  • 不断的发嘟嘟的声音;比如汽车的喇叭。
    toot continuously; as of a car horn.
  • 以连续变量作为输入和输的计算机。
    A computer with continuously variable inputs and outputs.
  • 弗兰克·法利(frankfarley)是费城的坦普尔大学的一位心理学家,他就人们参加冒险行动的不同程度来分类,把布赖恩特和我大概归在人群的上半部分。他说:“研究极端行为是我的长项。”他提了一种理论,认为人类行为可基于参加冒险的愿望而被描写为一个由不同程度构成的统一体。
    This puts Bryant and me somewhere in the upper half of the human race in terms of risk-taking behavior, according to Frank Farley, a psychologist at Temple University in Philadelphia "Extreme behavior is my beat," he said, and he has developed a theory that human behavior can be described as a continuum based on a willingness to undertake risk.
  • 做鬼脸做脸部极端扭曲的动作
    To make a sharp contortion of the face.
  • 描画经济的或者高效率的轮廓。
    contour economically or efficiently.
  • 绒毛雏鸟生时全身羽毛的松软细密羽毛,某些成鸟的廓羽下的松软细密羽毛
    Fine, soft, fluffy feathers forming the first plumage of a young bird and underlying the contour feathers in certain adult birds.
  • 当局在新道路工程的规划阶段,会就工程对环境的影响作审慎评估,并尽可能考虑进行环境美化工程,为周围山坡修饰外形,以及装设隔音屏障等。
    The environmental impact of new road projects is carefully examined at the planning stage. Where practical, measures such as landscaping, artificial contouring of surrounding hillsides and the installation of noise barriers are considered.
  • 福恩·霍尔昨天离天华盛顿法院之前,发誓说在1986年诺斯被解雇以前,她应诺斯之请在他的最重要的伊朗军售文件上做了一些更改,然后她于自主地销毁了原件。
    Fawn Hall leaves Washington court yesterday after swearing that she shredded originals of Oliver North's key Iran/Contra memos on her own hook after making some changes in them at Ollie's request just before he was sacked in 1986.
  • 中国在人口生率已明显下降的情况下,每年的生和人工流产的比例相当于目前世界各国的中等水平,这是中国大力贯彻以避孕为主的方针的结果。
    In a situation of a notably lower birthrate, the ratio of annual births to artificial abortions is about the medium level in the current world. This has resulted from effective practices of contraception.
  • 由于卵子不成熟、卵子成熟期已过、怀孕、服用避孕药或者卵巢功能紊乱等原因导致卵子无法排
    the absence of ovulation due to immaturity or post-maturity or pregnancy or oral contraceptive pills or dysfunction of the ovary.
  • 人口素质明显提高,全国人口受教育年限达到发展中国家先进水平,群众享有基本的医疗保健和生殖健康服务,普遍实行避孕措施的知情选择,生性别比趋于正常。
    With an obvious improvement of its population quality ,the period of time for the people to receive education would be among the longest in developing countries. The people would have access to basic medical health care and reproductive health services. Informed choice of contraceptive measures is to be practiced widely and the sex ratio at birth is expected to gradually become normal.
  • 这位农场主订了租自己土地的合同。
    The farmer contracted to lease his land.
  • 在奥维兹的帮助下,西格尔和华纳兄弟电影公司签了约,为其演功夫片。
    With help from Ovitz,Seagal contracted to make martial arts films for Warner Bros.
  • 我已决定不参与你们的计划;我要退
    I’ve decided that after all I don’t want to be associated with your scheme; I’m contracting out.
  • 中小型企业与大型工厂一向保持十分紧密的伙伴关系,他们互相依靠,作有效的分判安排,令整个制造业能够灵活迅速地应付不断转变的市场需求。
    Many SMEs are linked with larger factories through an efficient and flexible sub-contracting network. This arrangement has enabled the manufacturing sector to respond swiftly to market changes.
  • 在大力发展外贸进口、积极招商引资的同时,今年以来我国对外承包工程与劳务合作、对外投资等其他各项外经贸业务也都取得了新的进展,多双边经贸关系进一步得到加强。
    While actively developing import and export and promoting business and investment, we have also made fresh achievements in other foreign economic and trade areas such as foreign project- contracting, labor cooperation and outward investment, and further consolidated the multilateral and bilateral economic and trade ties .
  • 中耳肌肉的收缩现在喉咙肌肉收缩前6毫秒左右。
    This contraction occurs about 6 ms before the larynx muscles begin to contract.
  • 由于收缩使液体从凝胶体渗的过程。
    the separation of liquid from a gel that is caused by contraction (as in cheese making).
  • 防御装备承包商雷神系统公司,花费了1亿美元和14年的时间才研究了把军事热成像技术用于民用汽车的方法。
    Raytheon Systems, the defense contractor, has spent $100 million and 14 years figuring out how to adapt the military's thermal imaging technology to civilian autos.
  • 双方当事人同意和约定条件的文件。
    Document setting out the contractual term agree between two parties or contract between two parties where one party make an offer, and the other party accept it.
  • 亨利认为他总是对的,如果有人敢于反驳他的话,他就摆一副盛气凌人的架势。
    Henry thinks he is always right and gets on his high horse if anyone dares to contradict him.
  • 反向投资者做与大众的智识相反决定的投资者,如购买当时不被看好的证券
    An investor who makes decisions that contradict prevailing wisdom, as in buying securities that are unpopular at the time.
  • 提出相反的说法
    To utter a contradictory statement.
  • 从这些错综复杂而又相互矛盾的事实和统计数字中很难得一个结论来。
    It was difficult to think through this maze of contradictory facts and statistics.
  • 逆说,悖论一种尽管从可接受的假设中推导来但其核心是自相矛盾的论断
    An assertion that is essentially self-contradictory, though based on a valid deduction from acceptable premises.
  • 你的行为和道义对比时就显示差别。
    Your action contrast with your principles.
  • 相反的,企业气候可以很快就创造来!
    In contrast, business climate can be created quickly!
  • 可否冒昧请求你一份力?
    Would it be presumptuous of me to ask you to contribute?
  • 我们准备出57%。
    We prepare to contribute 57%.
  • 我们准备出57%。
    We are prepare to contribute 57%.
  • 他主动提向红十字会捐款。
    He offered to contribute to the Red Cross.
  • 这个新发现将对全人类作贡献。
    This new discovery will contribute to all humanity.