  • 她走到哪里总是穿那套补过的工作服。
    She always went about in her patched overalls.
  • 那条街道给拱形的银杏树遮盖
    The street is overarched by ginkgoes.
  • 这个场景支配第一幕全部。
    This scene overarches the entire first act.
  • 如果我开口,埃拉会说我傲慢。要是我保持沉默,她会指责我绷脸,真叫人无所适从。
    If I speak Ella say I'm overbearing and if I remain silent she accuses me of sulking; it's a Catch-22 situation.
  • 如果我开口说话,她会说我傲慢。要是我保持沉默,她会指责我绷脸,真叫人无所适从。
    If I speak she says I'm overbearing and if I remain silent she accuses me of sulking; it's a Catch-22 situation.
  • 被困难累弯了腰;他感到自己有沉重的责任;过度操劳的社会工作者;负担沉重的照顾他人的负担。
    bowed_down with troubles; found himself loaded down with responsibilities; overburdened social workers; weighed down with cares.
  • 许多大型工业存在生产能力过剩的问题
    The problem of overcapacity in many large industries.
  • 你们还没有取得主动,至少说明你们胆子小,怕又跟我犯“错误”。
    So far you have not done so, and, at the very least, this shows that you are overcautious and afraid of making further "mistakes" by following my advice.
  • 穿大衣的一个高大男人
    A tall man in an overcoat.
  • 她今天穿着大衣。
    She is wearing an overcoat today.
  • 这块土地蕴藏丰富的资源。
    The land overflows with resources of every kind.
  • 海伦是一位极厚道的女人,洋溢慈悲的心肠。
    Helen was a most generous woman, overflowing with the milk of human kindness.
  • 瘟疫威胁那个国家。
    A pestilence overhangs the country.
  • 当今社会弥漫核战争的危险
    The threat of nuclear war overhangs modern society.
  • 应该把这棵树上倒垂的树枝砍掉一些。
    Some of the overhanging branches should be pruned from this tree.
  • 在头顶的山上它缓缓踱步子。
    And paced upon the mountains overhead.
  • 而是说你重谈他们的优点,谈起他们的缺点时,要采用这种方式,即你所谈的人无意中听到你说的话,你也坦然,无须感到内疚。
    It means, rather, that you focus on the positive -- and that if you do talk about weaknesses, you do it in such a way that you wouldn't be ashamed to have the person overhear it.
  • 尽管门关,我还是偷听到他们交谈的片言只语。
    I overheard bits and pieces of their conversation even though the door was closed.
  • 全家人望他的背影,惊喜交加。惊的是不到一个小时,钱包就失而复得;喜的是有这么多的好心人啊!
    Eyeing him walk away, we stood stunned with mixed feelings -- amazed that the lost wallet was back in less than an hour, and overjoyed that we had been repeatedly blessed with such kind-hearted people.
  • 遮盖、覆盖、戴或包围某物的;有时用作构词成分。
    overlaid or spread or topped with or enclosed within something; sometimes used as a combining form.
  • 在3800印刷子系统中,打开并关闭直接对格式涂层的灯,将图象曝光在光导体上,随后传送给打印纸(印刷)。
    In the3800 Printing Subsystem, turning on and off a light directed toward the forms overlay to expose the image on the photoconductor for subsequent transfer to the paper(printing).
  • 一座高高的山俯瞰城镇。
    A very high mountain overlook the town.
  • 弥漫的忧虑使个人的成功失去了颜色。
    a pervasive anxiety overshadows the triumphs of individuals.
  • 她身材颀长苗条稍许过了点分,可她有一种非凡的才能,只要在穿上稍稍花些功夫,就把这种造化的疏忽给掩饰过去了。
    Tall and slender almost to a fault, she possessed in the highest degree the art of concealing this oversight of nature simply by the way she arranged the clothes she wore.
  • 再次谈公开工作与秘密工作。公开工作的目的,是为建立秘密工作。
    Third, the aim of carrying out overt work is to begin covert work.
  • 但是,剥削分子、剥削行为、变相的剥削行为和剥削思想,在我国目前的社会中,还是存在的。
    However, in present-day Chinese society there are still exploiters, overt and covert practices of exploitation, and ideas of the exploiting class.
  • 数月来,春天一直在和冬季玩耍你来我往的游戏。冬季的乌头和雪花、藏红花混长在一块,可看起来好像正在为水仙花所压倒。
    Spring has been playing Box and Cox with winter for months past. The winter aconites have got mixed with the snowdrops and crocuses and look like being overtaken by the daffodils.
  • 这些订购我们产品的新订单意味要加班。
    These new orders for our manufactures will mean working overtime.
  • 几乎不加掩饰生气的表露;带微露出的妒忌或表扬
    An overtone of anger barely masked; praise with overtones of envy.
  • 情人节虽然有浓重的浪漫色彩,但不仅仅是相爱的人之间的节日,也是一个家庭的节日。
    Valentine's Day, despite its heavy romantic overtones, is not just about love between couples, but also family.
  • 一辆货车昨天深夜翻车火了,5个人被烧死。
    Five people were burned to death in a blazing van which overturned and burst into flames late last night.
  • 悲哀笼罩着全家。
    Sorrow overwhelmed the family.