  • 这个小男孩不能拔软木塞。
    The little boy cannot draw the cork.
  • 他拔出了瓶塞。
    He pulled the cork out of the bottle.
  • 他正使劲拔出瓶塞。
    He was yanking the cork out of a bottle.
  • 瓶塞砰的一声拔来了
    The cork came out of the bottle with a loud pop
  • 瓶塞砰的一声拔来了。
    The cork come out of the bottle with a loud pop.
  • 软木塞啪的一声崩掉了,香槟酒喷了来。
    The cork popped out and the champagne gushed from the bottle.
  • 当他拔瓶塞时,瓶子发扑的一声。
    When he pulled the cork out of the bottle, it popped.
  • 火炮或拔塞子发的小而快的爆裂声。
    a sharp explosive sound as from a gunshot or drawing a cork.
  • 他那多愁善感的求婚方式,让那女孩忍不住大声地笑了来。
    He makes such a cornball marriage proposal that the girl laugh out loud.
  • 她将发辫弄蓬松,她的头发高高隆起,摆一付好像猫儿被狗逼在墙角那样的典型姿态。
    Her tail furred out, her hair rose, and she assumed the typical attitude of a cat close-cornered by a dog.
  • 考古学家们控掘一块刻有希腊语铭文的奠基石。
    The archaeologists unearthed a cornerstone bearing a Greek inscription.
  • 政府这个审慎理财、量入为的政策,是香港成功的根基,也使我们能够累积丰厚的储备,而这一点对捍卫联系汇率制度至关重要。
    Such financial discipline has been a cornerstone of our success, and has allowed us to build up strong reserves, which are essential to the protection of our linked exchange rate.
  • 他把商店顶去,搬到康沃尔去了。
    He sold out his shop and moved to Cornwall.
  • 瓣片植物器官的伸部分,如冠檐或萼檐
    The expanded tip of a plant organ, such as a petal or corolla lobe.
  • 内藏的不伸花冠之外的,如不伸花冠的雄性花蕊
    Not protruding beyond a surrounding part, as stamens that do not project from a corolla.
  • 电晕在电晕放电中在高压电极现的一种微弱光辉,常伴随有朝向低压电极的电流
    A faint glow enveloping the high-field electrode in a corona discharge, often accompanied by streamers directed toward the low-field electrode.
  • 汉堡的一位法医迪特尔·比曼称:“根据照片的先后顺序,自1998年以来现的只是他的替身,他本人再没有露过面。
    "In the film sequences since 1998 only the doubles appear, " said Dieter Buhmann, a Hamburg coroner. "He himself has not been seen again."
  • 某些其他类别的案件,例如土地审裁处根据《业主与租客(综合)条例》第ii部审理的案件、向精神健康覆核审裁处提的申请,以及在死因裁判法庭研讯而广受公众关注的案件,也可接受普通法律援助。
    It is also available for certain other matters such as tenancy matters under Part II of the Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) Ordinance in the Lands Tribunal, applications to the Mental Health Review Tribunal and cases of great public concern in the Coroner's Court.
  • 中国电影输输入公司
    China Film Export & Import Corp.
  • 中国土产畜产进口公司辽宁省土产分公司
    China National Native Produce& Animal By-Products Import& Export Corp., Liaoning Native Produce Branch
  • 日本玩具制造商takara公司和电玩游戏制造商konami公司都已经开发这项新技术了。
    Japanese toy maker Takara Co and videogame producer Konami Corp have developed such a new technology.
  • 微软公司可望明年晚些时候推它的动态目录,作为windowsnt5.0的一部分。
    Microsoft Corp. is expected to roll out its Active Directory as part of Windows NT 5.0 later next year.
  • 中士受伤了,因此下士主动带领全排撤了危险区。
    The sergeant was injures and so the corporal took the initiative and lead the platoon out of the danger area.
  • 那位下士似乎总是想与我过不去,本月他已第三次对我提控告。
    The corporal seems to have it in for me; that's the third time he's put me on a charge this month.
  • 警方掘尸体, 发现有中毒的痕迹.
    When the police exhumed the corpse they discovered traces of poison in it.
  • 警方掘尸体,发现有中毒的痕迹。
    When the police exhume the corpse they discover trace of poison in it.
  • 一块巨大的白色裹尸布裹着尸体,从外面可以看尸体的轮廓。
    A large white winding-sheet covered the corpse and partly outlined its misshapen contours.
  • 外宾:是不是那个挖掘一具保存得很好的古代女尸的地方?
    Is it the place where a well preserved woman corpse of ancient time was excavated?
  • 教义,教条由教堂以权威的方式提与道德信仰等问题有关的一条或一系列原则
    A doctrine or a corpus of doctrines relating to matters such as morality and faith, set forth in an authoritative manner by a church.
  • 2.不得中止人身保护令所保障的特权,惟在叛乱或受到侵犯的情况下,於公共安全的必要时不在此限。
    Clause 2:The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.
  • 版了包括少数民族文字、汉文和多种外国文字版本的三大史诗以及一些研究专著,仅关于《格萨尔》就版了300多万字的大型学术资料汇编《格萨尔集成》,涌现一批卓有成就的“格学”研究专家。
    The three epics and treatises concerning them have been published in the appropriate ethnic minority languages, Chinese and foreign languages. The publishing of the Corpus of Gesar Studies in more than three million words brought many distinguished Gesar studies experts to the fore.
  • 那是美洲驼吗? 要是我说错了, 就请指来. `那不是.'
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that a llama?' No, it's not.'