  • 这使国王感到痛心疾首,因为他视儿子为他最重要的财宝,但明白儿子必须受到惩罚,但又不能对儿子处以死刑。于是他选择了一个对于养尊处优、佣人成群的人来说是十可怕的惩处办法:把王子逐出家园,流放到荒野中自谋生路,只有一个佣人相随。
    Now the king was grief stricken. His fine son was his greatest treasure, but the king knew that he must be punished. The king could not execute the boy, but he chose no less terrible a fate for one raised in comfort and surrounded by servants. The boy was banished from the kingdom, cast into the wild world to fend for himself. Only one servant could accompany him.
  • 规模生产从氨基酸发酵中馏蒸馏乙醇的装置。
    an apparatus for the fractional distillation of ethanol from fermentation on an industrial scale.
  • 布于多岩石山地地区的一种冷蕨。
    fern of rocky mountainous areas of hemisphere.
  • 比佛罗里达带形蕨类植物更短更窄的蕨类植物;布在佛罗里达到西印度,墨西哥和阿根廷南部。
    fern with shorter and narrower leaves than Florida strap fern; Florida to West Indies and Mexico and south to Argentina.
  • 布在北半球多岩石地区的一种黄绿色蕨类。
    yellow-green fern of rocky areas of northern hemisphere.
  • 在奥氏体冷却的过程中形成的碳素体和铁素体的层状混合物,是钢和铸铁的微量成
    a lamellar mixture of cementite and ferrite formed during the cooling of austenite; a micro-constituent of steel and cast iron.
  • 铁在当代是如此重要,所有的合金为两类:铁合金、有色合金。
    So important is iron at the present day that all alloys are divided into two groups : ferrous alloys and non-ferrous alloys.
  • 渡船15钟后开始装货。
    The ferry will start loading 15 minutes.
  • 渡口把船费提高到40美
    The ferry hiked the fare to forty cents.
  • 这一行人成两路去寻找渡口。
    The party split in two to search for a ferry crossing.
  • (植)无子果实植物的繁殖部,常有芽孢但不结籽
    The fertile, often spore-bearing structure of a plant that does not bear seeds.
  • 18.真菌在腐化过程中十重要,而腐化过程将化学物质回馈于土壤,提高其肥力,并解动物粪便。
    18. Fungi are important in the process of decay, which returns ingredients to the soil, enhances soil fertility, and decomposes animal debris.
  • 人口出生率、自然增长率别由1970年的33.43‰和25.83‰下降到1999年的15.23‰和8.77‰,总和生育率下降到更替水平以下,进入世界低生育水平国家行列。
    The birth rate and natural growth rate decreased from 33.43‰ and 25.83‰ in 1970 to 15.23‰ and 8.77‰ in 1999 respectively. The total fertility rate went below the replacement level, making China one of the countries with a low fertility level in the world.
  • 人口出生率、自然增长率别由1970年的33.43‰和25.83‰下降到1999年的15.23‰和8.77‰,总和生育率下降到更替水平以下,进入世界低生育水平国家行列。
    The birth rate and natural growth rate decreased from 33.43?? and 25.83?? in 1970 to 15.23?? and 8.77?? in 1999 respectively. The total fertility rate of Chinese women went below the replacement level, making China one of the countries with a low fertility level in the world.
  • 倍加作用受精时通过两个配子的裂而使体细胞染色体数恢复
    The formation during fertilization of the diploid number of chromosomes by the fusion of the nuclei of two haploid gametes.
  • 光纤通道允许存储实际布到公司大院内外。
    Fibre Channel allows for physical distribution of storage across a business campus and beyond.
  • 钟后一张结实的纤维板制成了。不但防水,还具有弹性。
    After a few minutes the result; a solid piece of fibreboard, flexible, waterproof.
  • 由溶血性链球菌产生的一种酶,用以溶解由感染引起的纤维蛋白的泌物,在医学上常与链激酶一起使用。
    an enzyme produced by some hemolytic strains of streptococcus that dissolves fibrinous secretions from infections; used medicinally (often in combination with streptokinase).
  • 丝瓜布丝瓜果实晾干后纤维状的部。用作洗涤海绵或填塞物
    The dried, fibrous part of the loofa fruit, used as a washing sponge or as a filter.
  • 核某些水果(如苹果或梨)的中心硬的纤维部,含种子
    The hard or fibrous central part of certain fruits, such as the apple or pear, containing the seeds.
  • 丝瓜属植物类似葫芦的果实变干的纤维部,用作擦洗海绵或滤网。
    dried fibrous part of the gourd-like fruit of a plant of the genus Luffa; used as a washing sponge or strainer.
  • 事实与虚构混杂难
    Fact is inextricably commingled with fiction.
  • 那老者年近九旬,但身体十硬朗。
    That old man is nearly ninety but fit as a fiddle.
  • 他(卡斯特罗)两年前结束了短暂的资本主义实验,因为当时他发现有些经营农产品及卡车运输的业者因在不受管制的市场出售农产品而致富,有引起阶级化之虞。
    He (Fidel Castro) ended a brief experiment with capitalism two years ago when he discovered some growers and truckers getting rich through sales at unregulated farmers' markets, raising the specter of class division.
  • 考狄莉亚的回答反映了她的忠诚和宽容,因此其伦理性成为我们对此做出的部审美反应,即:当生活充满了如此甜美温情之时,我们能够相信生活。
    And because her answer reflects her fidelity and forgiveness, and ethical dimension becomes part of our aesthetic reaction: we can believe in life when it contains this much sweetness and tenderness.
  • 公司工资单上一部是原工资,一部是实发工资。
    The firm's payroll has one field for gross pay and one for net pay.
  • 棒球运动中,外场中部三之一处接球的队员的位置。
    the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is expected to field balls in the central third of the outfield.
  • 棒球运动中外场左侧三之一处接球的队员的位置。
    the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is expected to field balls in the left third of the outfield (looking from home plate).
  • 棒球运动中外场右侧三之一处接球的队员的位置。
    the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is expected to field balls in the right third of the outfield (looking from home plate).
  • 一种数据处理操作,其中输入项或字段被发或复制给多个输出项或字段。
    A data processing operation in which input items or fields are distributed or duplicated in more than one output item or field.
  • 因为失业严重,求职的竞争十激烈。
    Because there is so much unemployment, the competition for jobs is fierce.
  • 王平:每次竞争都十激烈。
    Wang Ping: The competition is fierce each time.