  • 事实有时比小说还离
    Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction.
  • 大千世界,无不有。
    fact is stranger than fiction.
  • 事实之所以于小说,是因为小说不得不坚持其可能性,而事实则不然。
    Truth is stranger than fiction; fiction is obliged to stick to possibility, truth is not.
  • 卡贝尔,詹姆斯·布朗1879-1958美国作家,以一系列讽刺小说而成名,包括朱根(1919年),讲述发生在中世纪时一个虚构的法国省份(叫做鲍克泰斯米)的故事
    American writer best known for a series of satirical novels, including Jurgen(1919), set in a fictitious medieval French province called Poictesme.
  • 在战争的第一阶段,战略上内线作战的正规军是后退的,但是战略上外线作战的游击队则将广泛地向着敌人后方大踏步前进,第二阶段将更加猛烈地前进,形成了后退和前进的异形态。
    In the first stage of the war, the regular army operating strategically on interior lines is withdrawing, but the guerrilla units operating strategically on exterior lines will advance with great strides over wide areas to the rear of the enemy -- they will advance even more fiercely in the second stage -- thereby presenting a remarkable picture of both withdrawal and advance.
  • 那婴儿从五楼摔下来竟没受伤真是一个迹。
    It was a real marvel that the baby was unhurt when he fell from the fifth floor.
  • 罗宾·托恩伯前往荷姆菲尔思的约克镇,每周一的喜剧系列片在那里拍摄,他想看看那里的人是否像荧幕的人物。但他发现没有什么比人更妙的了。
    Robin Thornber went to the Yorkshire town of Holmfirth, where Monday’s new comedy series was filmed, to see if the people there were anything like the characters on the screen. He found that-there's nowt so queer as folk.
  • 鱼类和其他水生脊椎动物背部帮助保持平衡的鳍。
    unpaired median fin on the backs of fishes and some other aquatic vertebrates that help to maintain balance.
  • 她发现房子空了,感到很惊
    She was surprised at finding the house empty.
  • 响爆竹爆裂瞬间发出巨大噪音的爆竹
    A firework that explodes with a sudden loud noise.
  • 这事情有些奇怪。
    There's sth. fishy about the matter.
  • 布什说:“作为我的首场表演,我有一点紧张和兴奋,但是我一旦出场——音乐响起,万事具备——就感到充满乐趣了。”她在《时尚》、《妇女》和《名利场》杂志上亮过相,还在阿伯克龙比和菲公司的广告活动中扮演过重要角色。
    " Being my very first show, I was a little nervous and excited, but once I go out there with the music blaring and all it was actually a lot of fun," said Bush, who has appeared in Vogue, W and Vanity Fair and has been featured in an ad campaign by Abercrombie & Fitch.
  • 花衣墨西哥人墨西哥裔美国青年或少年,尤指穿装异服并属于附近帮派的青年
    A Mexican-American youth or teenager, especially one who dresses in flamboyant clothes and belongs to a neighborhood gang.
  • 希腊神话中,科尔斯王拥有一根金羊毛,放在一个神圣的小树林中由一条龙把守,后被杰森和阿尔戈英雄们找到。
    in Greek mythology, a fleece of gold owned by the king of Colchis and guarded in a sacred grove by a dragon; recovered by Jason and the Argonauts.
  • 作者设法追溯了许多事件,在这些事件中,由于离的机遇,使女主角与这一家庭有了短时间的接触。
    The author has managed to trace many incidents in which the long arm of confidence brought the heroine in fleeting touch with the members of the family.
  • 查塔胡河发源于美国佐治亚州北部的河流,流程约702公里(436英里),流向大致为西南向,然后向南在佐治亚州和佛罗里达州的边界流入弗林特河
    A river rising in northern Georgia and flowing about702 km(436 mi) generally southwest then south to the Flint River on the Georgia-Florida border.
  • 后来它从意大利传到厂法国,而且在16世纪,因受到皇后即佛罗伦萨人卡瑟琳·德·梅迪的鼓励而在法国宫廷风靡一时。
    From Italy they came to France and there, in the sixteenth century, much encouraged by the queen, the Florentine Catherine de Medici, they were the rage of the French court.
  • 我国文学艺术蓬勃繁荣、争斗艳的新阶段,必将通过广大文艺工作者的辛勤劳动,展现在我们面前。
    Thanks to the hard work of the masses of writers and artists, a new period of flourishing literature and art will unfold before us.
  • 不足为,又一连串的荣誉为这年划上句号,包括"纳什维尔音乐奖"之"最佳乡村歌曲专辑"和"乡村音乐学院奖"之"女歌手最高荣誉奖"。
    Not surprisingly,the year ended with another flurry of honors,including a Best Country Album award from the Nashville Music Awards,and Top Female Vocalist honors from the Academy of Country Music.
  • 这万千华厦的屋顶有瓦盖的,也有石板铺的,重重叠叠,勾勒出万般怪景观,而展现在这些华厦之上的则是右岸四十四座教堂的钟楼,都是纹花细镂,有凹凸花纹的,有格子花纹的;
    upon these thousands of edifices, whose tiled and slated roofs outlined upon each other so many fantastic chains, the bell towers, tattooed, fluted, and ornamented with twisted bands, of the four and forty churches on the right bank;
  • "他由于服装特,一走进办公室便成了大家注意的中心。"
    "Because of his strange clothes, he immediately became the focus of attention when he entered the office."
  • 使人变成狼传说中用神的力量使人具有狼的外形和特征
    In folklore, the magical ability to assume the form and characteristics of a wolf.
  • 一般说事实比小说还要怪,他对大部分人来说的确是(陌生人)。
    Truth is said to be stranger than fiction; it id to most folks.
  • 一般说事实比小说还要怪,对大部分人来说的确是。
    Truth is said to be stranger than fiction; it is to most folks.
  • 一般说事实比小说还要怪,他对大部分人来说的确是(陌生人)。
    Truth is say to is stranger than fiction; it is to most folks.
  • 除非迹出现,要不我在1月份便将无家可归,没有食物,也没有工作。
    Unless a miracle happened, I would be homeless in January, foodless, jobless.
  • 老天不容,如果你钓上了一位贾格德·埃式的心理变态者,再如果她其实是一位男性,那么你如何是好?
    What if, haven forbid, you've hooked up with some Jagged Edge-type psycho, or what if she's he?
  • 的力量、事件和生命。
    supernatural forces and occurrences and beings.
  • 不准谷米出境,不准高抬谷价,不准囤积居
    Prohibition on sending grain out of the area, forcing up grain prices, and hoarding and cornering.
  • 她有一种再也见不到他的怪的预感。
    She have a strange foreboding that she'd never see him again.
  • 她有一种再也见不到他的怪的预感
    She has a strange foreboding that she 'd never see him again
  • 其中一只小狗帕安静地把前腿放在圣诞老人的椅子上,不过那只名叫安娜贝勒的小狗却老是不停地舔着圣诞老人的脸,以致于萨沃宁不得不威胁她说:"快停下!
    Patch quietly rested his forelegs on the arm of Santa's chair, but Alyssa Savonen's other dog, Annabelle, couldn't resist licking Leverette's face until Savonen warned her, "Do you want a spanking?