  • 拉皮条在性交易中充当中人或联系人;充当拉皮条的人
    To act as a go-between or liaison in sexual intrigues; function as a procurer.
  • 如果说一切事物中时是最宝贵的,那么浪费时光可能是最大的浪费。
    If time were of all things the most precious, wasting of time must be the greatest prodigality.
  • 作业量一台机器在一特定时内生产或能生产的工作量
    The amount of work that a machine produces or can produce in a specified time period.
  • 在几个月时内,他们可以生产总数量相当于海湾战争前所生产的所有数量的生物毒剂。
    In a matter of months, they can produce a quantity of biological poison equal to the entire amount that Iraq claimed to have produced in the years prior to the Gulf War.
  • 在史蒂文森教授巡回讲演期,由琼斯助教全权代表。
    During Prof. Stevenson's absence on a lecture tour, Assistant Prof. Jones acted for him.
  • 史密斯教授不赞成推迟作出决定的时
    Prof. Smith didn't favour deferring making a decision.
  • 许通美教授于本星期一在北京举行的一个会议上,以《亚洲与美国价值观之的不同》为题,发表他的看法。
    On June 28, Prof Tommy Koh spoke on "Differences inAsian and American values".
  • 我们是在共同效忠国家的大前提下,让各社群有更大的空保留自己的语言和文化。
    We have given more space for each community in Singapore to preserve its own language and culture, based on the premise that all the different communities profess the same loyalty to our nation.
  • 我们是在共同效忠国家的大前提下,让各社群有更大的空保留自己的语言和文化。
    We have been given more space for each community in Singapore to preserve its own language and culture, based on the premise that all the different communities profess the same loyalty to our nation.
  • 按照时进度进行统筹规划,引进专业人才,组织志愿者,加强人才培训,构建多层次的人力资源配备体系,充分保证奥运建设和服务所需的各种人才的及时到位。
    In accordance with the schedule, make overall planning, introduce professionals, mobilize volunteers, intensify training of prospective professionals, and establish multi-tiered system for providing human resources so as to ensure professionals of various types available in time for the construction and service of the Olympics.
  • 这项活动提高了教师工资,增加了学生资助项目,设置了新的教授职位,增设了哈佛的体育设拖,另一项类似然而更广泛的筹款动于1979-1984年展开,当时的领导人是德里克·福德(1971-91),到1984年底其筹得三亿五千六百万美元。
    The Program strengthened faculty salaries,broadened student aid,created new professorships,and expanded Harvard's physical facilities. A similar but greatly expanded fundraising effort,the Harvard Campaign(1979-1984),was conducted under the leadership of Derek Bok(1971-1991)and raised $356 million by the end of l984.
  • 他在精通钢琴和口笛之后,又用了一年时练歌唱,在曼彻斯特的那些酒馆的一群人中已有些名气。“但我们只是来喝酒的。”
    Already proficient on piano and whistle, he has just added a year's singing training and can be heard around the Manchester pubs with a folk group."But we're only here for beer."
  • 最终的方案是受益者和地区自然资源保护者之颇为勉强的相互妥协.
    The final proposals were a rather unsuccessful compromise between the need for profitability and the demands of local conservationists.
  • 我们要使业余时得到有效的利用。
    We must see that our spare time is profitably occupied.
  • 原来这是一个梳妆,里面摆满各种精致的梳妆用品,从这些用品里似乎可以看出死者生前的穷奢极侈。
    It was the dressing-room, complete down to the very last details, in which the dead woman's profligacy had seemingly reached its height.
  • 这充分显示了我们两国的深厚友谊。
    This fully demonstrates the profound friendship existing between our two countries.
  • 为了这个缘故,张潮认为柳树是宇宙感人最深的四物之一,他也说柳树会使一个人多情起来。
    That is why Chang Ch'ao counts the willow among the four things in the universe which touch man's heart most profoundly, and why he says the willow tree makes a man sentimental.
  •  中国在长期历史中形成的传统生育观念,至今对人们的生育行为仍有着深刻的影响,特别是在农村中不少群众的生育观念和意愿与国家控制人口增长的要求之还存在着一定的距离。
    The traditional child-bearing viewpoints formed in long years of Chinese history still profoundly affect people's attitudes to child-bearing; in particular a certain distance still exists between the viewpoints and will of a number of rural people and the state's demands for controlling population growth.
  • 全球变暖还会通过以下方式接地严重威胁到人类的幸福:不断地加大水灾和旱灾的发生频率;通过引起水灾和旱灾的剧烈变动以及天气的变化来改变天气形势。
    Global waiming can also threaten human well-being profoundly, if somewhat less directly, by revising weather patterns particularly by pumping up the frequency and intensity of floods and droughts and by causing rapid swings in the floods and droughts and by causing rapid swings in the weather.
  • 无需关心在访问被程序所调用的存储位置时所花时的一种程序设计方法。
    Programming without concern for the time needed for access to the storage positions called for in the program.
  • 计算机程序设计中,用于在程序的不同部分之传递控制权和参数的程序部分,某些情况下,它是一条指令或一个地址。
    In computer programming, the part of a computer program, in some casesa single instruction or an address, which passes control and parameters between separate portions of the computer program.
  • 为了加强院系之的合作,瑞丁斯坦大力号召展开一系列全校范围内的大规模学术计划活动,以加强哈佛主要的学术研究与突出项目。
    As part of an overall effert to achieve greater coordination among the University’s schools and faculties. Rudenstine set in motion an intensive process of University. wide academic planning,intended to identifV some of Harvard's main intellectual and programmatic priorities.
  • 跳跃的,脱节的演奏过程中,与比主要的二度音程稍大的奏有关的
    Relating to progression by intervals larger than major seconds.
  • 本联盟各国可以规定一个期,在这期内必须提出禁止使用的请求。
    The countries of the Union may provide for a period within which the prohibition of use must be requested.
  • 射程投射性武器与其目标之的距离
    The distance between a projectile weapon and its target.
  • 轨迹,弹道抛射物或其它在空运动的物体的运动路线
    The path of a projectile or other moving body through space.
  • 把这个放映机安放好需要多长时
    How long will it take to set up the projector?
  • 社会或经济阶级的冲突(尤其是资产阶级与无产阶级)。
    conflict between social or economic classes (especially between the capitalist and proletariat classes).
  • 一方面,网络新词正在激增:比如电子邮件(e-mail)、情感符(emoticon)和网络空(cyberspace)等。
    On the one hand there are the proliferating net neo-logisms -e-mail, emoticons, cyberspace and so on.
  • 羸得时延迟或拖延直到希望的事件发生
    To delay or prolong something until a desired event occurs.
  • 我在想,国际摔联为什么没把比赛时延长到每场30分钟或者更长时呢?
    I wonder why the International Wrestling Association didn't prolong it to 30 minutes or more a bout.
  • 工会的领袖企图以延长谈判过程来拖延时
    The union leaders are trying to buy time by prolonging the negotiations.