  • 要求撤销最新工会法规的人在职工大会上形成了一个活跃分子集团。
    Those who want to repeal the latest trade union legislation have formed a ginger group within the TUC.
  • 据《纽约时报》周三(2月14日)报道,美国一最富有的人请求国会不要废除遗产税。
    Some of the richest Americans are urging Congress not to repeal the estate tax,The New York Times reported on Wednesday.(Feb.14)
  • 巴菲特、乔治·索罗斯及其他一有名的大富豪一起出面反对总统提出的废除遗产税计划,这确实有点新鲜别致。
    It was refreshing to see Buffett and George Soros and a number of other extremely wealthy luminaries stand up in opposition to President Bush's proposed repeal of the estate tax.
  • 巴菲特等人在反对废除遗产税的请愿书中列举了这因素,他们还谈到了同样带有感情色彩而且更为复杂的因素:精英管理的原则。
    Buffett and company cite these factors in their petition calling for opposition to the estate? tax repeal.They also discuss something that's equally emotional and far more complex: the principle of meritocracy.
  • 尽管该项政策带有一定的感情色彩(因为这项计划将保护一小业主的继承人,可以不必为纳税而卖掉公司;事实上大多数人已为他们的积蓄纳过税),但实际上废除遗产税将主要为极少数很富有、很富有的人增添一笔意外之财。
    While the policy has some emotional attractions it would protect the inheritors of some sma businesses from having to sell the companies to pay taxes,and it is true that most people have been taxed on their savings once already in practice the tax repeal would mainly be a windfall for a very small number of very,very rich people.
  • 请愿书说,废除征收遗产税"将使美国百万富翁和亿万富翁的继承人更富有,而那生活拮据、勉强糊口的家庭则受到了损害。
    Repealing the levy “ would enrich the heirs of America's millionaires and billionaires,while hurting families who struggle to make ends meet,” the petition says.
  • 你能预付我一钱吗。
    Can you advance me some money?
  • 跟着我念这些句子。
    Repeat these sentences after me.
  • 她为什么重复说这词?
    Why do she repeat the word?
  • 她为什么重复说这词?
    Why does she repeat the words?
  • 许多科学家认为用通常规范的科学方式来证实动物具有情感是不可能的,因为这种反复的观察实验可以在受控的实验中操纵进行,这就使这科学家得出结论,即动物的这种情感是不存在的。
    Many scientists also say that it is impossible to prove animals have emotions using standard scientific methods -- repeatable observations that can be manipulated in controlled experiments -- leading them to conclude that such feelings must not exist.
  • 这些话不堪重复。
    The words won`t bear repeating.
  • 我们要避免重犯这错误。
    We must try to avoid repeating these errors.
  • 我对重复已厌烦了,这次请大家注意
    I'm tired of repeating myself, so pay attention this time.
  • 纤维状溶液本身带有相同的电荷,互相排斥,像布纹一样,其纹理排列得极有规律。
    The fibers have the same charge, so they repel one another and regularly space themselves like a textile weave.
  • 作为吉祥符,这燧石箭头被认为有吸引爱情、抵挡恶毒眼光的独特能力。
    As lucky charms,these flints were believed to have special power to attract love and to repel the effects of the evil eye.
  • 一百年来,中国的斗争,从鸦片战争反对英国侵略起,后来有太平天国的战争,有甲午战争,有戊戌维新,有义和团运动,有辛亥革命,有五四运动,有北伐战争,有红军战争,这虽然情形各不相同,但都是为了反抗外敌,或改革现状的。
    During that century, there was first the Opium War against British aggression, then came the War of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, then the Sino-Japanese War of 1894, the Reform Movement of 1898, the Yi Ho Tuan Movement, the Revolution of 1911, the May 4th Movement, the Northern Expedition, and the war waged by the Red Army -- although these struggles differed from each other, their common purpose was to repel foreign enemies or change existing conditions.
  • 对于仍然存在的不适应先进生产力和时代发展要求的一落后的生产方式,既不能脱离实际地简单化地加以排斥,也不能采取安于现状、保护落后的态度,而要立足实际,创造条件加以改造、改进和提高,通过长期努力,逐步使它们向先进适用的生产方式转变。
    As to some existing backward modes of production that do not go along with the requirements of the development of advanced productive forces and the development of the times, we can not repel them summarily and unrealistically; nor should we take the attitude of being contented with what the things are and protecting what is backward. Instead , we should be realistic and prepare the conditions for transforming, improving and upgrading them and, through long-time efforts, gradually make them advanced and applicable.
  • 球是经过磁化的,它们一直在互相排斥或互相吸引着。
    The spheres had been magnetized and attracted or repelled each other all the time.
  • 角质一种出现在某植物细胞的细胞壁上的蜡状抗水物质,它形成覆盖在表皮外面的角质层
    A waxlike, water-repellent material present in the walls of some plant cells and forming the cuticle, which covers the epidermis.
  • 亚香茅油从这种植物获得的淡黄色到棕色的芳香油,主要用于香水和一驱虫剂及商用调味品
    A pale yellow to brownish aromatic oil obtained from this plant, used chiefly in perfumery and also in some insect repellents and commercial flavorings.
  • 因为报仇底痛快处似乎不在使对方受苦而在使对方悔罪也。那卑劣狡猾的懦夫则有如暗中的飞箭。
    For the delight seemeth to be, not so much in doing the hurt, as in making the party repent:but base and crafty cowards are like the arrow that flieth in the dark.
  • 在那非常杰出而成为人们所喜爱的各种音乐形式的乐曲中,只有贝多芬和莫扎特才能在数量上同柴可夫斯基相匹敌。
    Only Beethoven and Mozart can rival Tschaikovsky in the number of compositions in various musical forms that stand out as repertory favorites.
  • 他加人了一家小型的保留剧目轮演剧团,扮演一小角色。他排练时常常迟到,自然不受同事们的欢迎。
    He joined a small repertory company, acted in minor parts, was in-variably unpunctual at rehearsals and was accordingly unpopular with his fellow-actors.
  • 大人们教他们这技术。
    The adults teach them these skills.
  • 电影只适宜成人观看。
    These films are suitable for adults only.
  • 东西不会因为重复而失去新意。
    These are things which can not be staled by repetition.
  • 重复在一种诗歌格律中某音节或发音的重复,如在重音格中
    Repetition of certain sounds or syllables in poetry, as in echo verse.
  • 电视节目愈来愈糟,沈闷乏味,相互雷同。
    Some programs on television have degenerate into weary repetition of each other.
  • 投资有效地促进了产业结构优化升级,没有重复建设,办了多年以来想办的事情。
    These investments have effectively promoted optimization and upgrading of industrial structure with no repetitive construction taking place and we have done things that we wanted to do for many years.
  • 他们不断重复的老一套说法,而事实上又没有哪一件事能有定论,这就使得选民的感情不再受这说法的影响。
    The repetitiveness and the fact that none of these things are conclusive means that voters aren't moved by this stuff anymore.
  • 粉末状或粒状碳,通过吸附起净化作用,口服(作为浆)可作一毒药的解毒剂。
    powdered or granular carbon used for purifying by adsorption; given orally (as a slurry) it is an antidote for some kinds of poisons.