  • 在扶貧開發的過程中,中國政府堅持以經濟建設為中心,發展貧睏地區的生産力,走開發式扶貧的道路,通過多種方式和途徑,采取綜合配套措施,幫助村貧睏人口脫貧。
    In carrying out its aid-the-poor program, the Chinese Government has persistently centered its efforts on economic construction, developing the productive forces of poverty-stricken areas, and combining development with relief. It aims at helping the rural poor to shake off poverty through various ways and channels, and by adopting comprehensive coordinative measures.
  • 英國一種中世紀土地保有權;副本是采邑貴族分給民的一小塊土地以得到業服務。
    a medieval form of land tenure in England; a copyhold was a parcel of land granted to a peasant by the lord of the manor in return for agricultural services.
  • 民們在收割完莊稼後常燒茬子。
    Farmers often burn the stubble after they have cut the corn.
  • 凡有民運動各縣,梭鏢隊便迅速地發展。
    Every county where there is a peasant movement has a rapidly growing spear corps.
  • 建設民武裝另有一個新的方面,即會的梭鏢隊。
    A new way is through the setting up of spear corps under the peasant associations.
  • 馬日事變⒇以前,各縣有民自衛軍。
    Before the May 21st Incident (21), all the counties had peasant self-defence corps.
  • 農産品生産成本
    production cost of agricultural products
  • 遠處的捨窗戶閃爍着幾盞微弱的燈。
    From the cottage window a few lamps were glimmering in the distance.
  • 這幢捨為樹木所環抱。
    The cottage was embosomed in trees.
  • 爆炸把捨炸得粉碎。
    The explosion splintered the cottage off.
  • 招人愛的捲毛狗、幼兒、
    A sweet little poodle, baby, cottage
  • 他們住在附近的一棟捨裏。
    They live in a cottage near by.
  • 那座古老的捨隱藏在樹林中。
    That old cottage is hidden among trees.
  • 農捨緊靠着河邊。
    The cottage stood hard by the river.
  • 印度農業研究委員會
    Indian Council of Agricultural Research,ICAR
  • 城市的基層民主組織是居民委員會,在村是村民委員會。
    Neighborhood Committees are the grass-roots democratic organizations in urban areas, and their counterparts in rural areas are Village Committees.
  • 廣大村婦女與男子一樣分得了土地,成為土地的主人,從根本上改變了男女經濟不平等的狀態。
    Rural women obtained land, just like their male counterparts, and became masters of their piece of soil. This fundamentally altered the situation of economic inequality between men and women.
  • 和大城市中的高樓大廈和喧囂的街道相比,他更喜歡鄉間的莊和田野。
    He likes the farms and fields in the country better than the tall buildings and busy streets in the city.
  • 她在農村度過一生.
    She lived her whole life in the country.
  • 純潔的住在村的人。
    an unsophisticated country person.
  • 出發到農村旅行
    Sally forth into the country
  • 這條高速公路破壞了村的田園美景。
    The expressway mars the beauty of the countryside.
  • 農村集市貿易
    fair trade of countryside
  • 建設社會主義新農村
    building a new socialist countryside
  • 農村社會工作
    social work in the countryside
  • 入侵的軍隊使村荒蕪了。
    Invading armies wasted the countryside.
  • 她在農村當醫生。
    She doctored in the countryside.
  • 你們到村去看了一下嗎?
    Have you been to our countryside?
  • 鄉間到處可見傢的房捨。
    The countryside was sprinkled with farmhouses.
  • 他們在農村定居了。
    They established themselves in the countryside.
  • 他已在村安傢落戶。
    He has settled down in the countryside.
  • 他出發去考察農村。
    He set out to explore the countryside.