  • 司合伙人,特此奉告。
    We notify you that we have today taken into partnership with Mr. s. goto.
  • 由于贵司交货延期过长,因此我司已取消契约,特此通知。
    Due to your excessive delay in delivery, we notify you of our cancellation of contract.
  • 司要求他马上通知他的上司或者人事处。
    The company policy asked that he immediately notify either his superior or the human-resources department.
  • 非常遗憾,我司不得不通知,在此同一时期内,需要取消数种订单。
    I regret that I have to notify you of so many orders be cancelled at the same time.
  • 乙方须通知juki司的人员参加监督机器的安装和维修。
    Party B shall notify the Juki people to join in supervising the installation and repair of the machines.
  • 此信是要告诉您,自6月20日起两周后的今天,我将辞去本司的职位。
    This letter is to notify you that I will be resigning my position with the company on June20, two weeks from today.
  • 没有纸张的办室观念是荒谬的。
    the notion of an office running without paper is absurd.
  • 提供中央储存设施,既可加强档案管理措施,亦可节省各部门在办室储存非常用档案估计所需的巨额租金开支。
    The provision of centralised storage facilities has helped to not only enhance records management practices but also realise substantial notional savings on rental for storage of inactive records in otherwise expensive office accommodation.
  • 提供中央储存设施,不但有助加强档案管理措施,亦可节省部门在办室储存非常用档案估计所需的巨额租金开支。
    The provision of centralised storage facilities has helped not only to enhance records management practices but also to realise substantial notional savings on rental for storage of inactive records in otherwise expensive office accommodation.
  • 宣传效用由于这种信息的传播而引起的众的兴趣、注意或在众中的恶名
    Public interest, notice, or notoriety achieved by the spreading of such information.
  • 她希望她的名字和名声会有助于众更认真地对待这项运动。
    And she hopes that her name and notoriety will help get the public to take it more seriously.
  • 这样一个臭名昭著的家伙竟然登上了司最高层。这个我可没料到。
    Such a notorious person has got to the top of the company. That's more than I bargained for.
  •  尽管我们对她的认识最初可能来自她1992年与华伦·比提的婚姻,但安妮特·贝宁已经树立了自己的新形象,告诉我们她不仅能驯服好莱坞最风流成性花花子,而且更能成为一个出色的好演员。
    Although some of her recognition may stem[1] from her 1992 marriage to Warren Beatty, Annette Bening has established herself as an actress capable of far more than domesticating one of Hollywood's most notorious[2] playboys.
  • 辽宁省本溪市通过城市环境综合整治和生态建设,使全市污染严重的21条“烟龙”、17股污水、两座废渣山得到治理,建成220平方里的环城森林园。
    Thanks to comprehensive urban environmental improvement and ecological construction, Benxi City in Liaoning Province has cleared up 21 ``smoke dragons,'' 17 polluted springs and two mounds of industrial residue which were notorious sources of pollution. It has also constructed a round-the-city forest park with an area of 220 sq km.
  • 辽宁省本溪市通过城市环境综合整治和生态建设,使全市污染严重的21条“烟龙”、17股污水、两座废渣山得到治理,建成220平方里的环城森林园。
    Thanks to comprehensive urban environmental improvement and ecological construction, Benxi City in Liaoning Province has cleared up 21 "smoke dragons", 17 polluted springs and two mounds of industrial residue which were notorious sources of pollution. It has also constructed a round-the-city forest park with an area of 220 sq km.
  • 请告知我司办地点,自89年11月29日起迁至下述地点……
    Pls. is informed that our office dresses effective 29, Nov, 89...
  • 通常,我会保持缄默,继续阅读。但11月16日有关限制对社会安全局所做决定之上诉之新闻专论,极欠允,本人必须表示意见。
    Usually, I bite my tongue and move on. The Nov.16 news article on plans to limit appeals of Social Security rulings, however, is such a breach of basic rules of fair play that I must comment.
  •  新颖性,是指在申请日以前没有同样的发明或者实用新型在国内外出版物上开发表过、在国内开使用过或者以其他方式为众所知,也没有同样的发明或者实用新型由他人向国务院专利行政部门提出过申请并且记载在申请日以后布的专利申请文件中。
    Novelty means that, before the date of filing, no identical invention or utility model has been publicly disclosed in publications in the country or abroad or has been publicly used or made known to the public by any other means in the country, nor has any other person filed previously with the Patent Administration Department Under the State Council an application which described the identical invention or utility mode1 and was published after the said date of filing.
  • 煽动者利用了众的恐惧
    Demagogues who play on popular fears.
  • 甚至windowsnt利用微软司的wolfpack技术实现群集功能。
    Even Windows NT is achieving clustering capabilities with Microsoft's Wolfpack technology.
  • 供应商们也支持较便宜的平台,尤其是微软司windowsnt为基础的服务器。
    Vendors are also supporting less expensive platforms, specifically Microsoft Windows NT-based servers.
  • 司服务器端的tapi2.0现在windowsnt上已能提供,并将在今夏嵌入4.0版的ntserver中。
    The company's server-side TAPI, Version 2.0, is now available for Windows NT and will be embedded in Version 4.0 of NT Server, due out this summer.
  • 微软司的windowsnt5.0也将让服务器群集获得更高的效率。
    And Microsoft's Windows NT 5.0 will allow server clustering to be achieved more effectively.
  • meta集团,一家研究司报告说,全部nt销售中25%是用于数据集市。
    Meta Group, a research firm, reports that 25% of all NT sales are for data marts.
  • 无上装和裸体海滩非常少,如果在共海滩裸胸可能会被抓起来。
    Topless and nude beaches are rare, and going topless at a public beach makes one subject to arrest.
  • 有谁听说一个女子结婚没有穿结婚的衣服呢?咳,我听说在开场合“赤身祼体”是不雅观的!
    Whoever heard of a young lady being married without something to be married in? Well, I've heard nudity is not the cheese on public occasions!
  • 他被认是个令人讨厌的人。
    He is voted a nuisance.
  • 有机食品、绿色食品和无害农产品
    Environmental Legislation Construction Organic Food, Green Food and Nuisance-Free Agriculture Products
  • 该表用于帮助提供用编号方案。
    This form is used to help provide a common numbering scheme.
  •  (三)历法、数表、通用表格和式。
    calendars, numerical tables, forms of general use and formulas.
  • 主要不要嫁人,尼姑生了儿子没有?”
    "Does the princess want to get married? Has the nun given birth?"
  • 在任何共庆典仪式中,罗马教皇大使都有权在皇帝面前不起立。
    The papal nuncio has the right to be seated in the king's presence on the occasion of any public ceremonial.