  • (韵律学)音节不发重音或持续时相对较短。
    (prosody) used of syllables that are unaccented or of relatively brief duration.
  • (韵律学)用于音节的,有较长的持续时
    (prosody) used of syllables that are unaccented or of relatively long duration.
  • 暂停在拉丁或希腊韵律学中,表示在一个音步中由于单词的收尾而引起的行停顿,尤其是当这一中断与意义的划分相一致的时候
    In Latin and Greek prosody, a break in a line caused by the ending of a word within a foot, especially when this coincides with a sense division.
  • 19世纪在业余时寻求财富的人找的是黄金,今天职业地质专家找的却是石油、铀和工业金属。
    Where in the nineteenth century amateur for tune hunters prospected for gold, today professional geologists prospect for oil, uranium and industrial metals.
  • 在他们谈话期,她始终将他当作未来的女婿来衡量。
    During their conversation she was taking his measure as a prospective husband for her daughter.
  • 当观看课程指南时,你要把握好两种课程之的平衡。选修的课程体系越有弹性,你将越有余地依据你的能力搭配课程。
    When looking at the prospectus look at the balance between the two,the more flexibility with the option structure,the more you will be able to tailor the course to suit your abilities.
  • 克罗伊斯吕底亚王国的末代国王(560-546年),他的王国在他的统治期曾一度兴盛,后被居鲁士率领的波斯军队攻占
    Last king of Lydia(560-546) whose kingdom, which had prospered during his reign, fell to the Persians under Cyrus.
  • 希望你在这个国家逗留期有所收获。
    I hope you have prospered from your stay in this country.
  • 促使某项行业在过去蓬勃发展的因素或情况,将会随着时而改变。
    The factors or conditions that helped an industry to prosper in the past will change over time.
  • 繁荣一段时的经济繁荣
    A time of economic prosperity.
  • 派,也就是生活富足的人永远占多数。
    There will be a permanent majority of the Centre, of people leading prosperous lives.
  • 游荡的人夜在街上游荡的人,尤指拦路抢劫者或妓女
    One, especially a robber or prostitute, who walks the streets at night.
  • 作中人为妓女拉客。
    act as a go-between for prostitutes.
  • ??我不想再深入详谈上面所提到的这些犯罪行为的细节,也没有时来探讨研究诸如卖淫等其他犯罪活动。
    I shall not go into the details of all the crimes that I have mentioned above and I have no time to dig into other crimes, such as prostitution and so on.
  • 自由贸易和保护主义之永久的争论
    The classical argument between free trade and protectionism.
  • 关税和配额是贸易限制(或保护主义)的两种主要形式,它们干预了国家之的自由贸易。
    Tariffs and quotas are the two major forms of trade restrictions ( or protectionism ) , which interfere with the free flow of trade among nations.
  • lec在网络的真正atm特征和ip一类协议所期望的传统局域网拓扑结构之架设了一座桥梁。
    The LEC provides a bridge between the true ATM nature of the network and the traditional LAN topology that protocols such as IP expect.
  • 语言史的属于、关于一个原始母语各分支之关系的
    Of or relating to the relationship between or among languages that are descendants of a protolanguage.
  • 星际空中的从恒星发出的质子流。
    interstellar space including streams of protons moving from the stars.
  • 大量的直接的援助,目前虽然还没有,尚有待于来日,但是中国有进步和大国的条件,能够延长战争的时,促进并等候国际的援助。
    Large-scale direct assistance is as yet lacking and will come only in the future, but China is progressive and is a big country, and these are the factors enabling her to protract the war and to promote as well as await international help.
  • 有点像穆斯林头巾的大南瓜,从花束中伸出一个圆形部分。
    large squash shaped somewhat like a turban usually with a rounded central portion protruding from the blossom end.
  • 证明他是正确的。
    time proved him right.
  • 证明专家们错了。
    Time proved the experts wrong.
  • 定理表达式之假设或被证明存在的一普通原则或法则
    A general principle or rule that is assumed or that has been proven to hold between expressions.
  • 他严守时是有名的。
    His punctuality is a proverb. (=He is a proverb for punctuality.)
  • 俗话说,时就是金钱。
    As the proverb goes, time is money.
  • 富国和穷国可叹的差距;这个公认的穷画家住在顶楼。
    deplored the gap between rich and poor countries; the proverbial poor artist living in a garret.
  • 早在五十年代,一批进藏的各族文艺工作者与藏族文艺工作者一道,到民采风,收集了一批音乐、舞蹈、民故事、谚语、民谣等,陆续整理出版了《西藏歌谣》等一批书籍。
    As early as in the 1950s, a group of literary and art workers from different ethnic groups went to Tibet to collect music, dance, folk stories, proverbs and folk songs together with their Tibetan counterparts, and edited them for publication. One fruit of their labors was the book Tibetan Folk Songs.
  • 能有储存空的任何建筑物。
    any structure providing space for storage.
  • 上机时间很昂贵。
    Computer time was also proving to be very expensive.
  • 5年计划作出了全面的检讨,范围包括图书馆的开放时、提供图书馆资料、开设图书馆及图书馆的设施。
    The Five-Year Plan covers comprehensive reviews on areas such as library opening hours, provision of material, provision of libraries and facilities in libraries.
  • 它们无故地叮人或咬人;在夏天的夜晚,它们不经邀请就飞进我们的房,或者在有灯光的窗上扑撞。
    They sting or bite without provocation; they fly uninvited into our rooms on summer nights, or beat against our lighted windows.