  • 其他一些非常小的地慢羽只通过精密复杂的热流测量仪器来探测。
    Others are small enough that they can only be detected by sophisticated heat-flow measuring instruments.
  • 定位服务使用户够选择一个位置或实现位置的自动检测。
    Location Services give users the ability to choose a location or have their location automatically detected.
  • 查清骚扰得我不安的就是它,然后翻身又睡了,又作梦了:可的话,这梦比先前的那个更不愉快。
    detected the disturber, then turned and dozed, and dreamt again: if possible, still more disagreeably than before.
  • 潜在违法者非常广泛,但是时被发现的可性却非常小。
    The universe of possible violators is extremely large and the probably of detecting specific violations is small.
  • 一些地震检波器探测相当于十亿分之一米或亿分之四英寸的地面运动。
    Some seismometers are capable of detecting ground motion as small as 1 billionth of a meter, or about 40 billionth of an inch.
  • 有一桩事我不否认:那小狗有一副看门狗的耳朵,发现从车道或院子里传来的每一个声响。
    One thing I could not deny: he had the ears of a watchdog,detecting every sound that came from the driveway or yard.
  • 科学家们已经证明了可以依靠每份样本中的五到10个粒子进行鉴定,霍利斯认为即使致命生物制剂的粒子数量再少,也够测出来。
    Identification based on five to 10 particles per sample has been demonstrated, and Hollis expects no problems detecting deadly bioagent particles in even the smallest numbers.
  • 新加坡统计局从90年代中期便开始设定新的指标,在新加坡成为越来越重要的区域和环球金融中心时,更容易探测经济的结构性改变。
    The set of economic indices started by Singapore's Department of Statistics in the mid-1990s has been instrumental in detecting structural changes in the economy while the country is growing in strength as a regional and global financial hub.
  • 鉴于我们对动物的察觉力没完整的资料,对动物真正感觉到什么我们只有推测。
    Given that we do not have complete information about animal detection capabilities, we can only guess as to what the animals are actually sensing.
  • 及早察觉和治理,不但可在长期治疗方面取得更佳疗效,亦可减少对病者造成的长远损害。
    Early detection and treatment will result in better long-term treatment outcome and reduce long-term impairment to patients.
  • ioc的官员担心,基因疗法使得运动员够将hgh基因注入自身的dna而躲过检测。
    IOC officials fear that gene therapy could allow athletes to insert the HGH gene in their DNA and avoid detection.
  • 这些变异的早期发现使医疗人员和父母们为对孩子进行适当的治疗做好准备。
    Early detection of such disorders enables the medical staff and the parents to prepare themselves for proper treatment of the child.
  • 伊军事及科学机构的其它一些重要文件则被放置在汽车上,因为汽车可以沿伊拉克全国各地农村开动,从而避开探查。
    Other key files from military and scientific establishments have been placed in cars that are being driven around the countryside by Iraqi intelligence agents to avoid detection.
  • 梅利莎事件引出了一个清晰的想法,即为什么人们需要基于网关的病毒检测产品,由于不及时地更新台式机上所有病毒检测软件以捕捉病毒,所以需要把病毒完全挡在企业的外面。
    Melissa presented a clear idea of why people need a gateway-based virus-detection product, Viruses need to be kept out of the enterprise altogether because you just can't update all virus-detection software on desktops in time to catch them.
  • 我现在够明白侦探的意思了:他那时正试图确定案发那天夜晚我的行踪。
    I could now see what the detective was driving at: he was trying to establish my whereabouts on the night of the crime.
  • 人眼的探测性能
    detective property of human eye
  • 高能粒子探测器
    high energy particle detector
  • 人民法院对证据不足,不认定被告人有罪的,应当作出指控犯罪不成立的无罪判决。
    The law has abolished the system of detention for interrogation as a mandatory administrative measure, and further standardized mandatory measures such as summons, summons for detention and holding in custody.
  • 昨天下午那些男生本来是该受罚课后留堂的,但体育指导员为他们说情,使他们免于受罚而参加网球训练。
    Those boys were to have been in detention yesterday afternoon, but the games master begged them off to do nets practice.
  • “如果这样不行,”我们问道,“你否陪同青少年感化中心的少年犯去动物园玩一天?
    " If you can't do that," we asked, " would you chaperone a group of juvenile detention center inmates on a day trip to the zoo?
  • 失败并没有阻挡我们再次进行试验。
    Failure did not deter us from trying it again.
  • 我不阻止他去那里。
    I could not deter him from going there.
  • 可是这样的安排就不阻止自杀性恐怖事件的发生。
    Matching all bags would not deter suicidal terrorists, though.
  • 还有许多人正在尝试完善超声波技术,以便确定骨骼的力度和弹性。
    And a number of people are attempting to perfect ultrasonic techniques to deter- mine the strength and flexibility of bones.
  • 毫无疑问,主张极刑的必要性有正确的成分,但是,支持者似乎忽略了这种做法不阻止令人发指的罪行这一事实。
    There is undoubtedly an element of truth in assertions that capital punishment is necessary , but proponents seem to ignore the fact that the practice has failed to deter heinous crimes.
  • 有强力消毒力的阳离子清洁剂。
    a cationic detergent that is a powerful disinfectant.
  • 您只需50美分就买到一盒洗衣粉和一盒漂白剂。
    You can get a box of detergent and a box of bleach for only fifty cents.
  • 面对这样一个严峻的事实,为了保障人民有最起码的生存条件,为了使全体公民不仅够得到温饱,而且生活水平够逐步提高,中国不象有些人想象的那样,等待经济的高度发展来引发人口出生率的自然下降,那样只会造成人口无限制增加,经济状况更加恶化。
    Faced with the gravity of this situation, the government, in order to guarantee people's minimum living conditions and to enable citizens not only to have enough to eat and wear but also to grow better off, cannot do as some people imagine -- wait for a high level of economic development to initiate a natural decline in birthrate. If we did so, the population would grow without restriction, and the economy would deteriorate steadily.
  • 痴呆智力力,例如记忆力、精神集中的力、判断力等的恶化,常因某器官病疾或头脑紊乱,引起经常伴随着情感波动和性情的变化
    Deterioration of intellectual faculties, such as memory, concentration, and judgment, resulting from an organic disease or a disorder of the brain. It is often accompanied by emotional disturbance and personality changes.
  • 指疾病;以器官和细胞的逐渐退化以及伴随着的功丧失为特点。
    of illness; marked by gradual deterioration of organs and cells along with loss of function.
  • 考虑到现在中美之间的关系有所恶化,中美之间达成协议的可性是增加了还是减少了?
    Are these chances increased or reduced by the current deterioration in relations between China and the United States?
  • 环境恶化是否得到控制这个问题仍然没有答案,但目前的前景一点儿也不乐观。
    While it remains to be seen whether or not environmental deterioration can be controlled , the current prospects are far from encouraging.