  • 信奉他们无力改变命运的信仰的人。
    anyone who submits to the belief that they are powerless to change their destiny.
  • 否始终做到这一点,决定着党和国家的前途命运。
    Whether we can persist in doing this bears on the future and destiny of the Party and state.
  • 传统工业改造和淘汰落后生产力有较大进展。
    More efforts should be made to aid disaster-stricken and destitute areas through reduction and exemption of agricultural or stock breeding taxes, and this policy should be carried out to the letter.
  • 因此,基因学家说多莉可衰老得快,患癌症的风险较大,当细胞无法自毁,开始无控制地生长时,这种情况便会发生。
    As a result, geneticists say Dolly could age faster and mn a higher-than-usual risk of cancer, which occurs when cells fail to self- destruct and begin unconfrolled gtowth.
  • 造成或者够造成完全破坏。
    wreaking or capable of wreaking complete destruction.
  • 过度的杀伤威力超过了摧毁敌人所需量的毁灭性核
    Destructive nuclear capacity exceeding the amount needed to destroy an enemy.
  • 螺旋属中的几种不食用的蜗牛;是经常具有破坏性的害虫。
    any of several inedible snails of the genus Helix; often destructive pests.
  • 配件,零件机器或仪器上拆下来的小零件
    A small detachable part for a machine or an apparatus.
  • 提带可拆卸的手包也为你的晚间活动添彩。
    Handbags with detachable straps can double as clutches for the evening.
  • 可分开的锁;够通过搭钩的钉和相连的链的锁并突然关闭。
    a detachable lock; has a hinged shackle that can be passed through the staple of a hasp or the links in a chain and then snapped shut.
  • 被取(拆)下被取下或拆下或被取下或拆下
    To become or be capable of becoming removed or detached.
  • 杜修经表扬第二十九团的错误意见,军委亦未加以阻止,大队遂于七月十七日由酃县出发,向郴州前进。
    As Tu Hsiu-ching encouraged the 29th Regiment in their mistaken ideas and the Army Committee failed to dissuade them, the major detachment set out from Linghsien for Chenchow on July 17.
  • 这种达观产生了宽怀,使人够带着宽容的嘲讽度其一生,逃开功名利禄的诱惑,而且终于使他接受命运给他的一切东西。
    From this detachment comes high-mindedness ( k'uunghuui ), a high-mindedness which enables one to go through life with tolerant irony and escape the temptations of fame and wealth and achievement, and eventually makes him take what comes.
  • 详细解释一下吗?
    Can you explain it in detail?
  • 详细地解释你的计划吗?
    Can you explain your plan in detail?
  • 请详细说明该机器的性
    Please detail the characteristics of the machine.
  • 这个问题不需要很久的时间就解决。
    This question need not detain us long.
  • 只能听到低低的私语
    Could detect only the merest whisper.
  • 你在这件事情上起的作用,瞒得了我吗?
    Do I detect your hand in this?
  • 我不在他的眼里看出胜利的喜悦。
    I could detect no triumph in his eye.
  • 够作出或者察觉到非常细微的影响;敏锐的。
    able to make or detect effects of great subtlety; sensitive.
  • 察觉欢笑、悲伤和其它许多明显的感情。
    I can detect laughter, sorrow, and many other obvious emotions.
  • 察觉出这个屋角有煤气漏出来吗?
    Can you detect an escape of gas in this corner of the room?
  • 自动探测可在大多数场合下发挥作用,它自动适应当地的视频显示标准。
    Auto detect shall work in most situation to adjust to your local standard automatically.
  • 一种计算机软件,用于监视计算机系统,以便检测、记录并尽可地校正出现的差错。
    Software that monitors a computer system to detect, record and possibly to correct errors.
  • 物体以人耳感觉的速率振动而产生声音。
    Sounds are produced by objects that vibrate at a rate that the ear can detect.
  • 通过显微镜观察测知的只通过显微镜观察或化学分析才发现的,如微量的血样
    Detectable only by microscopic examination or chemical analysis, as a minute blood sample.
  • 当一个人进行病毒检验时,呈现出来的正是这些人体所产生的、够检查出来的抗体。
    It is these antibodies which are manufactured by the body which are the detectable units which appear when one is tested for the virus.
  • 已检测出有可出错的一种指示信息。对照errormessage。
    An indication that a possible error has been detected.
  • 为何问题未及早察觉?
    Why couldn't the problem be detected in advance?
  • 通过本或推论而不是经过验证的感性的暗示而察觉的。
    detected by instinct or inference rather than by recognized perceptual cues.
  • 被感染的伤口和组织会发出被电子鼻探测到的特有气味。
    Infected wounds and tissues emit distinctive odors that can be detected by an electronic nose.