Chinese English Sentence:
  • 要全心全意为人民服务,深入群众倾听他们的呼声;要敢说真话,反对说假话,不务虚名,多做实事;要公私明,不拿原则换人情;要任人唯贤,反对任人唯亲。
    I hope you will serve the people wholeheartedly, go among the masses and listen to their opinions, dare to speak the truth and oppose falsehood, not seek undeserved credit but perform real services, make a clear distinction between public and private interests, refrain from seeking personal favour at the expense of principle and appoint people on their merits rather than by favouritism.
  • 的、不可控制的害怕情绪。
    excessive or uncontrollable fear.
  • 希望与忧虑密不可:没有不带希望的忧虑,也没有不带忧虑的希望。
    Hope and fear are inseparable; there is no fear without hope, no hope without fear.
  • 与计算机系统的安装和开始成功运行相联系的若干步骤。这些步骤包括:可行性论证、应用研究、设备选择、系统析、所建议的新系统的设计、设备安装场地的选择、运行析及系统评价。
    The several steps concerned in installing and starting successful operation of computer systems.The steps include feasibility studies, applications studies, equipment selection, system analysis, design of proposed new system, physical location of equipment, operation analysis, and critical review.
  • 第iii期工程将于一九九九年初展开,而当局正为余下的发展制定新的计划,作为整体可行性研究的一部,该研究定于一九九九年三月完成。
    Work on Phase 3 will start early in 1999 and new plans for the remaining development are being produced as part of a comprehensive feasibility study due to be completed in March 1999.
  • 为使各比较方案特别是选定方案,不致因环境影响动摇它的成立,所以对影响方案成立的关键工程(主体工程),还应进行单独的或部联合的工程环境影响评价。
    2 Preparing the EIA of single key project or its coordination with other projects in order to prevent the negation of the key project by environmental impacts to influence the feasibility of the whole plan.
  • [谚]足食犹如筵席。(不过就好;知足常乐。)
    E-is as good as a feast.
  • 一包包印染的棉布,看了让人十心喜。
    Bales of printed cottons made a feast for the eyes.
  • 这种简单的测试只需要析鹦鹉的翼尖。
    The simple test required only a feather tip for analysis.
  • 象树一样的大灌木具有羽状的叶子和大的黄色花序;布于加利福尼亚南海岸。
    large treelike shrub having feathery leaves and clusters of large yellow flower heads; coastal southern California.
  • 中等尺寸到高大的长速快的树,有橙色的花和生有羽毛的两羽状的叶子,其下丝滑多毛;布在澳大利亚东部。
    medium to tall fast-growing tree with orange flowers and feathery bipinnate leaves silky-hairy beneath; eastern Australia.
  • 她的嘴是她容貌上最好看的部
    Her mouth is her best feature.
  • 她的眼睛是她容貌最美的一部
    Her eyes are her best feature.
  • 她的眼睛是她的容貌最漂亮的部
    Her eyes were her best feature.
  • 鼻子是他容貌中最好的一部
    His nose is his best feature.
  • 他面部最突出的部是那双眼睛.
    His eyes are his most striking feature.
  • 在你们在计划中成本占多大量?
    How far does cost feature in your plan?
  • 首相的讲话中很大一部涉及经济问题
    Economic issue featured very largely in the prime minister's speech
  • 首相的讲话中很大一部涉及经济问题。
    Economic issue featured very largely in the prime minister 's speech.
  • 2000年悉尼奥运会进行的跆拳道比赛男女各4个体重级别。
    At the Sydney Games of 2000, taekwondo featured four weight classes for men and women each.
  • 加框文字用细线条,界线,或白色区域围起的放置在文章专栏内的特定文字
    Featured printed matter enclosed by hairlines, a border, or white space and placed within or between text columns.
  • 嗜粪癖一种对粪便的病态的,常常是过痴迷的兴趣,尤指为性兴奋而使用粪便
    An abnormal, often obsessive interest in excrement, especially the use of feces for sexual excitement.
  • 质量差的;缺乏某些重要成的;弱的;无力的
    Of poor quality or lacking some important ingredient; feeble
  • 大部鲸鱼以浮游生物为食cf。liveon。
    Most whales feed on plankton.
  • 能量能以与它主要传播方向相反的方向从一个机械部件传到另一个机械部件,那就是我们所称的反馈。
    Part of the energy can be transferred from one part of a mechanism to another, in a direction opposite to its main flow. That's what we call feedback.
  • 利用反馈来控制机件的位置或运动的一种闭环系统,反馈输入来自设备的机件部。同servomechanism。
    A closed system for controlling mechanical position or motion using feedback from the mechanical part of the device as an input.
  • 我感到十分荣幸。
    I feel highly honoured.
  • 公立医院及诊所的费用,大部由公帑资助。
    Fees in public hospitals and clinics are heavily subsidised.
  • 我的大部薪水都有在学费上。
    Most of my salary is swallowed up by school fees.
  • 那匹马跨越了第一道障碍,动作十漂亮。
    The horsetaketaketook the first fence beautifully.
  • 男子先击中5中者获胜,女子先击中4者获胜。
    The winner is the fencer to score five hits for men and four hits for women.
  • 沿这部河段修筑了坚固的大堤以挡住洪水。
    Strong dikes have been built along this part of the river to fend back floods.