  • 他们沿这条路慢慢地走。
    They padded along the road.
  • 大型的填满的手套;戴打拳击。
    gloves that are big and padded; worn for boxing.
  • 老人裹一件厚厚的棉大衣。
    The old man was bundled up in a heavy cotton-padded overcoat.
  • 沿很长的路步行去镇上
    Padding the long road into town.
  • 填充物一块软的物体,常叠或卷,用于垫料、填充或包装
    A small mass of soft material, often folded or rolled, used for padding, stuffing, or packing.
  • 火箭专家们在发射台及飞机棚中忙准备两次月球火箭之发射试验。
    Missilemen were busy at launching pads and hangars, preparing for two new moon shoots.
  • 用脚趾在水中和弄
    to paddle one's toes in the water
  • 我打算显示一些异教徒的世界之美,一个民族所看到的人生的悲哀、美丽、恐怖和喜剧;这一个民族对于我们生命的有限发生强烈的感觉,然而不知何故却保持一点人生庄严之感。
    I shall attempt to reveal some of the beauty of the pagan world, a sense of the pathos and beauty and terror and comedy of life, viewed by a people who have a strong feeling of the limitations of our existence, and yet somehow retain a sense of the dignity of human life.
  • 他肩上挑着一桶水。
    He puts a pail of water on the shoulder.
  • 他看人们的通行证和徽章,仔细看人们的钱夹子和午餐盒。
    He looked at their passes and badges. He peered into their purse and lunch-pails.
  • 痛是好事,是你的朋友.如果你能感到疼痛,证明你至少还活.worldtradecenter
    pain is good, pain is your friend. if you feel the pain, you are still alive
  • 想到他们还过这样悲惨的生活,她心里很难受。
    She was pained to think of them still living such a miserable life.
  • 她看起来很痛苦;脸上有痛苦迷茫的表情。
    she looked offended; face had a pained and puzzled expression.
  • 小女孩疼得哭丧脸。
    The gifts face puckered up with pains.
  • 他很无能,让人看难受.
    His incompetence was painful to witness.
  • 这种痛苦的经验,是值得我们时时记的。
    This painful experience is always worth remembering.
  • 他默默地听,心中痛苦万分,精神几近崩溃,但他还是挂上了电话。
    He listened quietly and it was painful, terribly painful. He almost broke down. But he put the phone back.
  • 我痛苦地看这个破得粉碎的花瓶。
    I looked painfully at the vase broken into pieces.
  • 在高要求的关键任务环境中,随通用文件服务器的局限性越来越糟糕地显现出来,对基于网络的存储设备的需求也在增加。
    As the limitations of general purpose file servers become painfully apparent to users in highly demanding, mission-critical environments, the need for network-based storage grows.
  • 用手指敷颜料作的画。
    a painting produced by spreading paint with the fingers.
  • 玛丽走路时擦了一扇新刷过油漆的门,衣服上沾了一些油漆。
    Mary rubbed up against a newly painted door, and got some of the paint on her dress.
  • 她走路时擦一扇新漆过的门,衣服沾上了一些油漆。
    She rubbed up against a newly painted door, and got some of the paint on her dress.
  • 她穿睡衣上班却不觉羞耻。
    She's quite shameless about wearing pajamas at work.
  • 他穿带条纹的睡衣裤。
    He was wearing striped pajamas.
  • 带着我自己的睡衣。
    I bring my own pajamas.
  • 慵懒地躺在沙发上;穿睡衣到处闲逛
    Lounging on the sofa; lounged around in pajamas.
  • 一道石墙围绕宫殿。
    A stone wall surrounds the palace.
  • 她掩饰真相并使它更有趣味性。
    She gilds the truth to make it more palatable.
  • 我们坐在窗前,看晨曦的微光。
    We sat before the window watching the paleness of light of dawn.
  • 一样有蜡黄的可怜的脸——布朗姆·斯托克;士兵将他那苍白的脸转向了他;蜡一样苍白的瘦脸。
    the poor face with the same awful waxen pallor- Bram Stoker; the soldier turned his waxlike features toward him; a thin face with a waxy paleness.
  • 帆形高脊柱的大型原始爬行动物;生活在二叠纪或晚古生代的欧洲和倍美洲。
    large primitive reptile having a tall spinal sail; of the Permian or late Paleozoic in Europe and North America.
  • 朦胧的烟幕笼罩城市
    A pall of smoke over the city.