  • 据马萨诸塞州弗明翰市的国际数据公司(idc)的分析家布赖德·巴威恩说:“相竞的标准使用户大为烦恼。
    "The competing standards were incredibly annoying to users," says Brad Baldwin, an analyst at Framingham, Mass.-based International Data Corp (IDC)."
  • 另外一位分析家表示,梅西(百货公司)的策略不仅显示它需要取额外的生意,而且显示很多零售业者深恐即将到来的假日季节的市况将奇惨无比。
    Another analyst noted that Macy's tactic reflected not only its need to drum up extra business, but the fear among many retailers that the upcoming holiday season will be a disaster.
  • 早期投资数字化网络系统以对顾客意见加以捕捉、分析和利用的公司将使自己得以超越竞
    Companies that invest early in digital nervous systems to capture, analyze and capitalize on customer input will differentiate themselves from competition.
  • 难道主要地不是由于他们坚持为人民服务的立场,用自我牺牲的精神,树立了模范的军民关系,在部队内部建立了能够充分发扬下级官兵积极性的同志式的关系,并且依靠群众,总结每次战的经验,从战术到战略都不断地得到进步的原故吗?
    Is it not chiefly because they upheld the principle of serving the people, established exemplary relations with the people through sacrificing their own interests, crated inside the armed forces a comradeship that brought the initiative of junior officers and the rank and file into full play, relied on the masses, analyzed the experience of each battle, and from battle to battle made continuous progress, both strategic and tactical?
  • 我们正在分析市场上我们产品竞的品牌。
    We are analyzing the rival brand on the market.
  • 我们正在分析市场上我们产品竞的品牌。
    We is analyzing the rival brand on the market.
  • 克鲁泡特金,皮奥奇·阿列克谢耶维奇1842-1921俄国无政府主义者和政治哲学家,他认为改善人类现状的方法是合作而不是竞。他对俄国和英国的无政府主义运动产生了很大的影响
    Russian anarchist and political philosopher who maintained that cooperation, not competition, was the means to bettering the human condition. He greatly influenced anarchist movements in Russia and England.
  • 他们是革命战的主力军;然而他们的小生产的特点,使他们的政治眼光受到限制(一部分失业群众则具有无政府思想),所以他们不能成为战的正确的领导者。
    They are the main forces in the revolutionary war, but, being small-scale producers, they are limited in their political outlook (and some of the unemployed masses have anarchist views), so that they are unable to give correct leadership in the war.
  • 和生产无政府状态的规律
    law of competition and anarchy of capitalist production
  • ,虚伪,诈骗,混乱以及迫在眉睫的杀戮充斥了我们日常生活的世界里。
    Wes till do; living in a world in which war, hypocrisy, chicanery, anarchy and impending immolation are part of our daily lives.
  • 它确凿地证明了机器和分工的破坏作用、资本和地产的积聚、生产过剩、危机、小资产者和小农的必然没落、无产阶级的贫困、生产的无政府状态、财富分配的极不平均、各民族之间的毁灭性的工业战,以及旧风尚、旧家庭关系和旧民族性的解体。
    It proved, incontrovertibly, the disastrous effects of machinery and division of labour; the concentration of capital and land in a few hands; overproduction and crises; it pointed out the inevitable ruin of the petty bourgeois and peasant, the misery of the proletariat, the anarchy in production, the crying inequalities in the distribution of wealth, the industrial war of extermination between nations, the dissolution of old moral bonds, of the old family relations, of the old nationalities.
  • 歌德曾经说过:如果你想拥有父辈们托付给你的那些事物,你应当再去重新取一次。
    In the words of Goethe: That which thy fathers bequeathed thee, earn it anew if you would possess it.
  • 在西安,纠正了两党关系上的无原则倾向(迁就倾向),重新开展了群众斗
    In Sian we have corrected the tendency towards unprincipled accommodation in our relations with the Kuomintang and have developed the mass struggle anew.
  • 吵闹地或生气地吵的人。
    someone who argues noisily or angrily.
  • 吵进行辩;愤怒地
    To engage in a quarrel; dispute angrily.
  • 与某人争得面红耳赤
    Have angry passages with sb.
  • 安娜参够毫不费力地击败任何其他竞者。
    Anna can make rings round any competitor.
  • 安娜近来没有上学。汤姆和他的自尊心斗了好几天,老想“把她看得一文不值”,可做不到。
    Anna had stopped coming to school. Tom had struggled with his pride a few days, and tried to "whistle her down the wind", but failed.
