  • 是否要先拨地区码?
    Do I have to dial the area code?
  • 那种定新的历史条件的观点,就是割断历史,脱离实际,搞形而上学,就是违反辩证法。
    To ignore the new historical conditions is to cut things off from their historical context, to divorce oneself from reality, and to abandon dialectics for metaphysics.
  • 5.一个对话框将询问你是已经完成。
    5.A dialogue box will ask if you are finished.
  • 早在8月份的一次听证会上,伯勒尔认了关于他偷窃戴安娜、查尔斯王子和威廉王子财物的三个指控。
    At an earlier hearing in August,Burrell denied three charges of theft from Diana,Prince Charles and Prince William.
  • 我拉肚子,我怀疑是昨天吃了不新鲜的东西。
    I have diarrhea. I wonder if I ate something bad yesterday.
  • 不走资产阶级专政的资本主义的路,是就可以走无产阶级专政的社会主义的路呢?
    If the capitalist road of bourgeois dictatorship is out of the question, then is it possible to take the socialist road of proletarian dictatorship?
  • 以后,过了些时候,可把你自己的模范放在面前,并且严格地自检,是你从前做得好而现在是退步了。也不要忽视从前那些在同样的位置而不称其职的人的例子;这并非是要用诋毁前人底名声的方法来显出你自己的好处,而是要指导你自己,当以何者为戒的意思。
    And after a time, set before thee thine own example; and examine thy self strictly, whether thou didst not best at first Neglect not also the examples of those that have carried themselves ill in the same place: not to set off thy self, by taxing their memory; but to direct thy self, what to avoid.
  • 虽然在若干规模甚小的研究里已有类似的发现,但是调查121000名美国护士的结果对有关食物中脂肪与癌症的传统智慧表示了强烈的质疑(定)。
    While there have been similar findings in several much smaller studies, the finding from the study of 121,000 American nurses flies in the face of conventional wisdom regarding dietary fat and cancer.
  • 换个角度看看这问题?
    Could I possibly look at this issue any differently?
  • 很难说出将来Ms.这个词是会被更多的美国妇女所使用。
    It is difficult to know whether or not Ms. will be used by more American women in the future.
  • 他是喜欢数字表呢?
    Does he like digital watch?
  • 标准化是数字钱包能成功的关键。
    Standards are pivotal to the success of digital wallets.
  • 经过多年一蹶不振的演艺生涯,连自己是选择了一个合适的、"高尚的"职业都不敢肯定的休·格兰特,凭借影片《四个婚礼和一个葬礼》一炮走红。
    Having spent years in the acting doldrums, unsure even as to whether he had chosen an appropriate,"dignified"career, he scored a massive smash with Four Weddings And A Funeral.
  • "医生进退两难,不知道是该把病人的真实病情告诉他。"
    The doctor was in a dilemma as to whether to tell the patient the truth about his condition or not.
  • 总之,遗传学的道德难题是:基于信息的正当与,它对于普遍道德的个体社会意识有益还是有害?
    In conclusion, the moral dilemma of genetics is that will it be an asset to the individual's public perception of common morality or will it be an evil to the individual's public perception of common morality based on the right and wrong of the information.
  • 她是能学会接受这样一个事实:即她曾经精心策划的一个事件如今已变成她要全力加以回避的事呢?
    Will she learn to accept the fact that the one event she has so diligently planned has turned into one she will do everything to eschewed?
  • 询问就餐者是准备点菜了。
    Asking if a diner is ready to order.
  • 赏光与我一起吃饭?
    Will you do me the honour of dining with me?
  • [5]完全凭借勤奋与毅力所产生的非凡成果,已经引起许多名人怀疑天赋是真像通常认为的那样,是种极为异常的才能。
    [5] The extraordinary results effected by dint of sheer industry and perseverance, have led many distinguished men to doubt whether the gift of genius be so exceptional an endowment as it is usually supposed to be.
  • 《京都议定书》对甲烷的重视已超过二氧化碳。但这是就足够了呢?
    Kyoto already puts more weight on methane than on carbon dioxide, but is that enough?
  • 用来表示不同意或定的回答
    Used to express disagreement or an answer in the negative.
  • 认参与了这一密谋.
    She disavows any part (ie says she was not involved) in the plot.
  • 因为用后一种态度者无非是认自己的幸运,而那会让人觉得他自己都感到他不配享受富贵,因此他恰好是教别人来嫉妒自己。
    For in that course, a man doth but disavow fortune; and seemeth to be conscious of his own want in worth; and doth but teach others, to envy him.
  • 但是,是在革命战争胜利后就可以抛弃统一战线呢?
    However, can we discard the united front having won the revolutionary war?
  • 用来判断某些特定状态在预定的时间间隔内是出现的装置。
    Devices used to discern whether some prescribed condition is present, usually within a predetermined time period.
  • 否认对事件负有责任
    disclaim responsibility for the accident
  • 老板认对那次火灾事故负有任何责任。
    The employer disclaimed all responsibility for the fire accident.
  • 认这只狗是他的。
    He disclaim the ownership of the dog.
  • 认,不承认认熟悉;拒绝对…承担责任;认与…有关系
    To disclaim knowledge of, responsibility for, or association with.
  • 那位候选人的认证实了我们的判断正确。
    The candidate's disclaimers confirm that we were right in our estimation.
  • 数据库保密学中的一种推理控制,它事先断定有些统计量是可以公开而不会被人员泄露。
    In database security, a form of inference control that determines, inadvance, whether or not a set of statistics can is released without causingpersonal disclosure.
  • 今晚你是去参加迪斯科舞会,那取决于你父亲的意见。
    Whether you go to the disco this evening depends on what your father says.