  • 正如在游戏中规则的改变获得承认,在众意识中道德并不是邪恶,而是符合普通道德规范的决定。
    Just like in the game, a change in the rules causes acceptance, morality can be viewed not as an evil by the public perception but as a decision backed by common morals.
  • 在殖民地时代的马萨诸塞州,32名无辜人民被法庭下令处死,因为按当时的风俗,他们被认为是魔鬼附身的女巫。一个明显的教训就是:群众的恐惧和偏见往往影响司法的允。
    In colonial Massachusetts, by judicial order, 32 innocent persons were executed because, by the mores of the day, they were thought to be witches possessed of the devil. An obvious teaching is that common fears and biases make for poor justice.
  • (作者是摩根建富(亚洲)司的基金经理。
    (The writer is a Fund Manager of Morgan Grenfell Asia Ltd.
  • 摩根司私人银行部的全球市场战略分析家尼古拉斯·萨金称:“抛出的真正关键在于,认识到事情在何时已发生变化。
    " The real issue in selling is recognizing when the story has changed,” says Nicholas Sargen, global market strategist at J.P.Morgan's private bank.
  • 一段时间以来司已面临倒闭,但新来的总经理也许能使它起死回生。
    The company has been moribund for a time, but perhaps the new managing director will be able to breathe some life into it.
  • 在一年多一点的时间里,迈克尔o阿姆斯壮改变了看来日渐老化和衰败的电话司的经营战略、企业文化和发展前景。
    In little more than a year, Armstrong has changed the strategy, the culture, and the prospects of what appeared to be an aging and moribund phone company.
  • 早安,亚特兰大建筑司。
    Good morning, Atlanta Construction.
  • 毫无疑问,morris先生在本行业任何司作销售经理都会胜任,我们一致推荐他。
    We can certainly recommend Mr. Morris very highly as a sales manager for any company in the field.
  • 兹复元月7日来信。johnmorris先生在司曾任职三年。
    In reply to your letter of January 7, Mr. John Morris was with our company for three years.
  • 你明天能到我办室来谈谈吗?
    Could you manage to look in at my office to morrow?
  • 您对我司所提订单,请务必于明日下午三时前来电确认。
    Kindly let us have confirmation of these order by telegraph to morrow by 3 p.m.
  • 如果你离开司,菲尔曼会感到你背叛他,但你立即坚定勇气反抗自己良心的遣责。
    When you leave, Firman may feel betrayed, but you steel yourself against the re morse.
  • 园连个人影也没有。
    There was not a mortal man in the park.
  • 以及安排信贷融资,使香港按揭证券有限司可以精简其按揭购买计划,吸引更多银行向该司出售按揭。
    and a facility under which the Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation will streamline its mortgage purchase programme to make it more attractive for banks to sell mortgages to the corporation.
  • 到第二阶段,按揭证券司把按揭贷款证券化,然后把按揭证券售予投资者。
    In the second phase, the HKMC securitises the mortgages into Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) and offers them for sale to investors.
  • 在购买按揭方面,司于一九九九年年底的按揭贷款组合未偿还本金余额共达87亿元,其中九成是浮息按揭,一成是定息按揭。
    On the mortgage purchase side, the outstanding principal balance of the HKMC's mortgage portfolio totalled $8.7 billion at end-1999, 90 per cent of which were floating rate mortgages and 10 per cent were fixed rate mortgages.
  • 在第二阶段,按揭证券司把按揭贷款证券化,然后再把按揭证券售予投资者,这个阶段已于一九九九年十月展开。
    In the second phase which began in October 1999, the HKMC securitises the mortgages into mortgage backed securities (MBS) and offers them for sale to investors.
  • 据说这家司财政面临困难,建议将其库存暂时予以保管。
    Party report in financial difficulty suggest mortgage their stockpile temporarily.
  • 另一个资本家代替甲成了众的债权人,而甲则代替这个资本家成了生产(或可用于生产的)资金的所有者。
    Another capitalist substitutes himself for A as a mortgagee of the public, and a substitutes himself for the other capitalist as the possessor of a fund employed in production, or available for it.
  • 国家证券持有人或债所有者的情况与此相类似.他们是国家总财富的受押人。
    The position of fund holders, or owners of the public debt of a country, is similar. They are mortgagees on the general wealth of the country.
  • 到世纪是俄国的一个国;莫斯科是其首府。
    a Russian principality in the 13th to 16th centuries; Moscow was the capital.
  • 大多数穆斯林妇女在共场所都戴着面纱。
    Most Moslem women wear veils in public places.
  • 王后,主,贵妇指穆斯林贵族妇女
    A Moslem woman of rank.
  • 在穆斯林国家通常星期五休息,不办
    Offices are usually closed on Fridays in Moslem countries.
  • 穆斯林国家的会议室、法庭或共接待室
    A counting room, tribunal, or public audience room in Moslem countries.
  • 面纱穆斯林妇女在共场合所戴的遮面纱
    A veil worn by Moslem women to cover the face in public.
  • 清真寺附近有一家新盖的剧场和一家百货司。
    Near the mosque stand a newly-built theatre and a department store.
  • 〔1〕旧中国农村中有许多的共土地。有些是政治性的,例如一些区乡政府所有的土地。有些是宗族性的,例如各姓祠堂所有的土地。有些是宗教性的,例如佛教、道教、天主教、伊斯兰教的寺、观、教堂、清真寺所有的土地。有些是社会救济或者社会益性的,例如义仓的土地和为修桥补路而设置的土地。有些是教育性的,例如学田。
    [1] There were various forms of public land in China's rural areas -- land owned by the township or district government, by the ancestral temple of a clan, by a Buddhist or Taoist temple, a Catholic church or a mosque, or land whose income was used for public welfare purposes such as famine relief, or the building and maintenance of bridges and roads, or for educational purposes.
  • 只要黑人依然是不堪形容的警察暴行恐怖的牺牲品,我们就决不会满意。只要我们在旅途劳顿后,却被路旁汽车游客旅社和城市旅馆拒之门外,我们就决不会满意。
    We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities.
  • 两个认的真菌目之一;革兰士阳性球形或杆形体;有的能移动;在有些分类中被归为裂殖菌类。
    one of two usually recognized orders of true bacteria; gram-positive spherical or rod-shaped forms; some are motile; in some classifications considered an order of Schizomycetes.
  • 松竹公司
    Shochiku Motion Picture Co.
  • 凤凰影业公司
    Feng Huang Motion Picture Co.