  • 婆罗洲位于马来群岛,太平洋西部的一座岛屿,在菲律宾的西面,苏禄和爪哇海之间。是世界第三大岛,文莱王国在其西北海岸;岛的其他部分被印度尼西亚和马来西亚分占
    An island of the western Pacific Ocean in the Malay Archipelago between the Sulu and Java seas southwest of the Philippines. It is the third-largest island in the world. The sultanate of Brunei is on the northwest coast; the rest of the island is divided between Indonesia and Malaysia.
  • 专题档案指南
    subject guide to archives
  • 美国西部和墨西哥干旱地区栖息在岩石附近的食草性蜥蜴。
    rock-dwelling herbivorous lizard of arid parts of southwestern United States and Mexico.
  • 美国西部和墨西哥西北部干旱地区的小型长尾蜥蜴。
    small long-tailed lizard of arid areas of southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico.
  • 背上有不规则的十字花纹;产于亚利桑那州部和墨西哥地区干旱的丘陵和峡谷地带。
    having irregularly cross-banded back; of arid foothills and canyons of southern Arizona and Mexico.
  • 产于美国西部及墨西哥的干旱地区的叫声刺耳的大型鹪鹩。
    large harsh-voiced American wren of arid regions of the United States southwest and Mexico.
  • 美国西和墨西哥的干旱地的一种美观的矮的滨藜,有蓝绿色的边缘多刺的叶子,常用做圣诞装饰。
    handsome low saltbush of arid southwestern United States and Mexico having blue-green prickly-edged leaves often used for Christmas decoration.
  • 粗糙的药草和亚灌木的一种,在北美洲的干旱地,有粉色或猩红色的花和球形的果实。
    genus of coarse herbs and subshrubs of arid North and South America having pink or scarlet flowers and globose fruits.
  • 贵族家庭;贵族化的波士顿市民;主张贵族统治的政府;贵族家庭;贵族血统;世袭的贵族统治;高贵的血统;美洲的贵族地主;贵族化的举止;贵族化的容貌;贵族化的品位。
    an aristocratic family; aristocratic Bostonians; aristocratic government; a blue family; blue blood; the blue-blooded aristocracy; of gentle blood; patrician landholders of the American South; aristocratic bearing; aristocratic features; patrician tastes.
  • 美国亚利桑那州东部城市。
    a city in southeastern Arizona.
  • 华拉柏居住在美国大峡谷部,亚利桑那州西北部的一支北美土著人
    A Native American people inhabiting northwest Arizona south of the Grand Canyon.
  • 皮玛族人居住在美国亚利桑那州中部希拉河和索尔特河沿岸的美洲土著人
    A Native American people inhabiting south-central Arizona along the Gila and Salt rivers.
  • 马利柯帕族在美国亚利桑纳州中部和皮马人共同拥有保留地的土著印第安人
    A Native American people sharing reservation lands with the Pima in south-central Arizona.
  • 其斑纹多样但通常与环境协调一致;产于亚利桑那的西部和加利福尼亚半岛。
    markings vary but usually harmonize with background; of sw Arizona and Baja California.
  • 住在亚利桑那州和北莫西哥州的北美洲印第安族人。
    a member of the North American Indian people living in S Arizona and N Mexico.
  • 一种兰花,花黄褐色、带有暗色条纹;产自亚利桑纳州东到美国东部一带。
    orchid with yellowish-brown flowers with dark veins; southeastern Arizona to the eastern United States.
  • 派尤特族居住在犹他州和内华达,亚利桑那的北部以及加利福尼亚东的邻近地区的一群人
    A group occupying southern Utah and Nevada, northern Arizona, and adjacent areas of southeast California.
  • 格伦代尔亚利桑那州中部一城市,在农业灌溉区菲尼克斯工业郊区。人口148,134
    A city of south-central Arizona, an industrial suburb of Phoenix in an irrigated agricultural area. Population,148, 134.
  • 钱德勒美国亚利桑那州中部一城市,位于菲尼克斯东。为一居住社区和冬季度假胜地。人口90,533
    A city of south-central Arizona southeast of Phoenix. It is a residential community and winter resort. Population,90, 533.
  • 梅瑟美国亚利桑那州中部一城市,位于菲尼克斯东部。它是一个冬季度假胜地,也是一个拥有多种工业的贸易中心。人口288,091
    A city of south-central Arizona east of Phoenix. It is a winter resort and trade center with varied industries. Population,288, 091.
  • 一种蝴蝶百合,在短的茎干上长有簇状、钟形的花,花色有朱红色、橙色或黄色;分布于加利福尼亚部到亚利桑那州和墨西哥。
    mariposa with clusters of bell-shaped vermilion or orange or yellow flowers atop short stems; southern California to Arizona and Mexico.
  • 美洲热带霸鹟,产于往北到得克萨斯和亚利桑那的地区;雄性成鸟的羽毛呈明亮的鲜红色或黑色。
    tropical American flycatcher found as far north as southern Texas and Arizona; adult male has bright scarlet and black plumage.
  • 本托美国阿肯色州中部,位于小石城西。该地区产铝土矿。人口18,177。
    A city of central Arkansas southwest of Little Rock. There are bauxite deposits in the area. Population, 18,177.
  • 美国堪萨斯州最大的城市;位于堪萨斯州部阿肯色河上。
    the largest city in Kansas; located in S Kansas on the Arkansas River.
  • 本托美国阿肯色州中部,位于小石城西。该地区产铝土矿。人口18,177
    A city of central Arkansas southwest of Little Rock. There are bauxite deposits in the area. Population,18, 177.
  • 卡姆登美国阿肯色州部的一座城市,位于小石城西。是一个制造业和交通运输业的中心。人口15,356
    A city of southern Arkansas south-southwest of Little Rock. It is a manufacturing and transportation center. Population,15, 356.
  • 埃尔多拉多美国阿肯色州部城市,靠近路易斯安那边境,在小石城西部,1921年附近发现石油。人口23,146
    A city of southern Arkansas near the Louisiana border south-southwest of Little Rock. Oil was discovered nearby in1921. Population,23, 146.
  • 佛地格里斯美国堪萨斯州东部以及俄克拉何马州东北部的一条河流,长约451公里(280英里),大致向流入阿肯色河
    A river, about451 km(280 mi) long, of southeast Kansas and northeast Oklahoma flowing generally southward to the Arkansas River.
  • 发源于阿肯色州西部的一条河流,向流入路易斯安娜东部,成为红河的一条支流。
    a river that rises in western Arkansas and flows southeast into eastern Louisiana to become a tributary of the Red River.
  • 一个以前住在今天的北达科它、达科它、内布拉斯加州、堪萨斯州、阿肯色州、路易斯安那州、俄克拉荷马州和得克萨斯州的平原印第安群体。
    a group of Plains Indians formerly living in what is now North and South Dakota and Nebraska and Kansas and Arkansas and Louisiana and Oklahoma and Texas.
  • 品不拉夫美国阿肯色州中部偏东的城市,在小洛矶山脉的东。1820年建成,那时称为蒙特玛丽,1832年更名。人口57,140
    A city of southeast-central Arkansas south-southeast of Little Rock. Founded c.1820 as Mount Marie, it was renamed in1832. Population,57, 140.
  • 马斯科吉美国俄克拉荷马州东部一城市,位于塔尔萨东部,临阿肯色河。建立于1872年,是一个商业和工业中心。人口37,708
    A city of eastern Oklahoma on the Arkansas River southeast of Tulsa. Founded in1872, it is a trade and industrial center. Population,37, 708.