  • 这是一个粗糙的不适合办公室用的复印机,因为它需要三四分钟长的时间做一系列手工操作后才能印一张。
    It was a crude machine which was not suited for use as an office copier because it required a series of hand operations 3 or 4 minutes in length to produce a single copy.
  • 此刻警方正在妥善处理这一问题,但是从长远看,政府会被迫提新的法规。
    The police are coping with the problem at the moment, but in the long view the government will be forced to bring in new legislation.
  • 过去的一套仅适用于对外妥协和对内镇压革命,现在还是用了这一套去对付日本帝国主义的进攻,所以处处不适合,各种弱点都暴露来。
    The old practices are suited only to compromise abroad and suppression of the revolution at home, and they prove ill-suited in every respect and reveal all their inadequacies when it comes to coping with the Japanese imperialist invasion.
  • 在新被敌人占领的区域,由于敌人为使人民就范开始采取高压政策,而人民又没有在敌人统治条件下对付敌人的经验,所以一般表现不什么合法斗争*但是经过了一些时间,群众往往摸索一些对付敌人的办法,因此便产生了在某种情况下也可以和敌伪斗争的经验和心理。
    Generally, in areas recently taken over by the enemy there is no legal struggle evident, due to the enemy's high-pressure tactics to subdue the people and because the people lack experience in coping with the enemy under his rule. After a while, however, they will find ways to deal with the enemy, becoming confident of experienced in waging a struggle against the enemy and the puppet regime under given conditions.
  • 汗排汗,尤指过多的
    Perspiration, especially when copious and medically induced.
  • 平行线的属于、有关或指两条或多条不相交的共面直线的
    Of, relating to, or designating two or more straight coplanar lines that do not intersect.
  • 戏获得四项大奖;赢得一张观看比赛的票
    A show that copped four awards; copped a ticket to the game.
  • 为了避免陷入困境,经理不对他的雇员说资金匮乏的真相。
    The manager copped out on his employees with the lack of funds.
  • 从铜版上印刷来的印刷物。
    a print made from a copperplate engraving.
  • 法官约翰·比尔德指警察应该确保当事人在表格上签字。
    Chairman John Beard said cops ought to ensure the form was signed.
  • 出版物呈缴制度
    deposit copy offer institution
  • 我要(你)把这份东西给抄来。
    I'd like this copy.
  • 非法拷贝;多指版物。
    copy illegally; of published material.
  • 要我把它抄出来吗?
    Shall I get it copy?
  • 为犯罪目的制造来的复印本
    Forgery or copy make for criminal purpose
  • 根据许多采邑的习惯法,继承人对被继承人已登记在册的不动产所有权,如不在其死后1年内提要求,就将自动丧失。
    By the custom of many manors one shall lose copyhold if he claims it not within a year and a day after the death of his ancestor.
  • 有堞式射击口的胸墙在堡城上部突的长廊,由一排靠梁托支持的弓形结构支撑,通过长廊在地面的开口可向进攻者投掷石块和倾倒沸水
    A projecting gallery at the top of a castle wall, supported by a row of corbeled arches and having openings in the floor through which stones and boiling liquids could be dropped on attackers.
  • 她的目光在那肌肉发达的脖子上停留了片刻,那脖子被太阳晒成了青铜色,筋位突,洋溢着粗糙的健康与强力,几乎像公牛。
    Her gaze rested for a moment on the muscular neck, heavy corded, almost bull-like, bronzed by the sun, spilling over with rugged health and strength.
  • 全无温暖和诚恳;表现不友好或者轻蔑的特点。
    devoid of warmth and cordiality; expressive of unfriendliness or disdain.
  • 他热情地伸手来和大家握手。
    He extended his hand cordially for handshaking.
  • 德瓦,詹姆斯1842-1923生于苏格兰的化学家和物理学家,研究气体的液析和物质在超低温下的特性,于1889年和弗雷克·艾贝尔先生一起发明了无烟火药
    Scottish-born chemist and physicist who studied the liquefaction of gases and the properties of matter at very low temperatures and invented cordite(1889) with Sir Frederick Abel.
  • 五份期刊组成了他们版计划的核心。
    five periodicals make up the core of their publishing program.
  • 指示词一个给核心存储的位置的词
    A word that gives the address of a core storage location.
  • 威尔士考杰狗较小而直腿的变种,有突的耳朵和短尾巴。
    the smaller and straight-legged variety of corgi having pointed ears and a short tail.
  • 别什麽都闷在心里,你有气就发泄来。
    Don't cork it all up: if you feel angry, show it.
  • 瓶塞砰的一声拔来了.
    The cork came out of the bottle with a loud pop.
  • 砰地一声瓶塞飞去了。
    The cork flew off with a pop.
  • 软木塞砰地一声跳了来。
    The cork popped out.
  • 软木塞破片跳出。
    The cork went pop.
  • 你能把瓶塞拔来吗?
    Can you draw the cork out?
  • 他把瓶塞拔了出来。
    He drew the cork from the bottle.
  • 他将瓶塞从瓶中拔
    He extracted a cork from a bottle.