  • 这场战争南联盟人民造成了巨大的灾难,严重威胁到欧洲稳定和世界和平。
    The war has caused great suffering for the Yugoslav people and posed a serious threat to European stability and world peace.
  • 在一个毡房里,主人我们端上来奶茶、奶油和干酪。
    In one of the yurts, the host served us with tea, cream and cheese.
  • 为了数数桑巴尔岛的猫儿有多少只而寰游世界是划不来的。
    It is not worth while to go round the world to count the cats in Zanzibar.
  • 服务器将不仅快速你数据,而且出显示它所需的销售分析小应用程序。
    The server will zap you not only the data, but also the sales-analysis applet you need to display it.
  • 他们的劳动热情不能不我们留下深刻印象。
    We couldn't help being impressed by their zeal for labour.
  • 幽默感的确是通向幸福的一把钥匙,它生活增加乐趣和热情,使人活得兴味盎然。
    A sense of humor is really one of the keys to happiness. It gives fun and zest to life to make it worth living.
  • (希腊神话):第一个女人;赫斐斯塔斯按宙斯命令创造,宙斯将她和一个装满邪恶的盒子送了俄皮米修斯。
    in Greek mythology: the first woman; created by Hephaestus on orders from Zeus who presented her to Epimetheus along with a box filled with evils.
  • 请给我拉上拉行吗?
    Will you zip me up, please?
  • 我不含碳酸的矿泉水。
    Uncarbonated mineral water, please.
  • 我写好了这个故事时,我就把它读我的朋友听。
    When I'd written the story, I read it to my friend.
  • 为您去年10月所欠500美元过期帐目之事,我方不得不多次您写信。
    We have have to write you repeatedly about your overdue account of us $500 for last october.
  • 那位雍容华贵的妇人他留下了深刻的印象。
    The regal lady had made a deep impression on him.
  • 那位雍容华贵的妇人他留下了深刻的印象。
    The regal lady had made a deep impression on him.
  • 给我来一杯chivasregal.
    Give me a Chivas Regal.
  • 给我来一杯chivasregal.
    Give me a Chivas Regal.
  • 为了保障本币的信用,我们限制了发行额,大批地贷人民和投入生产事业,取得了人民的热烈拥护,本币的信用是很巩固的。
    In order to fortify faith in our own currency, we have restricted its issue and granted big loans to individual people and production undertakings, thus gaining the people's warm support and strengthening the people's faith in the currency.
  • 虽然我已他看了照片,但即使现在他还不相信我。
    I have shown him the photographs but even now he wo n't believe me.
  • 美瑜问你那个盒子值得多少钱,她的意思是要买一个作为你的礼物送与她公公,假如是不多钱的话,你就买一个送他吧。
    Mei Yu asks how much does the box cost. She would like to buy one which she will present to her father-in-law in your name. If it does not cost a great deal, you may as well purchase one and give it to him as a present.
  • 孩子们把糖块分开。
    divide the candies among the children
  • 在具有缓冲区的计算机中,可供使用的一种节约时间的技术,在计算机要求数据之前先从要调用的下一输入磁带中读入一数据块到计算机存储器中。下一输入磁带的选择由发计算机的指令来确定。
    A technique for saving time available in buffered computers. A block data is read into computer storage from the next input tape to be called upon before the data are required in the computer. The selection of the next input tape is determined by instructions to the computer.
  • 那位著名的电影明星雇了三个人来回覆歌迷写她的信。
    The famous film star employed three people to answer her fan mail.
  • 这项任务我压力很大。
    This responsibility bears down on me.
  • 她对家务活太挑剔了, 以致于佣人们不愿她干活。
    She is so particular about her housework that servants will not work for her.
  • 请允许我你介绍我们的司长周同志。
    Allow me to introduce Comrade Zhou, our department head.
  • 我已带信小调,让他来照顾你。
    I sent word to Xiao Zhou to go and look after you.
  • 主人切了一块很好的鸡肉我。
    The host carved me a nice piece from the chicken.
  • 要是正文加注过多, 读者就觉得喧宾夺主了.
    If you add too many notes to the text, the reader won't be able to see the wood for the trees.
  • 能给我一张纸吗?
    Would you please give me a piece of paper?
  • 我个机会让我解释一下。
    Please give me a chance to explain.
  • 我可以给你照相吗?
    May I take a picture of you?
  • 我谈谈红菱的情况。我记得她(过去)是一个很活泼的女孩子。
    Tell me about Hong Lin. I remember her(as) such a lively girl.
  • 你能我安置一个床铺过夜吗?
    Can you give me a bed for the night?