  • 另一位英国广播司的录音记者为了调试好他的录音设备,竟让尼日利亚的一场绞刑推迟了半个小时才进行。
    A BBC sound man held up a Nigerian execution for half an hour while he adjusted his sound equipment.
  • 菲洛梅拉雅典主,被她姐夫忒瑞俄斯强奸后,又遭姐姐浦洛思的报复,后在逃离忒瑞俄斯途中,被变成一只燕子或夜莺
    A princess of Athens who, after being raped by her brother-in-law, Tereus, was avenged by her sister, Procne, and was later turned into a swallow or nightingale while fleeing Tereus.
  • 防止虐待动物协会旧金山分会最近开办了一个投资700万美元的动物收容所,该分会正在寻找代理机构与之合作为无家可归的成年人在“狗寓”里提供夜间住宿。
    The city's chapter of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to animals, which recently opened a $7 million shelter, is seeking to work with a agency to offer adults nightly shelter in "dog apartments."
  • 上周我不得不加班两个晚上,这个星期加了三个晚上的班。我觉得司待我们不
    I had to work overtime two nights last week and three nights this week. I don't think the company treats us fairly.
  • 关键是要制造一种激光装置,让它小到能够卫星,威力又要强到足以摧毁2000里射程内的导弹。
    The big problem is to make a laser small enough! To fit in a satellite, yet power nil enough to destroy a missile at a range of 2,000 kilometers.
  • 阿特巴拉河非洲东北部一条河流,发源于埃塞俄比亚西北部,流程约805里(500英里),在苏丹东部注入尼罗河
    A river of northeast Africa rising in northwest Ethiopia and flowing about805 km(500 mi) to the Nile River in eastern Sudan.
  • 为推动零售债务市场的发展,按揭证券司在一九九九年十月把债券发行计划在联交所上市,并同时根据该计划推出首次供个人投资者认购的债券。
    To help develop the retail debt market, the HKMC listed the NIP on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong in October 1999 and launched its debut retail tranche notes under the NIP at the same time.
  • 地位显出有些人底长处,也显出有些人底短处。“假如他从来没有做过皇帝,意也要说他是适于做皇帝的。”
    A place sheweth the man: and it showeth some to the better, and some to the worse: omnium consensu, capax imperii, nisi imperasset;
  • 一个著名的花花子(放荡的西班牙贵族)。
    a successful womanizer (after a profligate Spanish nobleman).
  • 西班牙或葡萄牙最高贵族
    A nobleman of the highest rank in Spain or Portugal.
  • 爵具有最高世袭身份的贵族,尤指英国具有最高等级贵族身份的人
    A nobleman with the highest hereditary rank, especially a man of the highest grade of the peerage in Great Britain.
  • 在某些皇族尤指奥地利帝国中,具有与有主权的王子相等地位的贵族
    In certain royal families, especially that of imperial Austria, a nobleman having a rank equivalent to that of a sovereign prince.
  • 小王冠由王子、主或国王之下的其他贵族戴的一种小王冠
    A small crown worn by princes and princesses and by other nobles below the rank of sovereign.
  • 孩子们闹哄哄地挤上了共汽车。
    The children piled noisily into the bus.
  • 这间办室里非常吵。
    It's very noisy in this office.
  • 这辆共汽车里挤满了吵吵嚷嚷的小学生。
    The bus was packed with noisy schoolchildren.
  • 这个办室里人声嘈杂。
    It's noisy in this office.
  • 突厥是元六世纪到八世纪活跃于中国西北和北方草原的古代游牧民族。
    The Turks were ancient nomads active on the northwestern and northern grasslands of China from the sixth to the eighth centuries.
  • 匈奴人一个游牧民族的成员,该民族元4至5世纪入侵欧洲,455年被打败
    A member of a nomadic pastoralist people who invaded Europe in the fourth and fifth centuries a.d. and were defeated in455.
  • 推举某人担任某职务;提名某人担任办室的某职务。
    put forward; nominate for appointment to an office.
  • 初选某一政党已登记的选民提名参加职竞选候选人的初选
    A preliminary election in which the registered voters of a political party nominate candidates for office.
  • 香港大律师会和香港律师会各自提名属下四名会员加入当值律师服务理事会,负责服务的管理和行政工作。
    The Hong Kong Bar Association and the Law Society of Hong Kong each nominate four members to sit on the council of the service, which manages and administers its operations.
  • 多年来,烟草司一直硬说烟草是不致瘾的。
    for years tobacco companies have contended that tobacco is nonaddictive.
  • 司免费将rsaref(rsa的参考api应用编程接口)在美国供非商业使用。
    RSA Data Security makes the reference API for RSA (RSAREF) freely available for noncommercial use within the United States.
  • 隐没在维多利亚市市区以外毫无特征的工业园里的、隶属不列颠哥伦比亚省的赛尔福有限司在此有两幢几乎没有窗户的水泥建成的大楼,两幢楼的大门紧紧关闭着,是装运站台上才见得着的那种货仓大门。
    Tucked within a nondescript industrial park outside Victoria, British Columbia , CeilFor Inc. occupies two almost windowless Cement-block buildings with shuttered loading-dock doors.
  • 今年要在已有工作基础上,以增强国际竞争力为核心,重点抓好以下几个方面:一是按照法制统一、非歧视、开透明的原则,抓紧完善既符合世贸组织规则,又符合我国国情的涉外经济法律法规体系,确保执法正与效率。
    This year we need to concentrate on increasing our international competitiveness and fulfilling the following tasks on the basis of what has been achieved. First, following the principles of the uniformity of law, nondiscrimination, and openness and transparency, we need to quickly improve the system of foreign-related economic laws and statutes so that they are suitable to domestic conditions and the WTO rules and able to guarantee fair and efficient law enforcement.
  • 这样的庸才怎麽能当司的董事长?
    How could such a nonentity become chairman of the company?
  • 放宽国内民间资本的市场准入领域,在投融资、税收、土地使用和对外贸易等方面采取措施,实现平竞争。
    We should expand the areas for the market access of domestic nongovernmental capital and adopt measures with regard to investment, financing, taxation, land use, foreign trade and other aspects to carry out fair competition.
  • 作为共事业的非赢利的图书馆。
    a nonprofit library maintained for public use.
  • 按这个控拆,一名英国律师试图阻止最近成立的处理英国域名系统的非赢利司——nominet(英国)司的新收费系统。
    Under the complaint, a British attorney is attempting to block a new fee system by Nominet UK Ltd. -- a nonprofit company recently established to handle Britain's domain name system.
  • 你对工作的要求可以按你所喜欢的工作性质列出:是司还是非营利性机构,是内部机构还是驻外办事处;也可以你喜欢的工作气氛为依据:是小机构还是大司,是偏重于新闻媒介关系、企业认知广告还是交流性事务。
    Your prospect list can be made up by types of employers you prefer, corporate versus nonprofit, in-house versus outside agency, or on the basic of the kind of work atmosphere you prefer, small organization or large, heavy on news media relations, identity advertising, or community affairs.
  • 2000年10月,作为"非法买卖及暴力受害者保护法案"的一部分,国会采取措施修改法律,创立了一种"u"签证,允许那些遭受"百般身心虐待"的没有民资格的外国居民无限期地在美国居留和工作--如果她们和执法机关合作并起诉虐待她们的人。
    In October 2000,as part of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act,Congress took a step toward amending the law by creating a “ U” visa,which allows nonresident aliens who have suffered “ substantial physical or mental abuse” to remain and work in the country indefinitely--if they cooperate with law enforcement authorities to prosecute their abusers.