  • 总之,三五个月或更长时里,我们的餐桌上多了一道菜总是一件好事。
    she prepared a three course meal.
  • 很多天的时用在编写这本新书上。
    Many a day was spent preparing the new book.
  • 黄色是这个房的主色。
    Yellow was the preponderant color in the room.
  • 与表示地点或时的副词或介词短语连用
    with anadvior a prepositional phrase indicating position in space or time
  • 不巧的是,新观念并非为长时从事研究工作的人所垄断。
    Unfortunately new idea is not the prerogative of those who spends a long time do research.
  • 对贵公司能在信用证规定时内装船,我们深表感谢。
    We must express our thanks for your have effect shipment within the time prescribe in the letter of credit.
  • 凶手在这屋子里;出席婚礼;存在于创造中的。
    the murderer is present in this room; present at the wedding; present at the creation.
  • 交换时间已过
    Effect not cleared( present again)
  • 过往在现时之前的时
    The time before the present.
  • 他于四月从日本来到此地,目前正在华南观光。
    He came over from Japan in April and is presently sightseeing in southern China.
  • 他气鼓鼓地在就寝的时爬上床,接着他妻子也上了床。
    He went stumping up to bed at his usual time, followed presently by his wife.
  • 为了保留历史纪录在将来的时被发现。
    for preserving historical records to be discovered at some future time.
  • 袁同志负责管理所有的车
    Comrade Yuan presided over all the workshops.
  • 在美国历史上有四位总统在任期被谋杀。其中第一位就是第16届总统亚伯拉罕?林肯。
    In American history four Presidents were knocked off while in office, the first of whom was the 16th President Abraham Lincoln.
  •    第七十四条全国人民代表大会代表,非经全国人民代表大会会议主席团许可,在全国人民代表大会闭会期非经全国人民代表大会常务委员会许可,不受逮捕或者刑事审判。
    Article 74. No deputy to the National People's Congress may be arrested or placed on criminal trial without the consent of the Presidium of the current session of the National People's Congress or, when the National People's Congress is not in session, without the consent of its StandingCommittee.
  • 她的身躯,好象是阴影构成的,几乎没有足以显示性别的实体,只是一小撮透着微光的物质,秀长的眼睛老低垂着,我们可以说她是寄存在人的天女。
    Her person seemed made of a shadow; there was hardly sufficient body to provide for sex; a little matter enclosing a light; large eyes forever drooping;-- a mere pretext for a soul's remaining on the earth.
  • 漂亮的女孩;优美的歌;可爱的房
    pretty girl; pretty song; pretty room.
  • 黄颜色是她房里的主要颜色。
    Yellow is the prevailing colour in her room.
  • 使用此菜单可在呼叫之前预览您的摄像机,或在会议期转换摄像机。
    Use this menu before a call to preview your camera, or during a conference to switch camera.
  • …之前在…时之前;早于…
    Previous to in time; earlier than.
  • 根据建立社会主义市场经济体制的要求,中国政府将着重在以下三个方面继续推进粮食流通体制的改革:一是尽快形成以市场定价为主的粮食价格形成机制,进一步发育和健全粮食市场体系,将粮食的地区计划调拨逐步改为产、销区通过市场流通来实现各地区的供求平衡。
    In accordance with the requirements for founding a socialist market economy system, the Chinese government will focus on continually propelling the reform of the grain circulation system in the following three respects. First, establishing a pricing mechanism as soon as possible, whereby grain prices are primarily decided by the market; further developing and improving the grain market system; and gradually changing the planned inter-regional allocation and transfer of grain to the practice whereby the producing and marketing regions achieve a balance between supply and demand among regions through market circulation.
  • 产于印度群岛和菲律宾夜活动的树栖灵长类动物,眼睛很大,趾端有适于攀橼的肉垫;灵长动物中唯一完全只吃昆虫和小脊椎动物而不吃植物。
    nocturnal arboreal primate of Indonesia and the Philippines having huge eyes and digits ending in pads to facilitate climbing; the only primate that spurns all plant material as food living entirely on insects and small vertebrates.
  • 懒猴一种亚洲热带生活的体小、行动迟缓、夜活动的灵长目原猴亚目动物,懒猴属和蜂猴属,有浓密的皮毛、大眼睛和退化的尾
    Any of several small, slow-moving, nocturnal prosimian primates of the genera Loris and Nycticebus of tropical Asia, having dense woolly fur, large eyes, and a vestigial tail.
  • 我们播出了一系列黄金时商业广告。
    We put a series of prime-time commercial.
  • 数据处理技术的一种打印方法,采用此法时,头一行的打印方向是从左到右,下一行则是从右到左。这样,就避免了不必要的托架移动,从而节省了时
    In data processing, a method of printing in which a line is printed from left to right and the next from right to left, saving time by avoiding unnecessary carriage movement.
  • 在计算机和打印机之的端口,能够使计算机同时向打印机提供多种信息。
    n interface between a computer and a printer where the computer sends multiple bits of information to the printer simultaneously.
  • 能够传送少量数据通常连在调制解调器和鼠标之的端口。
    an interface (commonly used for modems and mice and some printers) that transmits data a bit at a time.
  • 处于某一确定的以前的时的。
    at a specific prior time.
  • 犯人们每天有一小时放风的时
    The prisoners are allowed an hour's exercise every day.
  • 放风时,监牢里囚犯可以来回走动和会见其他人的时
    In prison time when prisoner can move about and meet other prisoner.
  • 她们需要一点“隐私”的时
    It is a kind of moment of privacy that they need.
  • 他们中许多人私下站在他的一边,但却不能公开支持他。
    Many of them are privately on his side but cannot support him in public.