  • 不。联合国人基金(人基金)是联合国处理人问题的主要机构,该基金不在任何国家支持或提倡堕胎,也不为堕胎服务提供援助或与堕胎有关的设备与用品。
    No. The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the main United Nations body involved in population issues, does not support or promote abortion in any country, nor does it provide assistance for abortion services or abortion-related equipment and supplies.
  • 一千七百七十五年十一月底的那个星期五晚上,多佛邮车的押车卫士心里就是这么想的。那时他正随着隆隆响着的邮车往射手山上爬。他站在邮件车厢后面自己的专用踏板上,跺着脚,眼睛不时瞧着面前的武器箱,手也搁在那箱上。箱里有一把子弹上膛的大径短抢,下面是六或八支上好子弹的马枪,底层还有一把短剑。
    So the guard of the Dover mail thought to himself, that Friday night in November, one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five, lumbering up Shooter's Hill, as he stood on his own particular perch behind the mail, beating his feet, and keeping an eye and a hand on the arm-chest before him, where a loaded blunderbuss lay at the top of six or eight loaded horse-pistols,deposited on a substratum of cutlass.
  • 竹子的幼芽脆嫩可
    The tender young shoots of bamboo are crisp and tasty.
  • 海岸线的一个缺,比小湾大,但比海湾小。
    an indentation of a shoreline larger than a cove but smaller than an gulf.
  • 防波堤一种突入水体用来影响水流或潮水或使港、海岸免受暴雨和侵蚀的建筑结构(如突堤)
    A structure, such as a pier, that projects into a body of water to influence the current or tide or to protect a harbor or shoreline from storms or erosion.
  • 尽管去年可可乐公司的营业收入和股票价格因国外经济动荡的到来之际而大跌,依万斯特着重支持公司的市场推广和长期合作的客户关系。
    Even when Coke's earnings and stock price dropped precipitously last year in the wake of economic turmoil abroad, Ivester kept the company focused on shoring up its marketing and infrastructure for the long term.
  • ?缩短中学教育不一定意味着人素质的下降--或者说不一定使孩子们偏离进大学深造之路。
    Shortening high school needn't mean dumping down the population necessarily sending kids off the college track.
  • 那好……您看,我们在这个十字路得往左拐了,直走的话是最近的路。
    OK.... Here we are. We'll turn left at this cross. To go straight ahead is the shortest route.
  • 天天闹训政,把时间糊里糊涂地闹掉了,把一个最短期间,变成了最长期间,还声声假托孙先生。
    Fiddling every day with political tutelage, certain people have senselessly fiddled away the time, turning "the shortest possible time" into the longest time, and yet they are for ever invoking Dr. Sun Yat-sen's name.
  • 美国人度假时会尽可能地变得比平时更美国化,穿上花色奇异的短裤、白色的旅游鞋和写有叛逆性号的t恤衫。
    When they go on holiday Americans become even more American than usual, if that's possible, wearing crazy-patterned shorts, white running shoes, and T-shirts with offensive slogans.
  • 她希望你在留学期间,每星期能给她一张信,没有话说也好,随便写几个字,这回好几天没有信来,她天天惦记着,前几天听李柏文说他的孩子有信说已和你会面了,她很喜欢,前后寄去两批物件,前一批是三件运动衣、二条短裤,还有鞋、袜、琴各一件,后一批四月四号才寄,系三条长裤,你收到后回信中须写明收到的日期。
    It is your mother's hope that while you are studying overseas, you can write to her once a week; even if there is nothing to say, you can just scribble a few words. In these few days, she has not heard from you and she worries about you every day. A few days ago, she heard Li Bo-wen say that his son has written to say that he had met you. She was very happy. The last two postal parcels that were sent to you comprised three sports shirt, two pairs of shorts, a pair of shoes, socks and a harmonica. The latest parcel was sent on 4 April and comprised three pairs of trousers. When you receive them, you should note down the date of receipt in your reply.
  • ,漏洞尤指棒球场上第三垒球手和游击手之间防卫阵形中的缺
    An opening in a defensive formation, especially the area of a baseball infield between the third base player and the shortstop.
  • 一种平且直的紧贴肩膀的领
    a plain straight neck opening from shoulder to shoulder of sweaters.
