壓迫下,毫無人權可言。
    In the old semi-colonial, semi-feudal China, the broad masses were oppressed by imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism, and had no human rights at all.
  • 他相信普通人看重出身而不僅僅是地位:他們趨附貴族而不能容忍僚。
    He believes that the common people defer to birth but not to mere position: they dearly love a lord but they can’t stand a bureaucrat.
  • 本來這句話是譏笑那些無能的吏,衹會吃肉而已。
    The original intention of this saying is to mock those bureaucrat officials who only knew how to indulge in eating meat (but are otherwise quite useless).
  • 舊中國長期處於帝國主義、封建主義、僚資本主義壓迫之下,廣大人民群衆沒有人權可言。
    Under long years of oppression by the "three big mountains" -- imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism -- people in old China did not have any human rights to speak of.
  • 占人口極少數的僚買辦資産階級壟斷着80%的工業資本,操縱着全國的經濟命脈。
    The bureaucrat-comprador bourgeoisie who accounted for only a small fraction of the population monopolized 80 percent of the industrial capital and controlled the economic lifelines of the country.
  • 在這裏,無産階級的任務,在於不忽視民族資産階級的這種革命性,而和他們建立反帝國主義和反僚軍閥政府的統一戰綫。
    Here, the task of the proletariat is to form a united front with the national bourgeoisie against imperialism and the bureaucrat and warlord governments without overlooking its revolutionary quality.
  • 在舊中國,由於帝國主義的侵略,封建主義和僚資本主義的壓迫,人民的生命毫無保障,因戰亂饑寒而死者不計其數。
    In old China, aggression by imperialism and oppression by feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism deprived the people of all guarantee for their lives, and an uncountable number of them perished in war and famine.
  • 推翻帝國主義、封建主義、僚資本主義的反動統治,使中國人民的生産力獲得解放,這是革命,所以革命是解放生産力。
    The overthrow of the reactionary rule of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism helped release the productive forces of the Chinese people. This was revolution, so revolution means the emancipation of the productive forces.
  • 譚延闓是一個聰明的僚,他在湖南幾起幾覆,從來不做寡頭省長,要做督軍兼省長。
    Tan Yen-kai, a clever bureaucrat who had a chequered career in Hunan, was never a civil governor pure and simple but always insisted on being both the military governor and the civil governor.
  • 我們的政權性質,依然是無産階級領導的人民大衆的反帝反封建反僚資本的人民民主政權的性質,拋棄中央的“三三製”政策是錯誤的。
    In nature, our political power remains a people's democratic political power of the masses opposed to imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism under the leadership of the proletariat, so it would be a mistake to discard the "three-thirds system" formulated by the Central Committee.
  • 在這個期間,黨在以毛澤東同志為首的中央委員會的領導之下,團结了全國人民,在不過三年多一點的時間裏,打敗了蔣介石的幾百萬軍隊,推翻了帝國主義、封建主義和僚資本主義的統治,建立了中華人民共和國;
    In a little over three years our Party, led by the Central Committee with Comrade Mao Zedong at the head and rallying the people of the country, defeated Chiang Kai-shek's army of several million men, overthrew the rule of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism, and established the People's Republic of China.
  • 一九四九年,以毛澤東主席為領袖的中國共産黨領導中國各族人民,在經歷了長期的艱難麯折的武裝鬥爭和其他形式的鬥爭以後,終於推翻了帝國主義、封建主義和僚資本主義的統治,取得了新民主主義革命的偉大勝利,建立了中華人民共和國。
    After waging hard, protracted and tortuous struggles, armed and otherwise, the Chinese people of all nationalities led by the Communist Party of China with Chairman Mao Zedong as its leader ultimately, in 1949, overthrew the rule of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism, won the great victory of the new-democratic revolution and founded the People's Republic of China.
  • 中國人民不僅推翻了壓在頭上的有如三座大山的帝國主義、封建主義和僚資本主義,而且建立了人民民主的國傢,基本上解决了十二億人口的溫飽正嚮小康水平邁進,在享有生存權、發展權和其他人權方面都取得了巨大的成就。
    The Chinese people, after overthrowing imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat- capitalism, which weighed heavily on them like three mountains, founded a democratic people's republic. The basic needs of China' s 1.2 billion people have been met, and the Chinese people are now working hard toward the goal of increased prosperity. In the field of human rights including the right to subsistence and the right to development, China has also made remarkable achievements.
  • 必須清除官僚習氣。
    It is necessary to get rid of bureaucratic practices.