  • 风景之美非笔墨所形容。
    The beauty of the scenery beggars description.
  • 篇幅有限,不对此详加描述。
    Space lacks for a detailed description of it.
  • 善于描绘力的作家。
    a writer of vivid or graphic descriptive power.
  • 其次,如果贵公司让我们有更多说明性资料的话,我认为这会有助于我方开拓市场的。
    Now, I think you could help us to widen our market if you'd let us have more descriptive literature.
  • 魔鬼保佑恶人(最不配成功者却获得成功);小人行大运
    Success comes to those who deserve it least
  • 如果你赢得了竞争对手的尊敬,可你是名至实归。
    If you have the respect of your competitors, you probably deserve it.
  • 不尊重不以尊重态度看待
    To fail to regard with deserved esteem.
  • 没有人拯救他的生命,他罪有应得。
    No one could preserve him from such a fate. He deserved that.
  • 但是克雷默认为基辛格的才应该得到更好的发挥,便劝他进大学去学习。
    But Kraemer thought that Kissinger's talents deserved better use and persuaded him to undertake study at a university.
  • 他的罪恶企图未得逞。
    His evil designs were frustrated.
  • 说出你想要的花吗?
    Will you designate the flowers you wish?
  • 这是一个应该避免使用的非正式术语。该术语有时用于一种逻辑元件,这种逻辑元件可以实现特定的功或在变量之间提供链接。
    An improper term to be avoided. This term is sometimes used to designate a logic element which performs a specific function or provides a linkage between variables.
  •  (3)本联盟每一国家法律中关于司法和行政程序、管辖权、以及指定送达地址或委派代理人的规定,工业产权法中可有要求的,均明确地予以保留。
    The provisions of the laws of each of the countries of the Union relating to judicial and administrative procedure and to jurisdiction, and to the designation of an address for service or the appointment of an agent, which may be required by the laws on industrial property are expressly reserved.
  • 设计服务于特殊功的。
    designed to serve a specific function.
  • 这种新引擎的工作效证妹此设计者技艺高超。
    The new engine's performance is a tribute to the skill of its designer.
  • 为这个城市设计一座桥梁吗?
    Are you capable of designing a bridge for the city?
  • 毫无疑问,我们把这项工程设计出来。
    There is no doubt that we will succeed in designing the project.
  • 原子应该为了和平的目的而使用,这是合乎情理的。
    It is desirable that atomic energy should be used for peaceful purpose.
  • 不可;不可以;不可取
    Not possible, permissible or desirable
  • 在电影业中称心的工作;有许多理想的性的家庭计算机
    A desirable job in the film industry; a home computer with many desirable features.
  • 有前途的有可以期望中的方式发展的
    Likely to develop in a desirable manner.
  • 参加这次会议是最好不过的了。
    It is most desirable that he attend the conference.
  • 在明确说出的或者暗示的限制下最合意的可性。
    most desirable possible under a restriction expressed or implied.
  • 参加此次会议,是最好不过的了。
    It is most desirable that he should attend the conference.
  • 希望你两点钟前到那里
    It is desirable that you shall be there by two o'clock
  • 希望你两点钟前到那里。
    It is desirable that you should be there by two o'clock.
  • 这个旅馆不令人满意。
    This hotel leaves much to be desired.
  • 缺乏产生意想效果的力。
    lacking the power to produce a desired effect.
  • 灵验的产生或产生所期的效果的
    Producing or capable of producing a desired effect.
  • 渴望与你方加强业务往来。
    Desirous of increasing our business with you.
  • 她可望能早日康复。
    She is desirous of recovering from his illness.
  • 我离职的理由是:希望在贸易方面,获得更广泛的经验。
    My reason for leaving my present employer is that I am desirous of getting broader experience in trading.