  • 人們在這兒已經生活幾年了。
    Men have lived here for thousands of years.
  • 我們的幹部有一八百萬,缺少的是專業幹部,技術人員、管理人員和其他各種專業人員。
    We have 18 million cadres but lack technical cadres, technicians, managerial staff, and other professionals.
  • 竜岡西南數十裏之興國,尚有一個餘人的獨立師,亦可迂回於敵後。
    In Hsingkuo, less than a hundred li to the southwest of Lungkang, we had an independent division of over one thousand men, which could manoeuvre in the enemy's rear.
  • 運動員們跑馬拉鬆時教練記下了他們每跑一米所用的時間。
    The coach clocked his men for each one thousand metres while they ran Marathon.
  • 如果說耶羅姆的書有何缺點,那就是她不願預言到第四個年時是否還有妻子這種身份的人。
    If Marilyn Ya lom's book has a failing, it is in her unwillingness to predict whether or not t here will be wives at all in the fourth millennium.
  • 我做了25年的婚姻問題治療師。這期間,我看到過成百上的人因為各種不盡人意的關係而感到失望;
    During my 25 years as a marital therapist, I have seen hundreds of people disappointed over unfulfilling relationships.
  •  新中國使延續了幾年的封建婚姻家庭制度成為了歷史,以愛情為基礎的自主婚姻和男女平等的家庭生活已成為當代中國婚姻家庭的主流。
    The founding of New China put an end to the feudal marital and family system that had endured for several millennia. Independent marriage based on mutual love and a family life in which husband and wife are equal have become the main current in contemporary Chinese Society.
  • 例如煤産量,一九七八年,美國商品煤五億九九百多萬噸,蘇聯原煤七億二四百萬噸。
    Take coal output for example.In 1978 the total amount of marketable coal mined in the United States was in excess of 599 million tons, and the output of raw coal in the Soviet Union was 724 million tons.
  • 最保守的估計是,到世紀之交(距今僅有500天的時間),它將發展成為交易額達兩億美元的市場,其中大部分是企業與企業之間進行的交易。
    Even the most conservative estimates say that it will be at least a $200 billion marketplace by the turn of the century (which is only 500 days away) -- most of that volume is business to business transaction.
  • 馬歇爾又補充說,萬不要怕說不。
    And don't be afraid to just say no,Marshall adds.
  • 確山慘案,一九三九年十一月十一日,河南省確山、信陽、泌陽等縣的國民黨反動武裝一八百餘人,圍攻確山縣竹溝鎮新四軍留守處,慘殺因抗日受傷的新四軍幹部、戰士和他們的傢屬以及當地群衆共二百餘人。
    The Chuehshan massacre occurred on November 11, 1939, when more than 1,800 Kuomintang secret agents and soldiers in Chuehshan, Xinyang and Qinyang counties in He'nan province attacked the liaison offices of the New Fourth Army in the town of Chukou, Chuehshan County, Honan.Over two hundred people were murdered, including New Fourth Army officers and soldiers who had been wounded in the anti-Japanese war and members of their families.
  • 今天, 美國人每天要吃掉八六百萬磅肉。
    Today, Americans masticate 86 million pounds of meat every day.
  • 美國人現在每天要吃掉八六百萬磅的肉。
    Americans now masticate 86 million pounds of meat every day.
  • 個婦幼保健機構廣泛開展婦女病普查防治、遺傳咨詢、婚前檢查、孕産期保艦新法接生、嬰幼兒保健等多種服務。
    Several thousand maternity and child care centers provide various services, including the general survey, prevention and treatment of women's diseases, consultation on hereditary diseases, examination before marriage, health care for pregnant and postpartum women, new delivery methods, health care for babies and young children, etc.
  • 箴言傳千古。
    A good maxim is never out of season.
  • 到2001年,新疆生産建設兵團在兩大沙漠邊緣興修水利、植樹造林、防風固沙,建起了數公裏的緑色屏障,形成了1064公頃新緑洲,建起了石河子、五傢渠等一批新興城鎮;國內生産總值占自治區的13.2%。
    By 2001, the XPCC had built a maze of irrigation works, sandbreaks and forest belts, rigged up a green barrier totaling several thousand km in length, created new oases with a total area of 1.064 million ha, brought into existence a number of new towns such as Shihezi and Wujiaqu, and reaped a GDP that accounted for 13.2% of the autonomous region’s total.