  • 它将在人类战史上演出空前伟大的一幕。
    Our guerrilla war will present a great drama unparalleled in the annals of war.
  • 在中国红军的战史中,这个问题常常成为重要的论问题。
    In the war annals of the Chinese Red Army, this has often been an important controversial issue.
  • (五六)这样看来,长期而又广大的抗日战,是军事、政治、经济、文化各方面犬牙交错的战,这是战史上的奇观,中华民族的壮举,惊天动地的伟业。
    56. Thus it can be seen that the protracted and far-flung War of Resistance Against Japan is a war of a jig-saw pattern militarily, politically, economically and culturally. It is a marvellous spectacle in the annals of war, a heroic undertaking by the Chinese nation, a magnificent and earth-shaking feat.
  • 不过,在我们向烈士的遗骸告别之际,这些官兵们肯定会和我们同声说:无论在这个文明世界的哪个地方,只要读到关于这场伟大战的记载,人们就会发现,在我们国家有史以来的光荣记录中,再也找不到比葛底斯堡战役更加辉煌的一页了。
    But they, I am sure, will join us in saying, as we bid farewell to the dust of these martyr heroes, that wheresoever throughout the civilized world the accounts of this great warfare are read, and down to the latest period of recorded time, in the glorious annals of our common country there will be no brighter page than that which relates to the battles of Gettysburg.
  • 安妮不喜欢听反对意见,不要和她论。
    Anne hates being crossed so don't argue with her.
  • (xv)任何单证附件或其他证据,包括申诉书依据的适用于议域名及任何商标或服务标志的注册的政策的副本,连同这些证据的索引一览表。
    (xv) Annex any documentary or other evidence, including a copy of the Policy applicable to the domain name(s) in dispute and any trademark or service mark registration upon which the complaint relies, together with a schedule indexing such evidence.
  • 第11届美国总统;他的膨胀主义导致了墨西哥战和加利福尼亚同西南方的合并(1795-1849)。
    11th President of the United States; his expansionism led to the Mexican War and the annexation of California and much of the southwest (1795-1849).
  • 要免于受兼并,只有这么一个选择,那就是竞。这就要求欧洲各大企业,尤其是“大科学”领域的企业,必须具备充分的竞力。
    As an alternative to annexation there is the choice of competition. This demands that European businesses. Particularly those in the area of “Big Science,” become fully competitive.
  • 该战由对一块狭长土地霸占的议所引起。
    The war is caused by a dispute over the annexe of a strip of land.
  • 阿尔萨斯法国东部的一个地区,以前是一个省,介于莱茵河和孚日山脉中间。1871年普法战后和它邻近的洛林一同被德国吞并,1919年凡尔赛和约签定后回归法国
    A region and former province of eastern France between the Rhine River and the Vosges Mountains. Along with neighboring Lorraine, it was annexed by Germany in1871 after the Franco-Prussian War and returned to France by the Treaty of Versailles(1919).
  • 不但如此,由于我们的进军吸引了大量敌人到中原方面,这样就从根本上破坏了敌人将战继续引向解放区企图彻底摧毁解放区的反革命计划,而将战引向了国民党统治区域,不但保存了原有解放区的基本区域,而且使我各路友军在山东,在苏北,在豫北,在晋南,在西北,在东北等地顺利地歼灭了大量敌人,恢复了广大失地,使全局都转入了攻势,我们的辛苦并不是白费的。
    And that is not all. Since we marched to the Central Plains, we have drawn large numbers of enemy troops here, thus utterly upsetting the enemy's counter-revolutionary plan to carry the war into the liberated areas and completely destroy these areas and pushing the war into areas under Kuomintang rule. In this way, we have not only preserved the existing liberated areas, but also enabled friendly army units along various routes to annihilate large numbers of enemy troops and recover large tracts of lost territory in Shandong, northern Jiangsu, northern Henan, southern Shanxi, northwest and northeast China and in other places. As a result, we have helped bring about offensives on all fronts. We have not suffered hardship for nothing.
  • 全面的核子战能导致人类的灭绝。
    A full-scale nuclear war could lead to the annihilation of the human race.
  • 要消灭,要取打几个歼灭仗。
    We should try hard to fight several battles of annihilation.
  • (九八)我们首先可以说,抗日战是消耗战,同时又是歼灭战。
    98. To begin with, we may say that the anti-Japanese war is at once a war of attrition and a war of annihilation.