  • 但现实是:美国的司急需具有技术、市场营销以及金融方面的专业知识并懂得如何去调动他人积极性的经理人员。
    But the reality is that corporate America is hungry for managers with technical,marketing,and finance expertise and the know how to motivate people.
  • 他的主要职责是营造和保持和谐的氛围,激励属下为司的利益而共同奋斗。
    His main duty is to maintain harmony and nurture an environment that motivates subordinates to work together for the good of the company.
  • 几个卫兵把出租车推到了路上,然后跳上了火车。火车启动了。
    Some guards moved the taxi back to the road and then they jumped on to the train again. The train began to move.
  • 司里升职;处于领先地位
    Moving up in the company; moved into the lead.
  • 如果我能用你的电钻,那我就借给你我的割草机,平交换绝非强夺。
    I'll let you borrow my lawn mower if I can use your electric drill; after all, fair exchange is no robbery.
  • 不见得非是钱,或许简单到就借给一台刈草机,或许一点同情心、一点理解、一点耐心。不管是什么,社区的人们,不仅是有关部门或共机构,我们社会的每个个人都应站在受虐待妇女的身后帮她们一把。
    It doesn't have to be money.It could be something as simple as the loan of a lawn mower.Maybe some compassion,a little understanding,some patience,whatever it is,people in the community,not just agencies and institutions,but individuals in our society must be prepared to stand behind our women in trouble.
  • 他冲出办室,撞倒了两个学生。
    He burst out of the office and mowed down a couple of students.
  • 他还说,莫扎特和贝多芬的作品正被“华尔兹化”,以迎合众趣味。
    He complained that pieces by Mozart and Beethoven were being waltzified to please the public taste.
  • 伯恩先生把李先生和杨先生送到旅馆后,急忙赶回他的办室。
    Mr Bowen drops Mr Li and Mr Yang at their hotel and rushes back to his office.
  • 这位是关部经理唐天宇女士,这位是从伦敦来的琼·斯特朗女士。
    This is Ms. Tang Tianyu, Director of Public Relations Division and this is Ms. Joan Strong from London.
  • 共汽车开过时溅了我一身泥。
    As the bus passed, it spattered mud on my clothes.
  • 共汽车陷在泥里开不动了。
    The bus stuck in the mud.
  • 一整天我们都在银行和办室之间为弄清混乱的账目而奔波。
    All day long we went backwards and forwards from office to bank, trying to clear up the muddle in the accounts.
  • 在咱们的司,看不到混日子的人。
    In our company you see nobody muddling along.
  • 你的确让办手续弄糊涂了,我马上会给你弄清楚。
    You are clearly rather muddled about office procedures but I'll soon straighten you out.
  • 如果下星期我要参加考试的话,我就必须熟记一些式。
    I must mug up some formulas if I am to take the examination next week.
  • 用这个有柄大杯给你倒咖啡你不介意吧?非常抱歉,我们办办室里缺少杯子。
    Do you mind having you coffee in a mug? I'm afraid we don't run to cupsin this office.
  • 抢劫犯使受害者躺在路上。
    The mugger leave his victim lying in the road.
  • 抢劫犯在园里向他突然袭击
    Muggers jumped him in the park.
  • 在没有小汽车,没有行人,没有别的自行车、货车或小型拖拉机的空旷的道路上,经过3个小时行进之后,一辆蓝色共汽车出现了,发动机嘎嘎响着爬过一座小山,于是我上了车。
    After three hours of nothing on the road -- no cars, pedestrians, other bicycles, wagons or mules -- a blue bus appeared, its engine grinding, over a hill, and I got on.
  • 他经营着一个资金达数百万英镑的司。
    He is running a multimillion-pound company.
  • 那家司从小小的新司发展成数百万美元的大司。
    It grow from a tiny start up to a multimillion dollar corporation.
  • 有人认为跨国司的权力太大了.
    Some people believe that the multinationals have too much power.
  • 这个司被一家大跨国司买下。
    The company has been bought by one of the big multinational.
  • 这个司被一家大跨国司买下。
    The company have is buy by one of the big multinational.
  • 这家联营饭店集团已被一家大型跨国司收购。
    The hotel chain have been bought by one of the big multinational.
  • 一家多国司已经在试图拉我们的股东。
    Tentative advances have already been made to our shareholders by a multinational company.
  • 章鱼式的东西如跨国司这样有许多强大的、由中心控制的分支的事物
    Something, such as a multinational corporation, that has many powerful, centrally controlled branches.
  • 二是鼓励跨国司参与国有企业的改组改造,促进国有企业战略重组和结构优化;
    2. Encouraging multinational corporations to help Chinese state-owned enterprises reorganize and upgrade so as to facilitate the strategic reorganization and restructuring of these SOEs.
  • 担任多国司的推销员,期望在职位上有晋升并能分派到母司的海外分司去工作。
    To serve as sales promoter in a multinational corporation with a view to promotion in position and assignment in parent company's branch abroad.
  • 无论你是只负责某个部门、某个规模不小的司的分部还是某个富可敌国的跨国司,引导你作出决定的领导原则都应是相似的。
    Whether you're running a department, a large corporate division, or a multinational with a market cap, the leadership principles that guide your decisions are much the same.
  • 全球财富论坛于5月8日在香港开幕,来自全球500家跨国司的商业巨头汇集这里讨论经济发展前景。
    Fortune Global Forum held in Hong Kong started on May 8,a number of world business elites from the top 500 multinational firms gathered to discuss the prospect of economic growth.