  • (如在夢中)變萬化真實或想象的圖象。
    a constantly changing medley or real or imagined images (as in a dream).
  • 以能源、交通建設為例,今後五年,中國將新增發電裝機容量8000萬瓦,新建鐵路16000公裏,高速公路2800公裏,光纖通訊綫路150000公裏,新增電話交換機7000—8000萬門。
    In the next five years, China will increase its installed power-generating capacity by 80,000 megawatts and build 16,000-kilometres-long new railways plus another 2,800 kilometres of freeways. It also plans to build another 150,000 kilometres of optic fibre cables and increase telephone switching capacity by 70-80 million lines.
  • 以能源、交通建設為例,今後五年,中國將新增發電裝機容量8000萬瓦,新建鐵路16000公裏,高速公路2800公裏,光纖通訊綫路150000公裏,新增電話交換機7000—8000萬門。
    An example is the market demand for energy and communications construction. In the next five years, China will increase its installed power-generating capacity by 80,000 megawatts and build 16,000-kilometres-long new railways plus another 2,800 kilometres of freeways. It also plans to build another 150,000 kilometres of optic fibre cables and increase telephone switching capacity by 70-80 million lines.
  • 層屬植物紅層屬和白層屬各種澳大利亞灌木或樹木,具有稠密的花狀圓柱形尖刺,上帶大量長而突出的雄蕊,令人想起清潔瓶子的刷子
    Any of various Australian shrubs or trees of the genera Callistemon and Melaleuca, having densely flowered, cylindrical spikes with numerous, long, protruding stamens that suggest a brush used to clean bottles.
  • 由於最近的"梅利莎"病毒中斷了成上萬臺政府和商業計算機係統,所以可以誇張地把它叫做一次積極的事件。
    It might be a stretch to call the recent "Melissa" virus a positive event because it disrupted thousands of government and commercial computer systems.
  • 雖然傢貓不懂語言,但是一項研究說明,這種和人類共同生活了幾年的動物已經能夠用它們的叫聲和人類很好地交流了。
    While domestic cats may not know language, a study suggests the animals, which have lived alongside people for thousands of years, have adapted their "meows" to befter communicate with humans.
  • 我知道我的午餐比那鴿子的午餐復雜得多,我也知道我所要吃的幾樣東西,乃是成纍萬的人們工作的結果,需要一個極復雜的種植、貿易、運輸、遞送和烹飪的制度,為了這個原因,人類要獲得食物是比動物更睏難的。
    I know that my lunch is a more complicated affair than the pigeon's, and that the few articles of food I take involve thousands of people at work and a highly complicated system of cultivation, merchandising, transportation, delivery and preparation. That is why it is harder for man to get food than for animals.
  • 冶金部係統可以增加幾個工程師,鐵道部也可以這樣做,包括提拔工人當中的優秀分子。
    Enterprises and departments under the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry could add several thousand engineers to their staff, as could the Ministry of Railways, including those promoted from among outstanding workers.
  • 我估計這個花園的面積有1平方米。
    I will estimate the size of the garden at 1000 square mete.
  • 年來,人們普遍認為,流星或稱"墜落的星星",實際上是天外來客。
    For thousands of years, the common belief held, was that meteors, or "falling stars," were literally from out of this world.
  • 計程表顯示的是10米、5美元。
    The meter reads 10 kilometers and 5 dollars.
  • 由三月底至六月中期間,古物古跡辦事處在屯門竜鼓灘三處丁屋地點進行了一項大規模的搶救發掘工作,發掘範圍達300平方米,並在離地面一米深處發現屬新石器時代晚期(約公元前二年)的文化層。
    A large-scale rescue excavation was conducted from late March to mid-June at three small house sites at Lung Kwu Tan, Tuen Mun. A total area of 300 square metres was excavated and a late-Neolithic cultural layer of about 2000 BC was encountered one metre below ground surface.
  • 米,公裏公製的長度單位,等於1,000米(0。62英裏)
    A metric unit of length equal to1, 000 meters(0.62 mile).
  • 公擔一質量單位,在公製體係中相當於100
    A unit of mass in the metric system equal to100 kilograms.
  • 噸當量相當於1,000公噸tnt炸藥的爆炸力
    An explosive force equivalent to that of1, 000 metric tons of TNT.
  • 公製長度單位等於分之一米。
    a metric unit of length equal to one thousandth of a meter.