  • 写字的时候,字与字之间要均匀地开。
    Space your words evenly when you write.
  • 遗产得到了平均配。
    The inheritance has been evenly divided out.
  • 由差不多均匀布的小纤维覆盖。
    covered with fibrils more or less evenly disposed.
  • 薄砂层岩,板层砂岩一种有整齐层的能打砸成铺路石的水成岩
    An evenly layered sedimentary rock that can be split into paving stones.
  • 将某事物平均散到某段时间或配给每个人
    Even sth outbspread sth evenly over a period of time or among a number of people
  • 一片或一细条肥肉,尤指在一块肉中均匀布的
    Flecks or thin strips of fat, especially when evenly distributed in a cut of meat.
  • 一个男女人数各半的班级;他们平奖金;贫富平等对待。
    a class evenly divided between girls and boys; they split their winnings equally; deal equally with rich and poor.
  • 坚持实行企业、社会、财政各负担三之一的办法。
    We should continue to finance this effort by splitting the cost evenly among the enterprises, society and government financial departments.
  • 颗粒受太阳光中的紫外线作用,疏松污垢,然后和水一起将污垢均匀地散到玻璃表面。
    The particles interact with ultraviolet rays in sunlight, loosen dirt and, then, with water, distribute the dirt evenly across the surface.
  • 我们的新系列惊险故事於今晚 7 时 30 开始播出.
    Our new serial thriller begins at 7.30 this evening.
  • 前两名参赛者比相当——这真是半近八两,今天下午最后的决赛一定很精彩。
    The two leading competitions have an equal numbers of points - it's evens Stephens, and the final stages of the competition this afternoon should be very exciting.
  • 这些怪事都是丰富多彩的人生的一部
    Such strange events are all part of life's rich tapestry.
  • 三峡工程利弊的对比析可能会使我们更清楚地认识这一庞大的治水工程的最终影响。
    A comparative analysis of the positive and negative aspects of the Three Gorges Project will perhaps provide us with a better sense of the eventual impact of the massive water control program.
  • 需要余秋雨教授和其他中国知识子为构建这道文化桥梁献出更多的力量,使这道文化桥梁有更坚固的基础,以迎接一个文化黄金时代的重现。
    Much needs to be done by Prof Yu and other Chinese intellectuals to lay a strong foundation for the eventual completion of this cultural bridge which will pave the way for it to achieve a new golden era.
  • 恐怕买方将最后要求取消订单的剩余部
    Afraid buyer eventually request cancel balance order.
  • 使翻出,使外翻将(身体某部)里面翻到外面,将内表面翻出使突出
    To cause(a body part) to turn inside out by eversion of an inner surface.
  • 每三十钟一次,每半小时一次。
    every thirty minutes, every half hour.
  • 吝惜花出的每一分钱
    Begrudged every penny spent.
  • 有足够配给每一个人的量jj。
    There is enough for everybody.
  • 每人都应尽他的本
    Everyone should do his part.
  • 大家都要做好内的事。
    Everyone must do his part.
  • 没有充的证据能证明他有罪。
    There wasn't enough evidence to prove his guilt.
  • 这分明是你的错。
    Evidently you are in the wrong.
  • 钟之后,他从里面走出来,手里拿着一个褐色手提包,上面还附着一张大卡片,显然是包里的遗物清单。
    Within minutes he returned, carrying a brown handbag with a large card attached, evidently a listing of the contents.
  • 祭礼做得冗长,缓慢,明极力要延长民众共同祈祷的那种庄严和欢乐。
    The priests conduct the service slowly, deliberately, evidently trying to prolong the ceremony and the joy of praying all gathered together.
  • 最后,一个国家的生产资本虽然有很大一部用于支付劳动者的工资和薪金,但很显然,这部资本并非全都是生产所必不可缺的。
    Finally, that large portion of the productive capital of a country which is employed in paying the wages and salaries of labourers, evidently is not, all of it, strictly and indispensably necessary for production.
  • 应该让群众有充的权利和机会,表达他们对领导的负责的批评和积极的建议,但是“大鸣大放”这些做法显然不适宜于达到这个目的。
    The masses should have the full right and opportunity to express responsible criticisms to their leaders and to make constructive suggestions, but "speaking out freely and airing one's views fully" is evidently not the proper way to do that.
  • 善与恶泾渭分明。
    With evil good mixes not.
  • 分子进化的中性学说
    neutral theory of molecular evolution
  • "设计工作中必须十严谨,因为一点小的失误也会造成很大差异。"
    "You have to be very exact in the design, because a small mistake can make a big difference."
  • 注意细节的过于注重细节的;苛求的和繁琐的
    Overly concerned with details; exacting and fussy.
  • 正好是四点,一钟不多,一钟也不少。
    It is exactly four o'clock, not one minute more nor one minute less.