  • 11月13日,影片的生産和發佈商華納兄弟公司證實,在一些經常提供首映電影盜版的網站,最近赫出現了《哈裏波特與密室》的盜版電影。
    Warner Bros., the studio that produced and distributes the movie, confirmed Wednesday that pirated copies of the movie have popped up on Internet sites that regularly offer illegal copies of first-run films.
  • 他突如其來地勃大怒。
    He blazed up without warning.
  • 依他的能力,他在公司身居要職是理所當的。
    His abilities warranted his position in the company.
  • 兩年有效的保證;駕駛執照仍有效
    A warranty good for two years; a driver's license that is still good.
  • 而這些都是在一千年以前,甚至遠至春秋戰國、秦漢時代的成就;
    But these achievements go back a thousand years, or even earlier in the Spring and Autumn Period, the Warring States Period, the Qin and the Han Dynasties.
  • 儘管你也有這樣那樣的缺點,我們仍因為你的個性而愛你、尊敬你
    We love and respect you for what you are, warts and all.
  • 華盛頓的有些信件仍被保留着。
    Some of Washington's letter are extant.
  • 在屯墾初期,各族群衆當嚮導,提供生産工具,給予各種支持;自治區各級政府給兵團劃撥了大片的國有荒地和草場、礦山及天林等資源,奠定了兵團發展的基礎。
    In its initial period of land reclamation, people of all ethnic groups provided the XPCC with guides, production tools and other forms of aid, while local governments allocated large plots of state-owned wasteland and pastureland, mines and natural forests, which laid the foundation for the development of the XPCC.
  • 如果人類繼續浪費自資源,未來將會有什麽貯藏?
    What dose the future hold if mankind persists in wasting natural resources?
  • 要密切註意病人病情可能突變化。
    Be on the watch for a sudden change in the patient's condition.
  • ,瑪儂是死在荒涼的沙漠裏的,但是她是死在一個真心愛她的情人的懷抱裏的。瑪儂死後,這個情人為她挖了一個墓穴,他的眼淚灑落在她身上,並且連同他的心也一起埋葬在裏面了。
    Manon died in a desert, it is true, but in the terms of the man who loved her with all the strength of his soul and who, when she was dead, dug a grave for her, watered it with his tears and buried his heart with her;
  • 他們突遇見一條瀑布,它直瀉入洞底的地下湖裏。
    Suddenly they came to a waterfall which droped into an underground lake at the bottom of the cave.
  • 瀑布歌唱道:“雖渴者衹要少許的水便夠了,我卻很快活地給與了我的全部的水。
    "I give my whole water in joy," sings the waterfall, though little of it is enough for the thirsty.
  • 伯恩斯坦在四十年代後期和五十年代,先後創作有音樂劇“坎狄特”,“美妙小鎮”及“西部故事”,電影“海濱”的配樂和芭蕾舞劇“憂愁時代”。這些偉大的創造性的作品理所當地使他掌管了一支樂隊。
    The great creative output of the late '40s and '50s- the musicals "Candide", "Wonderful Town" and "West Side Story", the film score for " On the Waterfront," the ballet "The Age of Anxiety"- came, with good reason, before Bernstein acquired an orchestra.
  • 1998年,我國雖遭受到歷史罕見的特大洪澇災害,但由於全國上下共同努力,減少災害損失,加上秋季氣候條件好,農業仍獲得好收成。
    China was hit by exceptionally severe disaster of floods and waterlogging in 1998. Nonetheless, good harvest was achieved in agriculture as a result of the joint efforts of people all over China to reduce the loss caused by the disaster, and thanks to the favorable weather conditions in the autumn.
  • 每次我去醫院探望兒子總是先乘火車到倫敦滑鐵盧車站下車,這幾乎已經成了慣例,後步行25分鐘穿過滑鐵盧大橋,走到位於大奧蒙德大街的兒童醫院。
    The journey up by the train to London’s Waterloo Station had become almost routine. Then 20-minute walk across Waterloo Bridge and on to the hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street.
  • 她的頭髮自然捲麯。
    She has a natural wave in her hair.
  • 在兩政黨中該選哪一個,許多投票人仍拿不定主意。
    Many voters are still wavering between the two parties.
  • 他把國傢劇院想像為另一個樹立威望的計劃—一條激發愛國思想的代價昂貴的途徑。
    He obviously pictures the National Theatre as another prestige project, an expensive way of waving the flag.
  • 七個強盜搶劫郵車,被押車衛士擊斃了三個,衛士自己也不免“因為彈盡援絶”被那四個強盜殺死,後郵件便被從從容容地弄走。
    the mail was waylaid by seven robbers, and the guard shot three dead, and then got shot dead himself by the other four, `in consequence of the failure of his ammunition: after which the mail was robbed in Peace;
  • 我們要關心那些弱者,不他們會因失敗而放棄努力的。
    We must care for the weak who will otherwise fall by the wayside.
  • 而當敵人開始進攻時,我們往往不知敵之分進各軍何部最強,何部次強,何部最弱,何部次弱,需要一個偵察的過程。
    But at the beinning of the enemy's offensive we usually do not know which of his advancing columns is the strongest and which the second strongest, which is the weakest and which the second weakest, and so a process of reconnaissance is required.
  • 很無力但仍有活性。
    in spite of their weakness the group remains highly active.
  • 他突致富,富有改變了他的整個生活方式。
    He suddenly became wealthy, which changed his whole mode of life.
  • 法律和公共制度雖不直接生産價值,但它們是生産生産力的;如果薩依認為國傢在任何形式的政體下都能夠富裕起來,而靠了法律卻不能創造任何財富。那是錯誤的。
    Although laws and public institutions do not produce immediate values, they nevertheless produce productive powers, and Say is mistaken if he maintains that nations have been enabled to become wealthy under all forms of government, and that by weans of laws no wealth can be created.
  • 它使疲憊者有了休息。使失望者獲得光明。使悲哀者迎嚮陽光。又使大自解除了睏擾。
    It is rest to the weary, daylight to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and Nature’s best antidote fee trouble.
  • 黃鼠狼在捕食天食物時並不像平時那麽膽小,尤其是在為保護幼仔時它會兇猛如虎。
    Except as regards its natural prey the weasel is a timid animal but will fight like a tiger in defence of its young.
  • 這艘船安渡過了暴風雨。
    The ship has weathered the storm.
  • 那是一個睏難時期,但她安度過了。
    It was a difficult time for her, but she weathered through beautifully.
  • 考試雖很難,但我認為自己應付得不錯。
    The examination was difficult but I think I weathered it quite well.
  • 赤銅礦一種天的紅色次生銅礦,其基本元素為cu2o,作為風化的産物而形成
    A natural red secondary ore of copper, essentially Cu2O, that forms as a result of weathering.
  • 開始工作,要不你們今天就完不成任務了。
    Get weaving or you won't finish the job today.