  • 这一点,我们要有分的信心。
    In this respect, we should be fully confident.
  • 事实上,我们对自己的末来满信心。
    Indeed we are very confident of our future.
  • 满自信地大步走过大厅。
    He strode confidently across the hall.
  • 但他们却满自信地笑着说:“总能找到你所需要的。”
    "You can always find what you need." they smiled confidently.
  • 公了的由于被没收公而丧失财产的
    Having lost property through confiscation.
  • 自一九八九年九月开始实施《贩毒(追讨得益)条例》,以及警队成立财富调查组以来,被下令公的资产有2.97亿元,已向政府缴付的资产则有2.16亿元,而到一九九七年底时另有被冻结的资产1.69亿元,等待没收。
    Since the introduction of the Drug Trafficking (Recovery of Proceeds)Ordinance in September 1989 and the establishment of the Financial Investigation Unit, assets valued at $297 million have been ordered confiscated and a total of $216 million has been paid to the government.Further assets amounting to $169 million were under restraint at the end of 1997, pending confiscation proceedings.
  • 他得了严重的肺血。
    He had a serious congestion of the lungs.
  • 阻塞时满血液或其他液体的膨胀。
    swelling up with blood or other fluids (as with congestion).
  • 不能排出足够的血液来避免组织血。
    inability to pump enough blood to avoid congestion in the tissues.
  • 由于病毒或细菌而导致的肺部发炎或血。
    inflammation of the lungs with congestion caused by viruses or bacteria or irritants.
  • 为了减轻鼻子血制造的供吸入的化学水蒸气。
    produces a chemical vapor to be inhaled in order to relieve nasal congestion.
  • 他的言论当了他的政见的媒介物。
    his editorials provided a vehicle for his political views; a congregation is a vehicle of group identity.
  • 这种推测的根据分。
    This conjecture is well founded.
  • 我叔叔冒为绘画鉴赏家,实际上他只是个门外汉。
    My uncle posed as a connoisseur in paintings while actually he was only a layman.
  •    (三)贯彻“三个代表”重要思想,必须最广泛最分地调动一切积极因素,不断为中华民族的伟大复兴增添新力量。
    This should be an important policy of the Party and state to be conscientiously implemented in society at large.
  • 位填--在传输端,每遇到5个连续的1就插入一个0。
    Bit stuffing - inserts a 0 any time five consecutive 1s are encountered at transmitting end.
  • 第四,中国农业连续三年大丰收,粮食储备裕。
    Lastly, China's agriculture has reaped good harvests for three consecutive years, and grain reserves are ample.
  • 他同一个名叫安东尼娜·米柳柯娃满幻想的、年轻的音乐学院女学生结婚是一场灾难性的经历。
    He made his one disastrous experiment in marriage with a romantic-minded young conservatory student named Antotlina Miliukov.
  • 这些资料应得到分的利用。
    Considerable use should be made of these data.
  • 分考虑过的、完美的。
    fully considered and perfected.
  • "信念"以满活力和激情的现场表演著称于世,惯常使演唱会的门票售罄。
    Creed's reputation for dynamic,passionate live performances has led to consistently sold?out shows.
  • "信念"以满活力和激情的现场表演著称于世,惯常使演唱会的门票售罄。
    Creed's reputation for dynamic,passionate live performances has led to consistently sold? out shows.
  • 让医生给我们开药方以获得身心健康、精力沛和富有成效的生活,我们得到的往往是运动二字。
    Nothing is more consistently prescribed by physicians for a healthy,energetic,and productive life than exercise.
  • 我本不会寻求提名,因为我已志在另一个部门,作为依利诺斯州的最高长官并不是一项无奈的选择,也不是给我的一个安慰奖,在那里,我的雄心壮志得到分地发挥。
    I could not seek it because I aspire to another once, which was the full measure of my ambition, and one does not treat the highest office within the gifts of the people of Illinois as an alternative or as a consolation prize.
  • 最近我出席多个大专大学毕业典礼和叁观一些学校,与香港的青年人有机会接触,香港青年人予我总体的印象是一群有理念、有承担感,是对香港回归满信心,有志向在下一代、在下一个世纪当家作主的青年人,看到这样朝气的青年一代,我都感到很安慰很高兴,我们正身处一个大时代之中,在这一个大时代的标志,从香港来说,香港结束了长达一百五十六年的殖民统治,重新回归到祖国的大家庭,从整个国际形势来说,世界从过去两极对峙格局变成多极的发展,和平与及发展成为当今世上的主题,经济更加开放,资讯科技推动了经济,社会和各个领域迅速的变化,制造了更多发展的机会,带给我们更加多的挑战。
    During my recent attendance in the graduation ceremonies of a number of tertiary institutions and visits to schools, I had the chance to come into contact with some of our young people. From them I got the overall impression that they are a group of youngsters with their own values and a sense of commitment, who have confidence in Hong Kong after the reunification and are aspiring to be the future masters of Hong Kong. It has given me great consolation and delight to see such a vivacious younger generation. We are now in an era of great historical significance. To Hong Kong, this era marks the end of 156 years of colonial rule and its reunification with the motherland after a prolonged separation. In the international scene, it represents a transformation from the past polarisation to development in all spheres. Peace and development are the main agenda of the world today. Economies have become more open and information technology is propelling rapid changes in economies, societies and other various areas. This in turn has created more opportunities for development as well as brought about more challenges.
  • 同时我们进行丁调整、巩固、实、提高。
    Meanwhile we embarked on a campaign to readjust, consolidate, fill out gaps and raise standards.
  • 经过分协商,拟定了侯选人名单。
    A list of candidates was worked out after full consultation.
  • 他的心里满了嫉妒。
    He was consumed with envy.
  • 大部分美国人对未来满希望,消费者信心保持高涨。
    Most Americans are hopeful about the future, and consumer confidence is high.
  • 容纳;充满
    To be filled by; contain.
  • 这是一部满暴力和凶杀的小说。
    This novel contains much blood and thunder.
  • 在几乎所有的案件中,使用一个被分污染的样本以改变鉴定结果的结果将会被裁决为非决定性的。
    In almost all cases, the results of using a specimen sufficiently contaminated to alter test results simply would be ruled inconclusive.