  • 一天,它盘算要水獭来帮它捉一只鸭子,却故意向水獭吹嘘说自己能和它一样捕捉水里的动物。
    The rabbit brags that he can catch aquatic creatures just like the otter can and hatches a plan to convince the otter by matching his hunting feats.
  • ,他走到柜台后面,拿出半盎司氰化氢(剧毒物)。
    " He went behind the counter and got a half ounce of prussic acid.
  • 他们的房子紧挨我们的房子。
    Their house abuts against ours.
  • 一条小渔船被一条劲力强大的鱼拖鱼线带到了数英里以外的海面上。
    A small fishing-boat was carried miles out to sea by the powerful fish as it pulled on the line.
  • 我们将冒天气不好的危险举行露天晚会。
    We'll take a chance on the weather and have the party outdoors.
  • 我们将冒会变天的危险在户外举行这次聚会。
    We will take a chance on the weather and have the gathering together outdoors.
  • 这个足球队的队员穿清一色的橘黄色运动服。
    The football team were wearing orange outfits.
  • 他们正在忙整理行装。
    They are being busy in putting in order the outfit for a journey.
  • 第三次反“围剿”虽是那样急风暴雨的局面,千里回师,又被敌人发觉了我们迂回其侧后的计划,但我们仍忍耐折回,改用中间突破,终于在莲塘打第一个好仗。
    In our third counter-campaign, although the storm was breaking all around us and we had made a detour of a thousand li, and although the enemy had discovered our plan to outflank him, we nevertheless exercised patience, turned back, changed our tactics to a breakthrough in the centre, and finally fought the first battle successfully at Lientang.
  • 由一月初至五月初,一个月和三个月银行同业拆息逐步回落。其后,随美元利率向上调整以及资金偶然由港元流出,港元拆息逐渐上调,情况一直维持至八月初。
    One-month and three-month HIBORs eased gradually from early January to early May, before moving on an uptrend until mid-August alongside the upward movements in the US interest rates and occasional outflows of funds from the Hong Kong dollar.
  • 一个穿小再传给另一个人的衣服。
    outgrown garment passed down from one person to another.
  • 狩猎旅行远征或郊游狩猎,通常骑马、带猎犬
    A hunting expedition or outing, usually with horses and hounds.
  • 孩子们两两地手拉手出去郊游。
    The children went on an outing hand in hand by twos.
  • 特许经营总店经营三个零售商场,而特许经营分店则经营另外两个小型零售商店。
    The master franchise run three unit and sub franchise two other outlet.
  • 她一直在注视中国所发生的巨大变化。
    She is always on the outlook for great changes in China.
  • 尽管敌人在数量上超过他们,但是他们坚守阵地。
    Although they were outnumbered by the enemy, the men refused to give round.
  • 那人发狂似地打手势,仿佛我的出价使他不能容忍。但他终于把价钱减到三英镑。
    Gesticulating wildly, the man acted as if he found my offer outrageous, but he eventually reduced the price to $ 3.
  • 这座房子外面有一招贴写“吉屋待售”。
    Outside the house there was a notice saying ‘For Sale’.
  • 环绕分布或者正好分布在边缘、边界的外面。
    lying around or just outside the edges or outskirts.
  • 如果你不等待要说出完全的真理,那末把真话说出来是很容易的。
    To be outspoken is easy when you do not wait to speak the complete truth.
  • 这些鸟站在岩石上,翅膀张开
    These birds stands on the rock, wings outstretched.
  • 两个乞丐伸手走到我跟前。
    Two beggars came up to me with outstretched hands.
  • 他马上站起来,沿楼顶逃跑;因脚碰在一块石头上,他从楼顶跌到外面去了。
    He pulled himself upright and began to run along the roof; his foot struck against a piece of stone and he fell, outwards from the roof.
  • 这种动物将身体缩成球形,锋利的毛发向外伸,保护自己。
    This animal prorects itself by rolling up into a ball, with sharp air pointing outwards.
  • 梅纽因表演伴随15分钟长时间起立鼓掌。
    Menuhin's playing was attended by a 15-minute standing ovation.
  • 惊奇的观众对魔术师对表演长时间起立鼓掌;我迷醉的站,惊奇于大教堂的巨大宏伟;惊骇的观众扫阅俄克拉荷马州城市轰炸的照片;他站,惊讶的说不出话来;科学家们震惊的发现不只一个而是至少有三种病毒。
    an amazed audience gave the magician a standing ovation; I stood enthralled, astonished by the vastness and majesty of the cathedral; astounded viewers wept at the pictures from the Oklahoma City bombing; stood in stunned silence; stunned scientists found not one but at least three viruses.
  • 我闻到煤气味了--烤箱开呢吧?
    I can smell gas -- is the oven on?
  • 炉子关着
    The oven is off.
  • 布丁在烘箱里热着。
    The pudding is warming in the oven.
  • 用一张报纸盖着脸
    with a newspaper over one's face
  • 那店员穿白色长罩衣。
    The shop assistant was wearing a white overall.
  • 他走到哪里总是穿那套补过的工作服。
    He always went about in his patched overalls.