  • 叫他们住口!
    Tell them to shout up!
  • (热烈鼓掌,高呼号)
    (Warm applause and slogan shouting.)
  • 放进人的中防止说话或叫喊的东西。
    something put into a person's mouth to prevent speaking or shouting.
  • 别在宴会上大吞食物。
    Don't shovel your food down in the party.
  • 巨型铲土机正在把小山头一大一大地啃掉。
    The giant shovel is biting off big chunks from the hill.
  • 提高北京科技创新能力,推进高新技术成果的产业化和在人民生活中的广泛应用,使北京奥运会成为展示高新技术成果和创新实力的窗
    In doing so, Beijing's capacity in high-tech innovation will be improved and the application of high-tech achievements in production and people's life promoted. Beijing Olympic Games will be a window to showcase our high-tech achievements and innovative capacity.
  • 交口称赞
    To shower praise on...
  • 从1995年到1998年,257个少数民族贫困县解决了1092万人、1514万头牲畜饮水问题,五个民族自治区贫困人从835万人下降到473万人,贫困发生率由12.4%下降到6.9%,贫困县农民人均纯收入从833元增加到1395元。
    From 1995 to 1998, 257 poverty-stricken ethnic minority counties had solved the drinking water problem for 10.92 million people and 15.14 million head of livestock; the poverty-stricken population of the five autonomous regions shrank from 8.35 million to 4.73 million; the poverty rate dropped from 12.4 percent to 6.9 percent; and the net annual income per farmer in the poverty-stricken counties increased from 833 yuan to 1,395 yuan.
  • 布巴内斯瓦尔印度中东部一城市,位于加尔各答西南。以其印度教和佛教的神殿而闻名。人219,211
    A city of east-central India southwest of Calcutta. It is known for its Hindu and Buddhist shrines. Population,219, 211.
  • 瓦腊纳西印度中部偏东北恒河上的一座城市,位于勒克瑙城的东南部,它是印度最古老的城市之一,有大约1500座宙宇、宫殿或圣殿并成为印度教朝圣圣地。人708,647
    A city of northeast-central India on the Ganges River southeast of Lucknow. One of India's oldest cities, it is a sacred Hindu pilgrimage site with some1, 500 temples, palaces, and shrines. Population,708, 647.
  • 我们的出贸易已有些萎缩。
    There has been some shrinkage in our export trade.
  • 中国的农业,特别是粮食生产面临最大的压力,就是人不断增加,耕地不断减少。
    The greatest pressure on China's agriculture, particularly grain production, is the continuous growth of the population and incessant shrinkage of the cultivated land.
  • 贫困人大幅度减少,贫困发生率大幅度下降。
    The impoverished population is shrinking substantially and the impoverishment rate is decreasing sharply.
  • 努力扩大出和有效利用外资
    Shriving to expand exports and utilizing foreign funds Feectively
  • 在桅杆平台上的一个,通过此,海员可以不必用桅杆的左右支索就能自动上升。
    hole in a platform on a mast through which a sailor can climb without going out on the shrouds.
  • 他割破了手,但他只是用布裹了一下伤就不再去管它了。
    He cut his hand but he tied a cloth around it and shrugged it away.
  • 随着农村改革的深入发展和国家扶贫开发力度的不断加大,中国贫困人逐年减少,贫困特征也随之发生较大变化.
    Along with the deepening of the rural reform and the constant strengthening of development-oriented poverty relief, the number of the poverty-stricken people has shrunk year by year; great changes have taken place in the features of poverty;
  • 近年来,通过多种方式和途径迁移安置了260万贫困人,其中已稳定在迁入地居住的达240万,使全国需要移民搬迁的贫困人由750万减少到500万左右。
    In the recent year, about 2.6 million of the poor have been relocated in various ways and through various channels, among whom 2.4 million have already settled down. The total poor population that needs to migrate has shrunk from 7.5 million to about five million.
  • 阿伯丁美国马里兰州东北部的一市镇,位于巴尔的摩东北部偏东。阿伯丁试验场--重要的研究、发展和测试基地就在附近。人11,533
    A town of northeast Maryland east-northeast of Baltimore. Aberdeen Proving Ground, a major research, development, and testing installation, is nearby. Population,11, 533.