  • 目前在亚洲经营业务的司最渴求的是管理专才,香港在这方面虽然仍比不上美国,但已远较其他地区经济体系优胜,可以培育训练有素的管理人才,为跨国企业提供出色的服务。
    Companies operating in Asia today are crying out for management skills. While still behind US levels, Hong Kong is already way ahead of any other regional economy in providing trained managers, able to work well with multinational companies.
  • 通过多种方式利用中长期国外投资,把利用外资与国内经济结构调整、国有企业改组改造结合起来,鼓励跨国司投资农业、制造业和高新技术产业。
    We will utilize medium- and long-term foreign investment in many ways, combining it with the domestic economic restructuring and the reorganization and transformation of state-owned enterprises and encouraging multinational corporations to invest in agriculture and manufacturing and high and new technology industries.
  • 我们还将研究建立高新技术产品出口工业园;加强法规建设;吸引跨国司来华设立研发中心,把科技兴贸推向深入。
    We will, at the same time, consider establishing export industrial parks for high and new technology products, strengthen the legislation work, attract multinational corporations to open R&D centers in China and push the strategy of revitalizing trade through science and technology into depth.
  • 那条路上的联环撞车事故很多。
    A multiple crash can often be seen on that motorway.
  • 多产;多重所有权;给演说做了多重备份;他在众生活中的广泛成就;她的多重性格;凤梨是杂交水果。
    multiple birth; multiple ownership; made multiple copies of the speech; his multiple achievements in public life; her multiple personalities; a pineapple is a multiple fruit.
  • 不可通约的,无共同尺度的没有一个约数或一个数值能使所有给出的长度或度量成为其整数倍数
    Having no common measure or number of which all the given lengths or measures are integral multiples.
  • 这个全面连入法允许atm信元在任何一个节点被加进去或被释放出来,让电话司通过统计的方法在链路的整个带宽上实现流量的多路复用。
    The full-concatenation approach allows ATM cells to be added or dropped at any node and lets carriers statistically multiplex traffic over the full bandwidth of the link.
  • 该职使我有机会在全国承接高层办大楼的建筑。
    This position affords me very heavy experience with multistory office buildings throughout China.
  • 董事长对该司的未来计划一言不发。
    The director has been keeping mum about the firm's future plans.
  • 由市政府主管市长挂帅,以市信息化工作办室牵头,会同市相关部门成立"数字奥运"协调委员会和专家委员会;
    Headed by Beijing Municipal Office of National Information Infrastructure under the leadership of a mayor in charge of this sector from the municipal government, together with other municipal departments concerned, coordinating and specialist committees will be formed.
  • 市政府的行政办室所在的地方。
    a building that houses administrative offices of a municipal government.
  • 市政府占用了此地来建造新的市办楼。
    The town council appropriate the land to build the new municipal office.
  • 前不久市政当局布了一套新的交通法规。
    The municipal authorities put forth a new set of traffic regulations some time ago.
  • 到目前为止,核查委员会还没有发现这种武器,我们所发现的仅仅是一些空的化学武器弹头,这应该是还没有被布和销毁的武器。
    So far, UNMOVIC has not found any such weapons, only a small number of empty chemical munitions, which should have been declared and destroyed.
  • 第二次世界大战后,舅舅小查尔斯·h·墨菲把这家合伙司拓展成人们所熟悉的墨菲石油。
    Then,after World War II,his uncle Charles H.Murphy Jr.expanded the partnerships into what became known as Murphy Oil.
  • 从1994年以来,墨菲石油司的收益增长了一倍多,达到45亿美元,利润去年达到3.31亿美元。
    Murphy Oil's revenues have more than doubled since1994,to$4.5billion,and earnings hit$331million last year.
  • 他估计司将在今后5年里每年建立100个加油站,从而使自己成为美国成长最快的加油连锁店。
    Deming figures Murphy will build100stations a year for the next five years,making it the fastest-growing gasoline chain in the country.
  • 牛般的有健壮的、肌肉发达的体格的
    Having a heavy, muscular physique.
  • 在全市各处如雨后春笋般出现了许多新寓和办楼。
    New blocks of flats and offices have mushroomed all over the city.
  • 在全市各处如雨後春笋般出现的新寓楼和办
    Nd offices mushrooming all over the city
  •  新经济的另一个改变,我想就是很多跟互联网或高科技有关的新司风起云涌。好像只要成立一家司,高获利率的前景就指日可待。
    The New Economy has also led to the mushrooming of IT or Internet -related firms as though the mere setting up of such a company is a guarantee of high profits.
  • 如果新闻(社会的、金融的、司和企业的新闻加上软件的更新)能够无声无息、不惊不诧地送给你,那么为获取新闻而在很多www网站上漫游将成为昨日黄花。
    Navigating to a number of World Wid Web sites to gather news is a thing of the past if the news -- general, financial, corporate and enterprise, along with software updates -- can come to you with no fuss or muss.
  • 艾柯卡运用促销与关手段把马自达推荐给美国大众,于是美国人大量购买马自达轿车,使其成为福特司最畅销的车型。
    Iacocca used promotion and publicity to tell Americans about the Mustang, and Americans bought the Mustang in such large numbers that it became one of Ford's best selling models.
  • 他们相信爵将尽他所能集合起每一个人,牵制住敌军,直到皇家军队到达。
    They trust that the Duke will muster every man he can, and make play until the royal forces come up.
  • 第三十一条 安消防机构应当对专职消防队、义务消防队进行业务指导,并有权指挥调动专职消防队参加火灾扑救工作。
    Article 31 Public security fire control institutions shall give business guidance to full time and obligatory fire brigades, and shall have the right to direct and muster full time fire brigade for fire fighting and rescue work.
  • 甚至充当暗探,联络土匪,煽动部队哗变,实行测绘地图,秘密调查情况,开进行反对边区政府的宣传。
    Some of them are even acting as spies, conspiring with bandits, inciting our soldiers to mutiny, making surveys and maps of our region, secretly collecting information, or openly spreading propaganda against the Border Region Government.
  • 政府透过双方同意的管制计划协议,来监察这两家司的表现。
    The government monitors their performance through mutually-agreed Scheme of Control Agreements.
  • 我们很高兴任命你为我司的业务代表,并且期待彼此有利的交往关系。
    We are very happy to appoint you as our representative and look forward to a mutually beneficial association.
  • 正在教科文组织的主持下编写的《维持生命系统百科全书》着重于教科文组织诸多方面的可持续发展问题–生态问题、全球的稳定、和平、平与安全问题。
    The Encyclopaedia of Life Support Systems,being produced under the auspices of UNESCO,focuses on sustainable development in all its myriad aspects — ecological issues, global stability, peace,equity and security.
  • 大卫准备搭乘泛美航空司185班机于27日(周三)抵成田机场,请接。
    David fam185 due nadir wednesday 27th please meet there.
  • 新时代管理人员的需求可能会在司里产生一些麻烦,因为在这些司里,那些工作年限较长的中层部门经理曾在特权现象较少的环境里渡过他们的时光。他自然对这些新成员所赢得的迁就忿然不满。
    The demands of these new-age executives are likely to cause trouble in companies where longer-serving middle managers, who have done their time in a less privileged environment, resent the concessions the recruits are winning.
  • 众场合裸体飞跑。
    run naked in a public place.