  • 他得到20英镑的公款, 但大部都进了自己的口袋了.
    He was given 20 for expenses, but pocketed most of it.
  • 空运货物费用十昂贵。
    The transport of goods by air is very expensive.
  • 那个教练经验十丰富。
    That coach is very experienced.
  • 有经验的操作人员:文字处理机sv68型,每钟60个单词。
    Experienced operator: Word Processor SV68,60 wpm.
  • 第十一条实验动物必须按照不同来源,不同品种、品系和不同的实验目的,开饲养。
    Article 11 Experimental animals shall be fed separately in accordance with their different sources, different breeds, different strains of breeds and different experimental purposes.
  • 试验性的药物;试验中的计划;试验性运转;试验性离。
    an experimental drug; a pilot project; a test run; a trial separation.
  • 用实验方法讨论心理问题的心理学支。
    the branch of psychology that uses experimental methods to study psychological issues.
  • 同位,并列,并置一名词或一名词词组作为解释性成与另一个放在一起,这两个成与句子中的其他成有相同的关系;如科普利与painter(画家)在画家科普利出生于波士顿句子中
    A construction in which a noun or noun phrase is placed with another as an explanatory equivalent, both having the same syntactic relation to the other elements in the sentence; for example, Copley and the painter in The painter Copley was born in Boston.
  • 飞机起飞後二十钟一枚定时炸弹爆炸了。
    A time bomb explode twenty minutes after the plane take off.
  • 一种高大的沼生植物,种子成熟后会爆开,撒出大量的绒毛;其长而扁的叶子通常被用来制作蒲包和椅垫;布于北美、欧洲、亚洲和北非。
    tall marsh plant with pokerlike seed heads that explode when mature shedding large quantities of down; its long flat leaves are used for making mats and chair seats; of North America, Europe, Asia and North Africa.
  • 在社会主义社会里,工人阶级自己培养的脑力劳动者,与历史上的剥削社会中的知识子不同了。
    In a socialist society, the mental workers trained by the working class itself are different from intellectuals in any exploitative society past or present.
  • 海上油气勘探开发风险
    rish analysis in offshore oil and gas exploration and development
  • 专家们正在勘查这个岛的各个部
    The experts are exploring every part of the island.
  • 吉纳,优西比奥・弗朗西斯科1645?-1711生于意大利的耶稣会传教士,曾考察和绘制了美国西南部和墨西哥的大部的地图
    Italian-born Jesuit missionary who explored and mapped much of the American Southwest and Mexico.
  • 中国菜做得十精细、美味,非常好吃。
    Chinese dishes are exquisitely prepared, delicious, and very palatable.
  • 中国菜十精细、味美,它们是色香味俱全。
    Chinese dishes are exquisitely prepared, delicious.They are very good in color, flavor and taste.
  • 在宽度上充扩大的。
    fully extended in width.
  • 扩大或向外伸展的。
    fully extended or stretched forth.
  • 某事物所占的一块大的空间的部
    the extended spatial location of something.
  • 放射组织,放射状具有射线形式的结构或部
    A structure or part having the form of a straight line extending from a point.
  • 他给自己的住宅扩建了一部
    He built an extension onto his house.
  • 她的厨房和卧室都有电话机。
    She has an extension in the kitchen and in the bedroom.
  • 每间办公室都有电话机。
    There are telephone extensions in every office.
  • 工具房被看作是这座房屋的附加部
    The toolshed was built as an extension of the house.
  • 请给我接2856分机。
    "Could I have extension 2856, please?"
  • 我部分地同意你。
    I agree with you to some extent.
  • 地在某种程度上;部
    To some extent; partly.
  • 或多或少;有几;相当地
    To a moderate extent; quite
  • 全部地,充地,完全地
    To the full extent; completely.
  • 那位年轻人当时对待他的朋友十无礼,但是情有可原。
    The young man was terribly rude to his friend, but there were extenuating circumstances.
  • 他外表粗鲁, 心地却十善良.
    Beneath his gruff exterior he's really very kind-hearted.
  • 耳部该器官显露在外边的部
    The part of this organ that is externally visible.