  • 我还没明白是怎么回事,就被突带到屋子的另一边去。
    Before I knew what was happening, I was being whisked off to the other side of the room.
  • 在中国广大的农村,这些不规范行为在一定范围内也依存在着,但在经济水平和文化程度较高的城市中,情况要好得多。
    As a result, non-standard behavior in elections, such as whispering and collective ballot casting, are still quite common in rural areas. The situation is much better in cities as they enjoy higher economic and cultural levels.
  • (小声对阿美说)当,记得吗?
    (whispers to Amy) Of course it is.
  • 那个出纳员诚实地工作了20年,突携公司的1万英镑钱潜逃了。
    After 20 years of honest service, the cashier suddenly went off whit £10,000 of the company's money.
  • 他们把我包在一个浸透了燃料的毯子里,那帮家伙每次进来时都抽着烟,我当认为他们会把我点燃。
    They wrapped me in a blanket soaked whit fuel. Every time these guys came in, they were smoking, and I thought for sure they were going to burn me.
  • 在如此困难的时期,很显,政府得高度廉洁。
    At such a difficult time it is particularly obvious that the government must wash whiter than white.
  • 黑人像白人的一样都是人,可是没有把黑人当作人类来看待。
    Although the Negroes were human beings just like the whites they were not treated as human beings.
  • 我们继续走,穿过许多刷成白色的农舍,古老的树木上仍依依不舍地挂着几片树叶。
    We walk on past whitewashed cottages and ancient trees just holding on to the last of their leaves.
  • 别把那棍削得太多,不就不够长了。
    Don't whittle the stick down too much or it won't be long enough.
  • 界是一个统一体。
    Nature is a whole.
  • 人生的完整性还在于学会勇敢面对人生悲剧而继续生存,能够在失去亲人后依表现出完整的个人风范。
    There is a wholeness about the man or woman who has learned that he or she is strong enough to go through a tragedy and survive,she can lose someone and still feel like a complete person.
  • 人生的完整性还在于一个男人或女人懂得这样一个道理:他(她)发现自己能勇敢面对人生悲剧而继续生存,能够在失去亲人后依表现出一个完整的人的风范。
    There is a wholeness about the man or woman who has learned that he or she is strong enough to go through a tragedy and survive, she can lose someone and still feel like a complete person.
  • 批发业务固到处都是由大资本经营的;
    The wholesale operations indeed are everywhere carried on by large capitals, where such exist;
  • 朋友们:虽你们中无人能完全了解我此时心中的万千思绪。
    None of you, my friends, can wholly appreciate what is in my heart.
  • 而,每当面临困难的时候,许多公司因为考虑到经济的衰退会使人才市场供大于求而放松对人才的招聘。而同时,为了在保证业务不变的情况下提高利润,他们会削减用于雇员培训项目的投入。
    Yet when times get tough, many companies ease up on recruiting, figuring a slow economy wi ll drive more applicants their way, and they spend less on training as a way to raise profits quickly without doing immediate damage to the business.
  • 由延伸在柳条框架周围的兽皮制成的小的圆舟;在英国的一些地区仍使用。
    a small rounded boat made of hides stretched over a wicker frame; still used in some parts of Great Britain.
  • 当新年的钟声敲响十二下时孩子们仍完全醒着。
    The children were still wide awake, when the clock struck twelve for the New Year's Day.
  • 而,生物统计系统现在还没有广泛使用。
    Nevertheless, biometric systems aren't widely used.
  • 而,我认为劳拉·史彭斯事件对世界其他地方也同样有借鉴作用。
    But I think Laura Spence's story has lessons for the wider world as well.
  • 当今世界,国际贸易中仍普遍存在着贸易壁垒。
    In today's world,trade barriers in international trade are still widespread.
  • 假发可以广泛地应用,但它们毕竟不能同美丽的自头发相比。
    Wigs may be widely used, but they are still not on all fours with beautiful natural hair.
  • 有些印地安人仍住在帐篷里。
    Some Indians still live in wigwams.
  • 在自界, 一切动物都是野生的, 自由自在的.
    In nature, all animals are wild and free.
  • 我们一直强调要存钱,但是恐怕响应的人不多。
    We keep stressing the need to save money, but I'm afraid we're crying in the wilderness.
  • 当总统突取消以后3天的所有活动时,关于他心脏病发作的流言马上传开了。
    When the president suddenly canceled all his appointments for the next three days, he rumor spread like wildfire that he had had a heart attack.
  • 保护机构美国一个旨在保护自资源与野生动植物的事业机构
    An organization dedicated to the conservation of wildlife and wildlife habitats in the United States.
  • 随着这些变化,人们不仅要探索以不同的方式使用今天的武器,而且还会愿意接受这一事实:即新的种类各异的武器必出现。
    As that changes, they will find ways to use today's weapons in different ways, but also they will be willing to accept the fact that new weapons and different kind of weapons will have to emerge.
  • 这吓得我毛骨悚然。
    It gives me the willies.
  • 太阳电视电子(总公司设在哥伦布市的连锁店)每股售价最低降到10美元。收盘时又回涨至每股13美元,当天价格仍下降一元三角七分五。因此俄亥俄州这家公司一位分析师墨尔登昨天说,“大家突对消费者电子工业感到不安。”
    "Everybody is suddenly getting the willies about the consumer electronics industry," Philip Muldoon, an analyst for the Ohio Company, said yesterday as the share price of Sun Television and Electronics, a chain based in Columbus, fell as low as $10, before rallying to close at $13, still down $1.375 for the day.
  • 她的父母欣同意了她的要求。
    Her parents willingly consented to her request.
  • 请年轻的亨利干吧――他仍是个雄心勃勃的人,并总想用他的心甘情愿引人注目。
    Ask young Harry to do it- he's still an eager beaver and wants to impress by his willingness.
  • 请年轻的亨利干吧——他仍是个雄心勃勃的人,并总想用他的心甘情愿引人注目。
    Ask young Harry to do it - he's still an eager beaver and wants to impress by his willingness.