  • 有三种朴素而强烈得压倒一切的情感支配我的人生:对爱的追求,对知识的探求以及对人们所遭受的痛苦无法忍受的怜悯。
    Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and the unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.
  • 约翰还欠买衣服的钱。
    John still owes for his clothes.
  • 他上月收到货物,现在还欠(我们)款呢。
    He still owes (us) for the goods he received last month.
  • 你要知道,光想生来就得舒舒服服的,那是白想。
    It's no use thinking the world owes you a living, you know.
  • 还欠着2美元。
    There is still 2 dollars owing.
  • 那只猫头鹰向老鼠猛扑下来.
    The owl swooped down on the mouse.
  • 她戴新眼镜看上去很文气。
    Her new glasses make her look rather owlish.
  • 我们就这样一步一步向前跋涉吧——是为苍蝇对公牛说的话。
    And so we plough along , as the fly say to the ox.
  • 人们套上了牛就坐牛车开始了那漫长而又缓慢的旅行。
    The men hitched the oxen up and started the long, slow journey in the wagons.
  • 在酷暑下牛群行动缓慢,赶牲口的人得用刺棒把它们赶走。
    The oxen moved slowly in heat, and had to be goaded on by their drivers.
  • 被打倒的拳击手四肢张开躺在拳击地板上;被伐倒了的树木盖满了山坡;被击倒的牛躺在地上愤怒的喘气;被击倒的鹿。
    the felled boxer lay stretched on the canvas; felled trees covered the hillside; the downed oxen lay panting in the heat; a downed deer.
  • 氧化过程;化合物失去电子获得氧的过程;总伴随还原作用而发生。
    the process of oxidizing; the addition of oxygen to a compound with a loss of electrons; always occurs accompanied by reduction.
  • 名画《形象的背叛》见的是一支烟斗,烟斗下画写这样一行字:“这不是一支烟斗”。
    The latter is the famous painting of a pipe under which is written the words, Ceci n'est pas une pipe.
  • "一个穿便衣的警察站在我后面十几步远的地方,监视我。"
    A policeman with plain clothes stood a dozen paces behind me watching me.
  • 他缓步牵着马遛着。
    He walked the horse at a slow pace.
  • 他穿袜子在房间走动。
    He paced the room in his stocking feet.
  • 我沿海边漫步,陷入沉思。'
    I paced along the shore, deep in thought.
  • 她没海岸沉思踱步。
    She paced along the shore, deep in thought.
  • 她睡不觉,晚上大部分时间都心烦意乱地踱来踱去。
    She couldn't sleep, and paced about most of the night.
  • 她在地板上踱步,等电话的铃声。
    She paced the floor , waiting for the phone to ring.
  • 那么就不要在过道里徘徊吧,别老惦记你离车站还有多远!
    So stop pacing the aisles and counting the miles.
  • 这个军人背上背一个小包。
    The soldier carried a pack on his back.
  • 那出现代歌剧吸引大批观众。
    That modern opera is really packing them in.
  • 今天就到着吧
    Let's pack it in for the day.
  • 携带手枪的恶棍;击出重拳的拳击手;一场夹带每小时超过75英里的大风的暴风雨
    A thug who packed a pistol; a fighter who packs a hard punch; a storm that packed winds in excess of75 miles an hour.
  • 词组中则充斥火药。
    Phrases are packed with TNT.
  • 马达发出空爆声,接停下来。
    The motors coughed and packed up.
  • 她怀里抱一个钱袋。
    She has a packet in her arms.
  • 这个小包被玻璃纸包裹
    The packet was enclosed in a cellophane wrapping.
  • 那部影片吸引大批观众。
    That film is really packing them in.
  • 狗沿马路轻轻走去。
    The dog padded along the road.
  • 橄榄球队员穿保护肩部的护垫。
    a pad worn by football players to protect their shoulders.