  • 据fraunhofergesellschaft司(这家德国司发明了mp3的大部分标准)的工程师称,1956年录制的单声道“hounddog”完全适合mp3,它充满了嘘声和击打声,mp3转换软件实际上是可以把它们去掉的。
    According to engineers at Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, the German company that invented much of the MP3 standard, "Hound Dog" is perfect for MP3;recorded in monaural sound in 1956, it's full of hisses and pops that MP3 conversion software actually can eliminate.
  • 电影院每逢星期一
    The movie theater is dark on Mondays.
  • 他拐走公司10000英镑.
    He went off with 10000 of the company's money.
  • 英国和澳大利亚的一些医生在《英国医学杂志》这份颇具影响力的刊物上发表文章说,一些制药司事实上正在"传播疾病",因为他们为了拓展市场不惜夸大了可治疗性疾病的范围。
    British and Australian medics writing in the influential journal said some drug companies were "disease-mongering" by widening the boundaries of treatable diseases in order to boost their markets.
  • 元一三五一年,即元顺帝至正十一年,各地人民纷纷起义。
    In 1351, the people in many parts of the country rose in revolt against the rule of the Yuan (Mongol) Dynasty.
  • 记录国家园里熊的数量;搜集人们的政治观点
    Monitor the bear population of a national park; monitored the political views of the people.
  • 主嫁给太子,尼姑生了一个和尚。”
    "The princess is married to the prince. The nun has given birth to a monk."
  • 这家司垄断了香烟业。
    This company has monopolized the cigarette industry.
  • 一种进行专卖的司。
    a board used for playing monopoly.
  • 司对法国酒的进口有绝对的垄断。
    The company had the absolute monopoly of import of french wine.
  • 司完全垄断了法国酒的进口。
    The company has an absolute monopoly of import of french wine.
  • 司对法国酒进口拥有绝对垄断权。
    The company has the absolute monopoly of importing of French wine.
  • 坚贞信徒元1世纪,在巴勒斯坦反抗罗马统治运动的犹太教派成员。因其统治与一严格的神教相冲突
    A member of a Jewish movement of the first century a.d. that fought against Roman rule in Palestine as incompatible with strict monotheism.
  • 要防止和克服单调刻板、机械划一的式化概念化倾向。
    We must guard against or overcome the tendency to be formulistic and abstract, which produces monotonous, stiff, mechanical and stereotyped works.
  • 博兹曼蒙大纳西南部一城市,位于布特东南偏东。始建于19世纪60年代,是黄石国家园的入口。人口22,660
    A city of southwest Montana east-southeast of Butte. Settled in the1860's, it is a gateway to Yellowstone National Park. Population,22, 660.
  • 黄石河美国怀俄明州西北部和蒙大拿南部及东部的一条河流,长约1080里(671英里),向北流经黄石湖和黄石国家园,然后向东和东北流入密苏里河,该园有大量间歇泉,其中包括旧费斯富尔泉
    A river, about1, 080 km(671 mi) long, of northwest Wyoming and southern and eastern Montana. It flows northward through Yellowstone Lake and Yellowstone National Park then east and northeast to the Missouri River. The park includes numerous geysers, including Old Faithful.
  • 司的条件是:自交货之日起3个月内必须支付现金。如1个月内付款,可打5折扣。
    Our terms are cash within three months of date of delivery, or subject to 5 per cent. discount if paid within one month.
  • 养老金制度中每月的积金要从薪金中扣除.
    Monthly contributions to the pension scheme will be taken out of your salary.
  • 请出示共汽车月票。
    Please show me your monthly bus pass.
  • 我们对贵司的条件是:分12个月付款时,打10%折扣;分6个月付款时,打15%折扣。
    Our term to you is 10% off a transaction of twelve monthly payment, or 15% only off a transaction of six monthly payment.
  • 对不起,先生,你能告诉我去蒙特利尔大街的共汽车站在哪里吗?
    Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me where the bus stop for Montreal street is?
  • 刘芳於一九七四年出生于云南昆明。六岁开始学习琵琶,九岁时首次演.
    Montreal resident Liu Fang was born in 1974 in Kunming in the Chinese province of Yunnan.
  • 如果这场寒暴再恶化下去,就会使这里到蒙特利尔的路白茫茫一片,辩不清楚了。
    If this winter storm gets any worse, it could white out the highway from here to Montreal.
  • 当东德在1976年蒙特利尔奥运会上夺得了女子游泳项目的13枚金牌中的12枚后,连好心的东德民都开始产生了怀疑。
    When East Germany won 12 out of 13 Olympic gold medals in women's swimming events in Montreal in 1976, even good GDR citizens began to have their suspicions.
  • 重组克莱斯勒是一项具有重大意义的任务,但是他努力不懈,直到把司推上他预定的轨道,艾柯卡常说,企业成功最重要的因素是人才、产品和利润,这也正是他用以挽救克莱斯勒的诀窍所在。
    Restructuring Chrysler was a monumental task.But he persisted until he got the company moving in the direction he wanted. Iacocca has often said that the most important ingredients for a successful business are people, product, and profits, and that is the recipe he used to save Chrysler.
  • 我很可能会把整个下午的时光都打发在园里了。
    I might have mooned away the whole afternoon in the park.
  • 美国原来的一个政党;由西奥多罗斯福在1912年总统选举期间建立;其徽章是一幅麋的图画。
    a former political party in the US; founded by Theodore Roosevelt during the presidential campaign of 1912; its emblem was a picture of a bull moose.
  • 总之,在时间和精力允许的情况下,尽量求新求变,料和方法,使自己感到新鲜,把本来例行事化的教学变成富有刺激和挑战的创作,这么做,时间和精力上也许要稍微多付出一点,可是效果却有利于自己的心理健康和工作士气。
    In short, do something new to make teaching refreshing for yourself so that a routine job becomes an excitement and a challenge. This is good for your psychological well-being and professional morale.
  • 违反共道德的不体面行为。
    disgracefulness that offends public morality.
  • 违背认的道德(尤其是性道德)或习俗的。
    contrary to accepted morality (especially sexual morality) or convention.
  • 行为放荡的人;共道德的衰落
    A person of loose morals; a decline in the public morals.
  • 警政对一个社区的事务的管理和控制,特别是对有关秩序、法律、健康、道德和安全的维护,以及其它影响到共福利的事情
    Regulation and control of the affairs of a community, especially with respect to maintenance of order, law, health, morals, safety, and other matters affecting the public welfare.