  • 经理不出席, 派了个副手代表他.
    The manager was unable to attend but sent his deputy as a substitute.
  • 经理不出席,派了个副手代表他。
    The manager is unable to attend but send his deputy as a substitute.
  • 使生病,使失调,使错乱打乱正常的身体或智的健康;使神经错乱
    To disturb the normal physical or mental health of; derange.
  • 精神错乱一种严重的精神病,有时机体受到损害,有时没有,以人格错乱和与现实失去联系为特征,引起患者的正常社会性职的衰退
    A severe mental disorder, with or without organic damage, characterized by derangement of personality and loss of contact with reality and causing deterioration of normal social functioning.
  • 威斯敏斯特大学和德比大学的讲师说,绝大部分历史系的学生无法用英语很好地表达自己的思想,而莱斯特大学的教师认为,学生的英文书写力也在下降。
    Westminster and Derby lecturers said most history students were unable to express themselves well in English, while Leicester believed that written English skills were declining.
  • 标记表示语法种类或功的成分;衍生的或曲折演化来的语素
    An element that indicates grammatical class or function; a derivational or inflectional morpheme.
  • 但是,啊,我可失去了多少,你们看的人从戏剧表演中看动作,听语言的相互作用中产生了多少喜悦!
    But, oh, how much I must miss, and how much pleasure you seeing ones can derive from watching and hearing the interplay of speech and movement in the unfolding of a dramatic performance!
  • 够阅读但是不愿从书本资料中获取信息的人。
    a person who can read but is disinclined to derive information from literary sources.
  • 这本著作可使你确信,从积极心态获得好处。
    This powerful work will convince you of the benefits you will derive from PMA.
  • 早上的就集中资金早上,早上一年早得利一年,不然要拖到下个世纪去了。
    We should concentrate our funds on those projects that can be launched sooner than others. If we start some a year earlier, we shall derive the benefits a year earlier. Things must not be allowed to drag on into the next century.
  • 所有这些人的劳动最终都从面包或其售价那里获得报酬,制犁匠也和其余人一样,其原因是犁除了翻土外,没有别的用处,因而除非犁地增加土地的收益,使制犁匠的劳动得到充分报酬,否则谁也不会制作或使用犁。
    All these persons ultimately derive the remuneration of their labour from the bread, or its price: the plough-maker as much as the rest; for since ploughs are of no use except for tilling the soil, no one would make or use ploughs for any other reason than because the increased returns, thereby obtained from the ground, afforded a source from which an adequate equivalent could be assigned for the labour of the plough-maker.
  • 通过推论得到的或者够通过推论被得到。
    derived or capable of being derived by inference.
  • 此外,该署另设有21间美沙酮诊所、18间胸肺科诊所、13间社会卫生科诊所、五间皮肤科诊所、五间遗传科诊所、六间儿童体智力测验中心及其他诊疗所。
    The department also operates 21 methadone clinics, 18 tuberculosis and chest clinics, 13 social hygiene clinics, five dermatology clinics, five clinical genetic clinics, six child assessment centres and other clinic services.
  • 此外,该署设有21家美沙酮诊所、19家胸肺诊所、十家社会卫生科诊所、五家皮肤科诊所、四家遗传科诊所、六间儿童体智力测验中心,以及提供其他诊所服务。
    The department also operates 21 methadone clinics, 19 tuberculosis and chest clinics, 10 social hygiene clinics, five dermatology clinics, four clinical genetic clinics, six child assessment centres and other clinic services.
  • 为打开一个des加密的报文,黑客或商业间谍需要试验255种可的钥匙。
    To crack a DES encrypted message a hacker or commercial spy would need to try 255 possible keys.
  • 现有一种较快打开des密码的方法,它是由elibihman和adishamir发现的,但该方法仍需要247个步骤,在很多情况下是不实用的。
    There is one faster method of cracking DES encryption, discovered by Eii Bihman and Adi Shamir, but this still requires 247 steps and is not practical in most circumstances.
  • 她今天感冒了,不唱高声卸。
    She is catching cold today, so she can't descant on the tune.
  • 所以,中国不把自己搞乱,这当然是对中国自己负责,同时也是对全世界全人类负责。
    So China must not allow itself to descend into turmoil; We have that responsibility to ourselves and to all mankind.
  • 绕绳下降从山坡或悬崖上下来时的一种行为或方法,把一根拖长的绳子绕在一条大腿和相反的肩膀上,最后逐渐顺利地下山
    The act or method of descending from a mountainside or cliff by means of a belayed rope that is passed under one thigh and over the opposite shoulder so that it can be payed out smoothly and gradually.
  • 此景之美非笔墨所形容。
    Words cannot describe the beauty of the scene.
  • 你能否将它描述一下?
    Can you describe it?
  • 描绘一下您的包吗?
    Could you describe your handbag?
  • 把它描述给我听吗?
    Can you describe it for me?
  • 向我描述那部车子吗?
    Can you describe the car tome?
  • 任何言词均不描绘那景色。
    No words can describe the scene.
  • 给我描述一下异侧摆越吗?
    Can you describe an undercut for me?
  • 给我讲讲这场比赛吗?
    Can you describe the game for me?
  • 够描述发生了什么的观众。
    a spectator who can describe what happened.
  • 萨拉:贝特西,你讲述一下你的工作情况吗?
    Betsy, how would you describe your job?
  • 描述你的香港之行吗?
    Could you describe your trip in HongKong?
  • 向我叙述地震的详细情况吗?
    Can you describe the earthquake in detail to me?
  • 正如在第二章里所描述的,操作员通过这个命令,把一个物理设备分配。
    The operator can assign a physical device to a logical device name through this command, as described in the second chapter.