  • 一种不稳定的无机,已知仅存在于溶液和亚硝盐中。
    an unstable inorganic acid known only in solution and as nitrite salts.
  • 一种无机,如各种相关中含氧量最大的
    An inorganic acid, such as perchloric acid, containing the largest proportion of oxygen in a series of related acids.
  • 浙江、辽宁、广东、福建等近岸、近海海域为赤潮多发区。赤潮频繁发生海域多为受无机氮和磷盐污染较重的海域。
    The offshore and coastal zones in Zhejiang, Liaoning, Guangdong and Fujian provinces are the ones with frequent red tides, mainly affected by inorganic nitrogen and phosphate.
  • 科学家通过注入基因或激活细胞的脱氧糖核(dna)修复机制来造基因。
    Scientists would alter these cells by inserting genes or activating the cells' DNA - repair mechanisms.
  • 密码子组成基因密码的三个相邻核苷的顺序,在蛋白质合成时它指定在多肽规定结构位置引入氨基
    A sequence of three adjacent nucleotides constituting the genetic code that specifies the insertion of an amino acid in a specific structural position in a polypeptide chain during protein synthesis.
  • 脂质,脂一种包括脂肪、油茶、蜡、类固醇和甘油三脂的有机物,不能溶于水,却能溶于普通有机溶剂中,摸上去有油腻感,与碳水化合物和蛋白质构成了生命细胞的主要结构成分
    Any of a group of organic compounds, including the fats, oils, waxes, sterols, and triglycerides, that are insoluble in water but soluble in common organic solvents, are oily to the touch, and together with carbohydrates and proteins constitute the principal structural material of living cells.
  • 更具吸引力的是,ω-3脂肪能够和脑细胞周围的脂肪层起反应。
    Even more tantalizing, omega-3s interact with the fatty layers that surround brain cells.
  • 肠肽酶肠内分泌物和胰液中的一种酶合成物,在将多肽分裂成氨基的过程中起作用
    An enzyme complex found in intestinal and pancreatic juices that functions in the breakdown of polypeptides into amino acids.
  • 印度东部的一种无叶藤本植物;其汁,呈乳状,曾被用于制造兴奋饮料。
    leafless East Indian vine; its sour milky juice formerly used to make an intoxicating drink.
  • 性物质一种在溶解时发生电离从而使溶剂带上正电荷的物质
    A substance that ionizes in solution to give the positive ion of the solvent.
  • 一种离子合成物,能阻止碱度的变化。
    an ionic compound that resists changes in its pH.
  • 以色列士兵在学校向孩子们介绍如何使用防毒面具,因为如果美国和伊拉克在海湾地区开战,伊拉克很可能会发射导弹,以色列不得不为此作些准备。然而,孩子们向士兵提出的问题令人感到心
    An Israeli 4th grade student tries on a gas mask Israeli schoolchildren had some poignant questions for a soldier introducing them to gas masks as part of preparations for possible Iraqi missile attacks should the United States go to war in the Gulf.
  • 软玉一种由浅至深的绿色玉,主要指铁、钙和镁的硅盐物质
    A white to dark green variety of jade, chiefly a metasilicate of iron, calcium, and magnesium.
  • 几种的红色和黑色浆果,主要用于做果冻和果酱。
    any of several tart red or black berries used primarily for jellies and jams.
  • 为了漂白而用进行清洗;一般用于牛仔服。
    wash with acid so as to achieve a bleached look; of blue jeans.
  • 菠萝汁、梅汁、橙汁、橙汁和葡萄汁等等。
    Pineaapple Juice, Plum Juice, Lime Juice, orange Juice and Grape Juice, to name only a few.
  • 通常是新榨出来的橙果汁。
    usually fresh-squeezed juice of limes.
  • 个头大的、多汁、果肉微的黄色果实;常吃一半。
    large yellow fruit with somewhat acid juicy pulp; usual serving consists of a half.
  • 侍者:菜名也是意大利文,意思是烤猪肘拌菜薯茸,味道可口,值得尝尝。
    The name of the dish of is also in Italian. It means picked pork-knuckle on sour cabbage and mashed potatoes. It is delicious and worth trying.
  • 乳酸盐或乳酸酯
    A salt or an ester of lactic acid.
  • 现在他们戴上了用乳处理过的橡皮指套。
    Now they wear rubber fingers treated with lactic acid.
  • 迈尔霍夫,奥托1884-1951德裔美国生理学家,因发现肌肉代谢中氧耗与乳生产间的关系,与人共获1922年诺贝尔奖
    German-born American physiologist. He shared a1922 Nobel Prize for his discovery of the relationship between consumption of oxygen and production of lactic acid in muscles.
  • 乳酪一种具有味的蛋奶糕状食物,由细菌作用的牛奶凝结物制得,尤指保加利亚乳杆菌和喜温链球菌,常加水果以变甜或加味
    A custardlike food with a tart flavor, prepared from milk curdled by bacteria, especially Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus, and often sweetened or flavored with fruit.
  • 半乳糖一种单糖,ch2oh(choh)4cho,一般产生于乳糖及特定的果、树胶及胶质物中
    A monosaccharide, CH2OH(CHOH)4CHO, commonly occurring in lactose and in certain pectins, gums, and mucilages.
  • 主要由从脂肪中榨出的油脂构成的油,尤其用作润滑剂、切削油或照明剂。
    oil consisting chiefly of olein that is expressed from lard and used especially as a lubricant, cutting oil or illuminant.
  • 苯酚酞一种白色或淡黄色的晶体粉末,c20h14o4,用作性指示剂,用于制染料,并在医学上用作一种轻泻剂
    A white or pale yellow crystalline powder, C20H14O4, used as an acid-base indicator, in making dyes, and in medicine as a laxative.
  • 磷脂一种含磷的油脂,如卵磷脂和脑磷脂,主要由脂、磷盐和一个简单的有机分子组成
    Any of various phosphorous-containing lipids, such as lecithin and cephalin, that are composed mainly of fatty acids, a phosphate group, and a simple organic molecule.
  • 我的腿因为昨天跑步而感到痛。
    My legs are sore from all that running yesterday.
  • 像柠檬一样尝起来的。
    tasting sour like a lemon.
  • 柠檬汁把他的牙齿都倒了。
    The lemon juice set his teeth on edge.
  • 这柠檬汁使我的牙根发
    The lemon juice set my teeth on edge.
  • 巴比妥盐的致死药量
    A lethal dose of barbiturates.