  • 請提供我主必要的技術數據,如果可能的話,請提供一些新設備的設計方案和建造圖紙
    Please provide us with the necessary technical data and, if possible, some drawings connected with the design and building of the new equipment.
  • 你應該盡早地我們設備介紹的藍圖計劃和整個計劃可行性調查的報告
    You should give us as soon as possible the blueprint plan for the introduction of the equipment and a report on a survey of the feasibility entire plan.
  • 請盡早移交這些技術數據我們
    Please turn over these technical data to our side at the earliest possible time.
  • 既然你方移交我們的現有技術很快過時,我們期望你方繼續提供先進的技術
    Since the existing know-how transferred by your company will soon become obsolete, we expect that you will continue offering us your improved technological expertise.
  • 如果你發我們的文件不能使用,或者如果箱單註明的一款或多款遺漏,你必須在接我方書面通知日起45日內將所有文件或遺漏的文件發我們,費用自理。
    If the documents you send us cannot be used, or if one item or more mentioned in the packing list should be lacking, you have to send all the documents or the lacking items at your cost , within 45 days from the date you receive the written notice from us.
  • 如果你提供我們的技術文件不適用於我們的實際生産,你必須幫助我們修改技術文件
    If the technical documents provided by you are not applicable to our actual production condition, you are obliged to assist us in modifying the technical documents.
  • 圖紙和技術文件將由挂號空郵寄
    Drawings and technical documents will be sent to you by registered airmail.
  • 計算憤怒的成本。許多患有憤怒問題的人都會認為憤怒予他們一定的優勢,讓他們具有優越感。其實恰恰相反,你看起來就像個白癡。
    --Calculate what your anger is costing you. Many people with anger problems think anger gives them an edge, and establishes superiority. Instead, you just look like an idiot.
  • 如果你感覺自己就要大發雷霆,那麽不妨在爆發之前稍作停頓。過15分鐘再開口,或者是過一個小時再發郵件。自己多個選擇。如果在一個小時之內這件事情變得不再那麽重要的話,那麽就讓它過去吧。它不值得你為之生氣。
    --If you feel a blowup coming on, give yourself a time-out before acting on it. Wait 15 minutes before you say something, or an hour before you send an email. Keep your options open. If it's not going to be important in an hour, then let it go. It's not worth getting angry about.
  • 我要給您做心電圖.
    I'm going to do an ECG for you.
  • 我們通過胃管您必要的營養.當我放管時,請做吞咽動作.
    We can feed you the necessary nutrients through the tube. Please swallow the tube as I put it down.
  • 我要給您整理床鋪.
    I'm going to make your bed.
  • 我們馬上給您換床單.
    we'll change the bed linen at once.
  • 我要給您的踝部冷敷
    I'll apply a cold compress to your ankle.
  • 我要給您的踝部熱敷
    I'll apply a hot compress to your ankle.
  • 我要給您做備皮。
    I'm going to shave your skin.
  • 我要您做皮膚準備。
    I'm going to do skin preparation for you.
  • 要給您做局麻.
    You're going to have a local anaesthesia.
  • 要給您做全身麻醉.
    You're going to have a general anaesthesia.
  • 要給您做硬膜外麻醉.
    You're going to have an epidural anaesthesia.
  • 我要您做青黴素皮試.
    I'm going to do a skin test of pennicillin for you.
  • 我要您做破傷風皮試.
    I'm going to do a tetanus hypersensitive test for you.
  • 我要給您做肌肉註射
    I'm going to give you an intramuscular injection.
  • 我要給您做靜脈註射
    I'm going to give you an intravenous infusion.
  • 我要給您做皮內註射
    I'm going to give you a hypodermic injection.
  • 我要您灌腸,幫助您排便
    I'm going to give you an enema to help you pass motion.
  • 醫生要給您換藥.
    The doctor will change your dressing.
  • 醫生要給您拆綫.
    The doctor will remove your stitches.
  • 我要給您吸氧
    I'm going to give you oxygen now.
  • 我要您(霧化)吸入.
    I'm going to give you nebulization.
  • 我要給您做膀胱衝洗
    I'm going to do bladder irrigation for you.
  • 要給您做皮膚牽引
    You will have skin traction.