  • "他們彼此打趣推搡,拿對方的滑雪技藝尋開心。
    “ They were kidding one another and nudging and joking over their skiing prowess.
  • 過去,學生在校要求穿方冠長袍,而不是身便服。
    Students were supposed to wear cap and gown in school instead of being in a state of “academic nudity”.
  • 我們都凍得發僵,催疲備的馬繼續往前走。
    Numb with cold, we urged the weary horses forward.
  • 這兩項課程特別語文及傳意技巧,以及運算能力和資訊科技應用,藉以加強學生的就業能力和多提供一個進修途徑。
    Both courses place special emphasis on language and communication, numeracy and IT application, with a view to enhancing the employability of graduates, as well as providing them with an alternative route to further education.
  • 這個數字意味産量提高了一倍。
    This numeral means a onefold increase in production.
  • 幾乎每種發現或發明背後都有一些故事,儘管這些故事並不都是那樣不幸。
    Almost every discovery or invention has some sort of story behind it, though they are not all quite such unhappy stories.
  • 一個尼姑和一名身工裝的男人走下了火車。
    A nun and a man in overalls got off.
  • 護士小姐,我躺難受。
    I am uncomfortable, nurse.
  • 護士傷感地看着我。
    The nurse looked at me sadly.
  • 護士到處伴隨這位老太太。
    The nurse accompanied the old lady everywhere.
  • 護士戴口罩和白帽子。
    The nurses wore masks and white caps.
  • 醫師後面跟許多護士。
    The doctor was followed by a number of nurses.
  • 兩個護士日夜護理那個奄奄一息的病人。
    Tweo nurses atteded day and night on the dying man.
  • 請叫護士們攙扶病人進醫院。
    Please tell the nurses to help the patients into the hospital.
  • 頭髮生長慢就意味頭髮沒有得到足夠的營養。
    Slow hair growth often means you are not giving your hair enough nutrients.
  • 通過破壞土壤中營養成分的輸送,重金屬也威脅森林的成長。
    Heavy metals also threaten the growth of forests by disrupting the supply of nutrients in the soil.
  • 他對車子着了迷。
    He's nuts about cars.
  • 蘇珊對隔壁那男孩子非常迷。
    Susan is nuts about the boy next door.
  • 她緊挨着他。
    She nuzzled up to him.
  • 輕輕撫摸着小貓
    Stroked and nuzzled the kitten.
  • 餐廳的墻壁鑲橡木。
    The wall of the dining room is paneled with oak.
  • 沿大道的所有橡樹都種成一排。
    All the oak trees along the avenues were planted in a line.
  • 每個槳被幾個人拖
    Each oar was tugged by several men.
  • 我們不得不將安排瞞琳達,因為她衹會進行干涉。
    We will have to keep the arrangements a secret from Linda because she'll only want to shove her oar in.
  • 我們騎駱駝,在太陽落山時到達了這塊緑洲。
    Borne on the back of the ship of the desert, we reached the oasis at sunset.
  • 請跟着我宣誓。
    Repeat the oath after me.
  • 他執於自己所堅信的事。
    He is obdurate in his convictions.
  • 巴黎七國首腦會議要製裁中國,這意味他們自認為有至高無上的權力,可以對不聽他們話的國傢和人民進行製裁。
    The Group of Seven summit meeting held in Paris adopted a resolution imposing sanctions on China, which meant they thought they had supreme authority and could impose sanctions on any country and people not obedient to their wishes.
  • 即刻從戲臺裏面傳出高低音樂器的樂聲;帷幕升起,走出四個人來,穿五顔六色的戲裝,臉上塗脂抹粉,爬上戲臺的陡峭梯子,一到了平臺,便在觀衆面前站成一排,嚮群衆深深鞠了一躬。
    Immediately a sound of music from high- and low-pitched instruments was heard underneath the structure, the curtain was raised, four party-coloured and painted figures issued from it, and clambering up the steep ladder on to the upper platform, ranged themselves in a row fronting the audience, whom they greeted with a profound obeisance.
  • [18]她說,那是在某州一次關於聽取削減體育預算建議的會議上,當時那董事會主席,一個過度肥胖的男子,目光透過眼鏡上框盯陳述自己理由的教員們。
    [18] It was during a board hearing on recommendations to cut the PE budget in one state, she says, when the board chairman, an obese man, peered over his glasses and stared at the instructors making their case.
  • 桌子上擺各種各樣的物體。
    Various objects were on the table.
  • 可是宇宙中每一種物體不管多麽小,都在某種程度上吸引其他所有物體。
    But each object in the universe, no matter how small, pulls on all other objects to some degree.